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Just then they spy Marlo arriving as well. Instead, with his father, he turns himself in at police headquarters.

Omar, visiting Butchie at the ghetto bar, tells him that, incited by Stringer, he shot Brother Mouzone, whom Stringer said had killed Brandon. He's just another nigger with a gun. Maybe even criminal charges. "He's the one over City Hall every day getting his ass chewed."

When Bubbles finds out Sherrod has been skipping the first days of school, he gives him an ultimatum: "School or out the business." Given that Sherrod last attended the fifth grade, Bubbles asks Assistant Principal Donnelly to consider returning him to that level where he might be able to do the work. Realizing Burrell is under pressure from Valchek, Daniels bargains hard, agreeing to stay and take the assignment with two provisos: Burrell will let him pick his people and should the unit actually mount a case against Sobotka Burrell will make the squad a permanent, major case unit. "I'm just glad to see Lester doing it to somebody other than me." Pearlman is beside herself with worry over her standing in the state's attorney's office, but Daniels can't hold back his amusement and their candor with each other, which turns playful, indicates that their relationship has grown deeper.

Namond, Michael, Randy and their friends debate about which girls will have gotten phat over the summer and who'll they try to tap -- the usual adolescent bragging that ends when Monk approaches and starts peeling off $100s for back-to-school clothes, telling the boys to thank Marlo, who stands a distance away, enjoying his moment as streetcorner patron. Like I pretendin' I ain't been a dope fiend my whole damn life." He begs to be locked up, but Landsman, hearing how it went down, thinks it over, walks out into the squadroom, and tells Norris he wants to throw this one back. The primary road, named Margaret Corbin Drive, carries traffic from the park's southern entrance at Corbin Circle to a roadway that loops around the Cloisters. In the meantime, the city allocated $50,000 to shore up the fort's southeastern corner while the BrooklynBattery Tunnel was being built. Carcetti can't believe there's been no warning of this mess Royce left. He knows the Greeks killed Sobotka, he says, because Sobotka met with them the previous evening, after having told Nick of his intention to finger them. Extension of Chambers-street. Knowing the police couldn't have deciphered the puzzle so quickly, Levy smells a wire tap but it still doesn't add up. Pearlman wants to know what probable cause she can use for the warrant application. [147] That year, Alanson Skinner, an archeologist with the National Museum of the American Indian, discovered "traces of Indian shell heaps, fireplaces, and pits, indicating an ancient camping ground". Let it go."

Haynes wants Templeton to get to work on the school series, but the reporter pitches instead to do police ride-alongs to coincide with the serial killer case. Least I hope it ain't."

In a vacant, stripped rowhouse, Snoop and Chris - using a handgun with a silencer - shoot a begging man to death, promising him only that they will keep his death quick and clean. Hauk is on the street.

Chris Partlow comes up with a way to suss out the New York boys on the street - ask them a Baltimore question about local Baltimore club music. Davis doesn't have a name but figures Freamon could find one easily.

Snoop pulls up to Michael's corner and beckons him over, telling the soldier that she needs his help with a hit Marlo ordered. Police body camera footage of the assault on Paul Pelosi last week is being made available for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her family to view, according to San Francisco's district attorney. [30] It announced plans to install two ticket booths and a waiting area for ferries to the Statue of Liberty National Monument. "Only one way to find out," says Freamon, dialing his cell. Valchek tells Daniels that if something like that could be pinned on Sobotka, he would die happy. His stepfather gives him a warning, "You're big, but not big enough," before pressing him for the D.S.S. The word Kesselgarten became a generic term for any situation that was noisy, confusing or chaotic, or where a "babel" of languages was spoken (a reference to the multitude of languages heard spoken by the immigrants from many countries at the site). One minute the ice cream truck be the only thing you wanna hearnext thing, them touts callin' out the her-ron be the only thing you can hear." He notices Sherrod pretending to study an algebra text, telling Bubbles that the dictionary he has is a workbook to use with the text. "How?" Carcetti asks, his voice rising. Watching the transaction from the row house, Omar decides to continue to follow Cheese.

Freamon and his new unit, including Sgt. With Cole lying in state on a pool table, amidst much revelry and maudlin toasts, the cops bid him farewell. The monument was donated by C. K. G. Billings and the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. It is assumed he is there for sex, so there is no discussion of the subject or of money just the presentation of girls. A shooting Wednesday night in Oakland along International Boulevard left two people with critical injuries. [12][18], The northern portion of Manhattan was first known to be inhabited by the Wecquaesgeek tribe of Lenape Native Americans,[19][20][21][22] who referred to the area around Fort Tryon Park as Chquaesgeck. "He's schoolin' me."

At the Middle School, assistant principal Marcia Donnelly is reviewing the teacher shortage with principal Claudell Withers when a newly assigned math teacher, Roland Pryzbylewski, arrives suited up and briefcase in hand, to claim his new profession. [177][178] The Zoological Society planned to add deeper tanks on the second floor, expanding exhibition space by 20 percent. In total, Rockefeller had spent $3.6 million toward the park's construction. Democrats hold an overall edge across the state's competitive districts; the outcomes could determine which party controls the US House of Representatives. Monk takes a call and hands it to Marlo, who asks what time he can pick up "the skinny girl from New York," insisting he's gonna take care of it himself. The area between Broadway and the Hudson River, as far south as West 179th Street, was known as Fort Tryon. Them towers be home to me," he tells Bodie, who derides his sentimentality. Namond authorizes the charity, only to have little Kenard chastises him for his weakness. As Omar lights a Newport, a bag of vialed, ready-to-sling cocaine drops to his feet. Too crude, they reason, for Royce. [43] In his letter offering the park to the city, Rockefeller proposed to name the park after Fort Tryon,[43][50] but in September 1930, historian Reginald Pelham Bolton said that Rockefeller actually preferred to have the park be named "Forest Hill Park". It's been almost a month since Hurricane Fiona hit Puerto Rico but the challenges are ongoing, including power outages. Klebanow doesn't find the developments impressive enough for A-1 placement, but he tells Haynes to keep reporting and see where the story goes.

Marlo, Chris and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson meet with their attorney, Maurice "Maury" Levy, at his downtown office. Haynes, taking a deep breath, accepts the notebook, grabs the research on Templeton's stories from his desk and walks into Executive Editor James C. Whiting III's office. Privately, Krawcyzk commiserates with a colleague about how hard it is to feign losing hand after hand to the mayor when Royce plays cards so poorly. Dialing his own cell phone from the booth, he keeps the line open and begins to take notes.

Beadie stops by Bunk's office, looking for some guidance about how she should handle Jimmy. Bunk turns to McNulty, "This ain't Aruba, bitch." Still, McNulty muses, there must be some way to sort out the mess. She accuses him and Councilman Anthony "Tony" Gray of having "jumped the line" - she had a deal with Mayor Royce that he'd back her for mayor when the time came. [109] The surrounding area also hosts a wide variety of birds, including common species such as blue jays and cardinals; wild turkeys; and birds of prey including red-tailed hawks and owls. When he sees Ziggy and asks what happened to him, Ziggy tells the truth: "I dunno. Implicitly, he is criticizing Burrell. The stained glass hangs in a prized spot, the nave, and the priest is grateful. The state of emergency that San Francisco Mayor London Breed declared for the Tenderloin last December has a lot of people talking but no one is paying closer attention than the people who live there. The brick was intended to help horses ascend the driveway's 6% slope. Colvin sits bolt upright when he learns the news in the middle of the night. Freamon orders the men to wait and watch if Chris feels the location is secure, they're likely to see Marlo's crew arrive to pick up the re-supply. He wants in on the investigation of the bodies in the vacants, he admits. Dry-docks rustin', piers standin' empty. When he suggests separating the groups so the stoop kids have a better chance at learning without disruptions, Grace and Parenti warn that "tracking" can suggest reduced expectations for certain students and is looked upon with disfavor by the school system and by the public. You know you f**kin' want to." Storming out, the boy walks straight into Sampson, Colvin and Parenti; Colvin tags him as one of the corner kids for the program.

At Marlo Standfield's outdoor lair, Marlo and Chris Partlow talk about what to do about Omar. "You're his fuckin' cousin," says Sobotka, to which Nick responds: "You're his father."

In the detail office, Valchek shows up unexpectedly and berates the FBI for letting him down. The Cloisters objected to the entire park's renaming but reached a compromise to rename the park's southern entrance plaza and the main road. Namond balks, but Howard "Bunny" Colvin eyes him and he reluctantly climbs up, warning: "Y'all drop me, we gonna have more than words." He's exhilarated by the exercise, but when other volunteers are solicited, Albert bolts from the room with a string of profanity and a concerned Colvin follows on his heels. [214][215], Albert S. Bard, Walter D. Binger, and other civic reformers continued to advocate in favor of preserving the fort. He is angry at being pushed off his old strip and would like to beef with Marlo's crew, but Slim Charles cautions him. Snoop screeches to a halt, hops out of the truck and draws aim on a running silhouette, which she drops with one shot.

At a bar downtown, Bunk, McNulty and Freamon drink away the sting of their dismantled case and talk about how the "misdemeanor homicides" of dozens of young, black males catch less attention than one missing white girl in Aruba. Ellis Carver and his men for a "shift-change party" on a dead-end street in West Baltimore. When she stops the vehicle, he pulls a gun from under his shirt and aims it at her head. "They used to make steel there, no?" he asks.

Frustrated with the investigation, Russell visits Maui, a checker she used to date. Rawls quietly eats the implied criticism of his political interference in the Major Crimes Unit and its casework. Gianna Franco reports. [112] It was renovated in 1995. Nodding, Marlo takes the phone and leaves with Chris, who declines his boss's invitation to celebrate the deal in Atlantic City. No, they shot him down in street. Carver tells his mentor that he heard about the resignation on the radio and tells Daniels he wishes he could serve under him. [147], Together, the park and the Cloisters were listed as an historic district on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. Anthony Colicchio and Lloyd "Truck" Carrick" watch from theirs. [45] At the center of the ground story was a large circular pool surrounded by six smaller elliptical pools. Greggs busts in and announces she's not okay with the scheme.

At the morgue, a technician notes that the names have been changed on two body bags Omar's body bag is identified as a white male, heart attack victim, and vice versa. McNulty confesses what's been going on, telling her about the invented serial killer case and admitting it's gotten out of hand. They debate messing with him, but decide they just need to let him know they're taking over his turf. Namond heads home with Bodie's package, telling his mother it's a piece of cake. Worse, they manage to lose Vondas altogether.

Russell is outraged when she hears Pearlman and Daniels discussing possible immunity for White Mike on his drug charges, and volunteers to speak with Sobotka to see if she can flip him to learn the same information. Chris reports they've dropped five New York bodies; Marlo thinks that's enough to serve the Co-op's interest in driving the out-of-towners off Monument Street, and so, he gives him his marching orders: "This s**t with Andre? He hasn't spoken to Bubs in a couple of years - since he was last on the wagon. Growing up in a Latino household, you looked forward to taking trips to the local paletera -- a place that sells handmade popsicles. She tells a chagrined McNulty that he had no right to do this it impacts her life too.

Sydnor explains the map code to Freamon, who's impressed with his protg's detective work. Furious about Freamon's crusade to "make murders," Landsman turns his attention to a new case: Norris has a "sack in the box" - a guy who turned himself in for a murder, a guy claiming to have killed a fellow IV drug shooter with a "hot shot." When Landsman joins Norris in the interrogation room, he finds Bubbles, sober but getting sick from withdrawal, begging to be locked up for poisoning Sherrod with cyanide. But Carver realizes they are out of options.

Back at the Mayor's office, Colvin and Parenti meet with the Mayor's Chief of Staff and mayoral aide Jerilee Bennett, who see their project as "tracking, plain and simple" and are concerned they aren't teaching the curriculum, thereby leaving some of the kids behind. Lester Freamon pays a visit to a Grand Jury Prosecutor Gary DiPasquale at the courthouse he's found the leak who's selling sealed indictments. "Maybe we're turning a corner here," Daniels adds, hopeful, "and it's not gonna be so unbelievably f**ked up anymore."

Prez leads his now-indifferent class through sample test questions. You got hard eyes, you staring at the same tree, missing the forest." Greggs isn't impressed with his zen, but watches as they measure, order tests, use obscure technical terms - and fails to notice as Bunk slips a note inside the dead man's hand. Bunk shows Michael the homicide photos of his dead step-father and notes that he doesn't even flinch when he identifies him. No nail gun or lyme is found; none of the tools that Herc saw earlier. "Donut's crazy with cars, he can open anything," explains Randy as Donut works his slim jim into their teacher's car and pops the lock.

Sherrod comes home to the squatter's pad and finds Bubbles recuperating from his beating in bed. He was in jail for a long time, he explains, but "I didn't mean no disrespect." He doesn't want to get in the way of them learning the sport and bettering themselves.

Bunk takes Omar's case to detectives Holley and Crutchfield, and asks them what they ran on the witness, Old Face Andre. "I was hoping you'd say that name," Colvin says, acknowledging that Watkins, having supported Carcetti in the election, has the new mayor's ear.

Bubbles meets with some old-time street sages at an A-rabbers' stable on the westside and gets a few tips on ridding Fiend from his life. He commends McNulty for turning the tap back on paid police work and asks him what else he needs for his case. Parenti suggests maybe they were aware, but didn't want to acknowledge it. Leander Sydnor moans when he realizes the $80k withdrawal he's been tracing from State Senator Clay Davis's personal count isn't dirty it's just a loan he's repaying from his mother-in-law. "I'm the mayor of a major American city for chrissakes," he says to Wilson on the way out. "No wonder he don't like me," says Omar, amused.

Michael comes to Marlo looking for Chris: :"I got a problem I can't bring to no one else." Marlo and Snoop sit and listen to Michael's dilemma as Omar watches, dismissing Michael as no one he need be concerned with: "He's just a kid," he sighs.

. Bunk shows up, and when the bartender won't accept their OT slips as pay, they debate knocking over a liquor store to pay their bar tabs.

In the "smoking lounge" on the loading dock outside the Baltimore Sun, City Editor Augustus "Gus" Haynes talks about layoff rumors with veteran police reporter Roger Twigg and City general assignment reporter Bill Zorzi. The Chief of Staff is pleased, but Wilson, thinking of the school system, is decidedly unhappy and leaves angrily.

McNulty grabs Poot on Bodie's corner, and making sure no one's watching, demands to know who killed Bodie. Bubbles turns to escape, but Walon grabs his arm, telling his friend he needs to let the boy's death go. Cutty's now-veteran fighters, Justin and Spider, interrupt to pick a fight over the use of the bag, and Cutty breaks up the scuffle. Follow @NINGALOOCORALBAY and share your experiences by using the #CLOSER2NINGALOO hashtag. Bunk points out that they did the best they could with the information they had - a pointed criticism of her unwillingness to help the investigation earlier. When Carver turns to leave to begin making calls, Randy yells after him. Randy pays out the cash, but continues to finish the job on his own.

At the gym, Michael Lee works a bag as Cutty works yet another lady, showing her some moves. A school girl goes in the store, all dressed up and carrying a backpack - on the day before school starts - raising Omar's suspicions. from a dead homeless man whose body had stiffened too much to become a victim of the serial killer. "You have the Mayor's ear now?" she says, proudly. "I'm on my ass. Dukie is finally thriving where he is. Namond doesn't know what to believe.

Working the weekend shift two days before the primary election, Norris fills Greggs in on a message from a jailhouse snitch who wants to make a deal for the information they need to make the dead witness case. When he points out they will need decent undercover cars, the Mayor orders them to go to Enterprise if they have to, he's sparing no expense. They realize there are probably hundreds of other instances in which this has happened, and that in order to establish patterns and learn what the patterns reveal, they must dig deep into the cargo operation's computer records.

Bird is convicted for first-degree murder in the Gant case. In these lessons for the world they know as real, the children of West Baltimore are adept, competent and confident.

At Prop Joe's second-hand appliance store, Marlo hands over Herc's card to Proposition Joe and Slim Charles. Castle Clinton (also known as Fort Clinton and Castle Garden) is a circular sandstone fort within Battery Park at the southern end of Manhattan in New York City.Built from 1808 to 1811, it was the first American immigration station, predating Ellis Island, where more than 7.5 million people arrived in the United States from 1855 to 1890.Over its active life, it has also functioned as a Glekas later visits Spiros and asks if Nick is to be trusted. "That's my money," Marlo says, as the banker rounds it up for the stickup crew. "F**k that, you finish a pot, you make the next one." Carcetti sheepishly obliges.

As Dets. [26][28][30] A secondary roadway named Fort Tryon Place carries traffic to and from the northbound lanes of Henry Hudson Parkway, at the bottom of the cliff to the west. Moreover, someone got wind that he was once a cop, and they want to know if he ever shot anyone, and what kind of gun he carried. Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk and Det. Driving the FBI's interest in the post 9/11 world is a desire to wipe out union corruption at the waterfront, where the U.S. is perhaps most vulnerable to terrorist intrusions. Then his attention shifts to a young woman at the end of the bar

The next day, Chris, Snoop and Michael Lee, set up outside a house to murder June Bug, and Michael asks why Marlo put the order out. [284] The fort contained dioramas depicting Manhattan at various points in the 19th and 20th centuries. Better to appear sincere at this moment, rather than calculating - he calculates.

Colvin gets Sgt. "Go 'head Namond, get your package off this bitch and let's go." Namond looks sickened by the site of the battered Kenard. How it works Download The Check Cashing Local: 360-289-4297 [email protected] When they appear before the grand jury, however, the longshoremen reveal nothing. [108], The federal government notified New York state officials in February 1890 that it would take over immigrant-processing duties at Castle Garden within sixty days. Late that year, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Williams of the United States Army Engineers began planning a series of fortifications in New York Harbor. They're bombarded with suggestions, from "better witness protection" and "more proactive investigation" to "more scotch," "loose women" and above all, "pay hike." Laughing at the spirit of optimism, Det. [194] Moses opposed efforts to preserve Castle Garden, saying that the old fort "never fired a shot". [170] Townsend said the aquarium's mechanical facilities needed major upgrades;[170][171] according to Townsend, the mechanical equipment under the fort was flooded at high tide, and power was provided by coal bunkers, which had to be manually replenished every four days. Corbin Drive passes above Fort Tryon Place via a pair of masonry arches: one large arch at a rock cut that carries both directions of Corbin Drive above both directions of Fort Tryon Place, and a smaller arch that carries northbound Corbin Drive over the westbound Fort Tryon Place.

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