hoist motor calculation

Determining the piston-speed by equation 8. About Venco Venturo, Contact In the present case, this condition will be met by providing a motor with a pull-out torque of 2.5. The ideal case would be one in which the work of hoisting was constant at every part of the hoist; but the thickness of the rope may be such that the leverage of the load increases faster or slower than the weight of the load decreases, thus making the work on the engine to vary daring the trip. ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE TRUCK BED (IN FEET) 2. the trips per hour can readily be determined. In such a case, the design must be tested with the cage at various points, to make sure that the engine has sufficient power to handle the loads at the desired speed at all points. Where the motor is geared, the moment of inertia of the armature must be multiplied by the square of the gear ratio to refer it to the drum radius. Wire rope hoists and components - hoists and end carriages. Some engineers take the full time at full speed, a certain percentage of the accelerating and retarding time, and a smaller percentage of the rest period. Where power-factor correction is not desired, a simple relay could be installed; this would reduce the excitation during light load periods and increase it during heavy loads, thus tending to produce a more nearly constant power factor and saving some power. The more a machine or hoist is used, the sooner it will wear out. Lift/elevator/crane motors. 2. (Mandatory) The rated power and rated speed of the motor can be found on the nameplate of the motor. Where power is charged for on a basis of momentary peaks, the penalty caused by the use of an a.c. motor is excessive. Then, referring to Fig. This total weight is suspended from the drum rim so that the radius of gyration is the same as the drum radius. At the top of the sheet are four columns, the items in the first, which is headed Hoist-motor Output, are obtained from the load cycle on calculation sheet No. The calculations necessary for such a system are shown on calculation sheet No. Flywheels for such service in America almost exclusively consist of steel plates riveted together making. Thus, if the length had been taken as 44 in., or L = 3 2/3 ft., d would have been 27in., and the ratio 12L/d = 1.6+,and the piston-speed = 584 ft. per min. The angular acceleration and retardation is obtained by dividing the angular velocity by the accelerating and retarding time. This would require cars of 400 180 = 2.22 tons capacity, to handle the desired output. In a mine that is already developed, this is limited by the size of car that can be hoisted out of the mine and that will pass through the underground gangways. The friction of the hoist parts, including windage and friction of the cages in the shaft, has been the subject of much controversy. These values are obtained by adding the variable losses of the hoist motor to the output values in the first column. This angle should not exceed 6, in order that the rope may lead well on to the head sheave, and so that one rope will not grind or mount the next one in winding onto the drum. In general, a gearbox is used to match the drive to the load. and the second 3000 tons in 7 hr. 3, which shows that the cycle must be made in 21 sec. A = area of cylinder in sq. The generator field varies with the speed and, by means of a comparatively new type of relay, the acceleration and retardation is entirely automatic, during which time the main armature current is held at a predetermined fixed value. The difference between the energy contained in the wheel at full speed and reduced speed divided by 550 will represent the horsepower-seconds given up by the wheel when the speed is reduced. The final speed of the motor is generally a compromise to obtain the best all around conditions and will be influenced, to some extent, by the available speed of motors as developed by the various manufacturers. X 2 +1500 X 2 lbs. ; steam pressure, P, is 60 lbs., e = 0.7, g = 4/1, f = .01 (assumed), D = 4 ft. and L may be taken as 1 ft. for a trial solution; then. ; Heat Gain from Electrical Motors in Continuous Operation . 5. dia. The standards applicable are BS466 (Electrical) and BS2573 (Pt 1 and 2 - Mechanical). All loads on the generator are directly transmitted and must be supplied by the synchronous motor, while with the flywheel this was not directly the case, since the flywheel takes care of all peak loads and sudden fluctuations. The maximum rope speed has been increased from 1500 ft. per min. The average input to the generator was determined to be 435 hp. with a pull out of 2.4, would be recommended. They are thus more economical to operate than a single-drum engine, and the cost of installing will probably not be over 50 per cent, greater than for a single-drum engine. Efficiency (). The hoist and trolley arrangement: This is another important component in the overhead crane. The capacity of the generator should be 1100 kw. motor. By dividing length of lift by lifting speed in feet per minute, you can determine if you have exceeded this rating. When forced ventilation is used on the hoist motor, full time can be used during the entire cycle. Oriental Motor commonly provides inertia in oz-in. Calculation sheet No. The flat-rope system is very largely used in Montana, and in some other districts which have followed the Montana practice. Under the heading General Data are the specifications or the information necessary before calculations can be made. Each part of the cycle is taken separately and the equivalent heating calculated by adding the squares of the two horsepower values, dividing the sum by 2, and multiplying the result by the time. That gearing is liable to cause trouble and make considerable noise when run at a high speed, has been forcibly impressed on the mind of the writer by his experience in charge of a geared hoister, made by a reliable manufacturer, having cylinders each 18 in. After this the thickness of the rope can be found by equation 13. motors meet the requirements of efficiency class IE2 or high - er in continuous operation. + .01 X 8000 lbs. Hoisting machine eff. It is considered good practice to use not less than a, 1 1/8 in. If they are directly connected, the ratio of gearing, g, equals 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7-ju2b4h2U, When the weight of the load, size of the drum, and steam pressure are given to determine the size of the cylinders, there are two unknown quantities in the equation, viz. The load on the synchronous motor follows the load on the hoist motor with the exception that all losses in the system are added to the load of the synchronous motor. They must be started to a fair speed, in order that the fly-wheel may develop sufficient momentum to carry the crank over the center, before the friction is thrown in to pick up the load. Where the power system is large and where momentary peak loads are not penalized, a synchronous motor can be used on the motor-generator set. motor. Fig. Looking at Figure 430.1 in the NEC will help you keep this distinction clear. r = ratio of diameter of piston to length of stroke, both being in feet or both in inches, = stroke/diameter d = diameter of piston in inches, e = efficiency of engine. Reels for flat rope. (4), If the drum is geared, the engine will make g revolutions to one of the drum, or the leverage of the engine is increased to g times what it would be if directly connected, and the equation becomes, (W + F) D/2 = P x A x L x e x g/2.(5). Pump Power P (HP) = q (m3/hr) x (kg/m3) x g (m2/s) x h (m) x p (Pa) / 2685600. 3, position A, and (C+O+Rs)y/2-(C+Rl)D/2 =moment of the resistance when the load is at the top, Fig. W = weight of gross load in pounds. The minimum diameter of the drums is determined by the size of the rope used, and the larger the drums the smaller will be the bending-stresses and the more strength will be available for useful work. Double Conical Drum. The method of figuring special-shape drums is practically the same as for cylindrical drums, but somewhat more complicated as it is necessary to take into account the varying radius of the ropes on the drums and the varying rates of acceleration and retardation. From Table II. at throttle, corresponds to a cut-off of about . With these classes of engines the piston-speed may be taken at 200 to 400 ft. per min. The shaft horsepower-seconds for the actual work done in hoisting the coal is obtained by mutiplying the load hoisted by the distance and dividing by 550. After the machines are determined the details of the control must be settled; this in many cases means conferences with the hoist builders to determine the details so that the electrical equipment will coordinate with the mechanical equipment supplied by the hoist builder. eg gearbox or pulley loses, motor efficiency etc. Herringbone gears can be obtained with ratios as high as 15 to 1. For example, a 4-inch diameter wheel spinning at 600 rpm would be: r = 2in, wg = 600rev/min * 1min/60sec = 10 rev/sec. The maximum momentary peak at the start is 4100 hp. To calculate load torque, multiply the force (F) by the distance away from the rotational axis, which is the radius of the pulley (r) . This is a simple piece of apparatus and will give satisfactory service where a supply of good cooling water is available. The peculiarities of the different types of engines are brought out more fully by the calculation of the size of their cylinders when equipped with the different arrangements of drums. Hoist Calculator - Venco Venturo Industries LLC Hoist Calculator Download Hoist Capacity Chart 1. instead of 30 sec. It is frequently desirable to know the no-load loss of the motor-generator set or the power required to drive the set during the rest period. O = 5000 lbs. The difference between the ability to dissipate heat at full speed and at a standstill is greater for a high-speed motor than for a low-speed. in diameter by 48 in. On two speed hoists, the slow speed is generally one-fourth the hoist main speed. From the hoisting cycle, the kilowatt-hours per ton and the overall efficiency of the hoist can be estimated, as shown under the heading Input with Rheostatic Control. Venco Venturo began in 1952, growing into one of the largest hoist and service crane providers and building a reputation for quality on jobsites across a number of industries. Note that that is at 100% efficiency and in practice it will be higher. which is within the limits for these engines. As both cylinders are in use, the area has been doubled in the above calculation. Hoist calculation sheet No. The no-load loss of the set is 74 hp., or somewhat larger than with the flywheel set; as the synchronous motor is much larger than the induction motor, its losses, including excitation, more than make up for the flywheel loss with the induction motor set. Looking at the chart below, the associated load factor for a 60 leg angle is 1.154. The bisectrix of the fleet-angle should strike the middle of the drum. or a 50 rating of 1875 hp. Foot 10 HP Three Phase Crane Hoist Motor, 65 Degree Celsius, 415 V. Their valves are simple slide-valves in all but the largest sizes, and then they are usually of the Corliss class. It is essential that a positive grip is taken on the rope by the driving mechanism, or else its creeping on the driving-sheaves will make the indicators show a false position for the cages, and make accidents of overwinding a great, source of danger. The usual practice is so to proportion the cylinder that the length of travel is 1 to 2 times the diameter of the piston. rope on a 7-ft. diameter drum Calculation sheet No. Power factor (cos). Most hoist motors are rated for 15 minute continuous operation. per ton is obtained. [minimum motor 9.28 kW/1500 rpm.]. 5, Fig. motor with a pull out of 3 or a 1500-hp. With a plain cylindrical drum, the maximum rope speed, in feet per second, is obtained by dividing the depths in feet, by the running time per trip in seconds, minus one-half of the sum of the accelerating and retarding time. Let's do a quick calculation here: power = work/time work = force x distance So power = force x distance/time or equivalently, power = force x speed of lifting (rate) Force needed to hold 100 kg against gravity = 100*9.8, rounding it up to 1000N. If these place no limits on the design, the size of the load will depend on the output desired per day, and on the number of hoists that can be made per day. The total input, in horsepower-seconds, can be readily converted into kilowatt- hours from which the value 1.275 kw.-hr. Very high-grade engines, with other valve-gearing, may run at higher piston-speeds. stroke. The cost of sinking a shaft large enough for two hoisting-compartments and a manway is not much more than that of a shaft with only one hoisting-compartment and a manway; the head buildings must be nearly the same in either case; and the double-drum engine will have smaller cylinders, thus partly offsetting the cost of the second drum. Let us assume the same set of specifications, except that the output per day is 3000 tons. by 24 in. 11 shows graphically the input to the hoist from the power system with the three types of hoists just described. The efficiency of the motor. for those with 24- to 72-in. Thus the available strength is only 1/9 of the ultimate. Then the motor rpm will be: 43.4*34.5 =1497.3 [1500 rpm rated]. The motor is 12-years old and has not been rewound. A plain cylindrical drum has been assumed for simplicity; the question of conical and cylindro-conical drums will not be considered in this paper. By overexciting during acceleration and retardation, the armature current is kept at a lower value, which reduces the heating effect in the main circuit. A steam engine has a definite maximum torque, which the hoist has been designed to withstand, while a motor may be able to deliver momentary torques beyond the strength of the mechanical parts of the hoist. 5, recommendations for the capacity of the hoist motor, generator, a.c. motor, and weight of flywheel are made. Horsepower is work done per unit of time. Engineers associated with the writer, during the last few years, have felt that the various short-cut methods that had been worked up could be assembled in such a manner that any engineer working on hoisting problems could complete the necessary calculations in a short time and the results could be easily checked by another engineer. Flat ropes of rectangular cross-section are wound on a reel like a tape. Having settled the size of the useful load to be hoisted, the size of the rope must be determined. Determining the FEM Hoist Duty Service Classification 3, Fig. With cylindrical drums, the ropes in the two compartments, from the cages to the head sheaves, are of constantly varying lengths, and are in balance only when the cages are passing at the center. While knowing these calculations is a good way to get a sense of the size of the motor needed and a ballpark for what stall . Hoist reeving Calculation of the rope drive efficiency Conversion of lifting load to rope tensile force . Let's say the machine lifts it up at a rate of 1 meter per second. wheel is recommended. A circuit breaker located in the field circuit can be more readily handled than one in the main circuit. The flat-rope system of hoisting attempts to equalize the work on the engine by coiling a rope of rectangular cross-section on a reel, like a surveyors linen tape; so that the diameter of the reel increases and the leverage of the load increases as the weight of the constantly shortening rope decreases. This sketch is particularly necessary when a special shape of drum is used in order that the turns and varying radius at different parts of the cycle may be shown. The type of electrical equipment depends largely on the nature of the power supply, its capacity, and the form of the power contract under which power is purchased. One is the radius of the pulley 'r', and the other is the size of the mass. The capacity of the generator is calculated the same as on calculation sheet No. Lower loads mean the hoist will rotate slightly faster (noting it will be synchronous, or zero slip = 100% rotational speed at no load - the weight of the hook block means there always s some load, which is known as 'Light Hook' -so in practice there will always be some slip). With high-speed hoisting, inertia plays a prominent part and in many cases the power required during acceleration and retardation is the dominant factor in determining the capacity of the electrical equipment. The maximum work on the engine is in picking up the load and in overcoming its inertia. The control of two motors will be a little more com-. This speed will allow the use of moderate-sized drums and keep the piston- speeds within the limits of good practice. Other grades of rope require different diameter of drums, as will be seen by studying Tables I. and II. which, with 60 lbs. These motors may also be used for similar applications such as material handling, sluice operation on dams/weirs, lifts . The overall efficiency is found to be 40.8 per cent, or a little over 3 per cent, better than when using the fly-wheel set; the difference is largely due to the flywheel and slip regulator loss. R = number of revolutions of engine per min. Volume = 72 cubic feet. The horsepower-seconds during each portion of the cycle is readily obtained by taking the average value and multiplying by the time. S = speed of hoisting in ft. per min. for delays. With the field-control system the writer prefers to have no switch or circuit breaker in the main armature circuit between the hoist armature and the generator armature, but to obtain overload protection by opening the fields of the hoist motor and generator. Earliest sci-fi film or program where an actor plays themself, How to distinguish it-cleft and extraposition? Where the maximum rope speed exceeds 1800 ft. per min. A motor is selected that will probably be of sufficient capacity so that the inertia of the rotor can be estimated. a solid disk. However, since the motor works and stops you may reduce the required power according the duty type-see for instance IEC 60064-1 for duty type. Thus the entire weight of the hoisting mechanism is in perfect balance at all times, and the engine only has to raise the weight of the ore and overcome the friction of the moving parts. The total moment must be supplied by the hoist motor. Our SWP calculation utility can also be used to check if a hoist is suitable for particular application as buying an M3 / 1Bm duty rated hoist for an application which always lifts the maximum load or runs for a prolonged period may not be the best decision as the SWP will be used up quicker. Experiments have shown that, in starting with six inches of slack rope, the stress in the rope is about double that due to picking up the load gently. It is often necessary to calculate the size of a mine hoisting system required to raise a given quantity of material, either as a preliminary to the detail design of the machinery, or to decide whether machinery on hand or offered by a manufacturer is adapted to the work to be done. 1.1kw crane motor. - in the calculator above FLA is RLA + 25%. (11.8 cm.) In addition, higher speeds are sometimes obtained by several notches of field weakening of the hoist-motor fields. They are not adapted for regular mining work on a large scale, as the work expended in raising the cage, car and rope, each trip, would exceed the work of raising the ore. Double-drum engines overcome the dead-work of hoisting the ore-carriers by balancing the weight of the cage and car in one compartment against those in the other. Pneumatic motors are expensive and very loud as compared to hydraulic. "Public domain": Can I sell prints of the James Webb Space Telescope? 5. If the original diameter of the barrel of the reel and the thickness of the rope are properly chosen, the moment of the resistance will be constant. electric european electric hoist bridge crane, europe & german standard for over head crane. Each of these has a field of its own to which it is best adapted. 8. strokes. In general, motors up to 200 hp. When making calculations for direct-current field-control system, it is not necessary to fill in the spaces at the bottom of the calculation sheet under the heading Input with Rheostatic Control. 5, Fig. The maximum peak load during acceleration is 3050 hp., but this peak is not imposed upon the system suddenly. With a single shaft, the time to raise one load is the time to change or load cars at the bottom, hoist loads, change cars or dump at the top, and lower the empty cars; while, in a double shaft, two cars could be handled while the above programme was being carried out in a single shaft, as the second load would be raised while the first empty was going back down, and changing of cars at the top and bottom would be going on simultaneously. Typically around 0.86. The output of the hoist motor, in horsepower-seconds, is calculated from each part of the cycle and an average efficiency of the hoist motor is assumed at 88 per cent. Hoist creep speeds are generally one-tenth . The rapid increase in reliability, the low cost of operation, the ready application of safety devices, and the growing availability of central-station power have made the question of installing a hoist of the electric type no longer debatable. If the ratio is decided upon first, then the area can be expressed in terms of the stroke, and there is only one unknown quantity in the equation. THEN CLICK HERE: Click here to enter new values stroke. in., corresponding to 20 5/8 in. As an example, assume an output of 400 tons per 10 hours; shaft, with two compartments, 1000 ft. deep; hoisting in balance ; time available for hoisting, 6 h.; engine can hoist load in 1.5 min., and time to change cars 0.5 min. on a rope 8-ft. diameter drum C = weight of cage and car in pounds. The capacity of the generator will be close to 1000 kw. x 18 in. Lift motor with clutch system . The speed of the piston can be tested by equation 8: Piston-speed = 2LS/D x g = 2 x 1 x 400 x 4/3.1416 x 4 = 382 ft. per min. The actual work done is designated as shaft horsepower-seconds and is the product of the weight of the coal by the depth divided by 550; the efficiency, as shown, is 37.5 per cent. inside of the drum surface. The selection of the accelerating and retarding time depends on the hoisting conditions; this time will vary from 4 to 8 sec. With the new control system, it is almost impossible to have the circuit breaker opened unless there is some real defect, such as a short circuit in the main generator or hoist motor. They are only used where the rope is heavy, and the economy of accurate counter-balancing is clearly indicated, and will offset the extra cost of manufacture. There is a whole other piece of thinking to understand Pull out torque - this is given in BS466 as 'at leat 225% more than the torque required to lift the load at the required design speed'. The addition of the individual weights is shown on the left-hand margin of sheet No. For such high rope speeds and rapid cycles, the inertia effect of the a.c. motor is great, the power loss during acceleration and retardation, high, the peak loads upon the power system in some cases prohibitive, and the braking system questionable. This depends somewhat on the motors that have been developed and built. C = 5000 lbs. Where very deep mines are involved, the weight of the suspended cable will often more than balance the load, causing the power to become negative. The speed of the motor depends on several factors. ; the kilowatt-hours per ton is 1. Then, in whatever position the cages are in the shaft, there is the same weight of rope hanging in each compartment. Portal or semi-portal cranes. 7. According to table, hoist group FEM 3m. From equation 13, knowing t, the value of y can be obtained, or having decided on y, the equation can be solved for t. The minimum diameter of the barrel, D, depends on the thickness of the rope, and can be calculated from Mr. Hewitts equation, previously given : k = Ea/2.06 R/d + C in which k= bending-stress in pounds, E = modulus of elasticity = 28,500,000, a = aggregate area of the wire in sq. in dia. e = efficiency of engine. inch. What you've correctly calculated is the energy needed from the motor (given to the load) each second. and does not reach the maximum peak for 5 sec. Where adequate electric power is available, there are few cases where it would be advisable to install a steam or air hoist. P = M E P = mean effective steam-pressure in cylinder in lbs. Single-cylinder engines are used in mining to replace man- or animal-power for light work. The absence of variation in current during acceleration and retardation should be of considerable benefit in keeping down rope wear. The table shows that cylindrical drums are not as economical to operate as either the conical drums or the Koepe system. There must be a division left between the ropes on a conical drum in order to furnish positive grooves for the rope, so that the large coils cannot slip down over the smaller ones; hence the drum must be longer than those of the cylindrical design, even when the mean diameter of the conical drum is the same as the diameter of a cylindrical one. It is interesting to compare the sizes of the three types of engines, hoisting the same load at the same speed. 2, which also shows the rope speed, kilowatt-hours per ton, and other information in regard to the hoist. motor. R = number of revolutions of engine per min. the bending-stress is found to be 9937 lbs., and from Table I. the maximum safe stress is found to be 22,667 lbs. * For small low-voltage hoists, a drum controller can be recommended in most cases for either alternating or direct current. The object of the conical drums being to keep this moment constant, these two values must be equal, and, (C + O + Rl)D (C + Rs)y = (C + O + Rs)y (C + Rl)D(11). y= diameter of coil of rope, when cage is at the top, in ft, As these engines are used where every economy is desirable, they are usually direct-acting and fitted with double drums. per ft. From equation 1, K=5000 lbs. indicates the torque that must be delivered by the hoist motor. The crane duty motors are specially designed to offer satisfactory performance and long lives for service on the cranes and hoists. 3,700. W = weight of unbalanced load in pounds. The daily output of a coal mine is generally estimated on the basis of getting this output in 7 hr., allowing 1 hr. Referring to Fig. Koepe System. The speed of your bot is the wheel circumference2rtimes the rpm, with unit conversions where needed. Where there is a fairly large difference between the horsepower values in one part of the cycle, a more accurate result is obtained by adding to the sum of the squares the product of the two values and dividing the result by 3 before multiplying by the time. The piston-speed is 522 ft. per min. It is seldom that most of the information required under the heading General Data is obtained from the customer; the first seven items are usually given and the engineer recommends or estimates the other eleven. The dotted line shows the input to the line when using the synchronous motor-generator set. The capacity obtained is 970 hp. The inertia of the rotor of this motor, as shown in hoist calculation sheet No. As an example, required the working-load of a 1-in. r = ratio of diameter of piston to length of stroke, both being in feet or both in inches, = stroke/diameter C = weight of cage and car, The latter are fixed by the time required per hoist and the number of hours available for hoisting, after deducting from the working-day the time required for raising and lowering men, sending down supplies, and for the many small delays in handling cars. For example, take a look at the 1/2-ton Lodestar below: ton unit with a lifting speed of 8 fpm is a hp ton unit with a lifting speed of 16 fpm is hp ton unit with a lifting speed of 32 fpm is 1 hp MAIN HOIST MOTOR POWER CALCULATIONS thes type of crane single girder indoor EOT crane main hoist 150 tonnes class of duty class-II M5 design standards IS 3177 IS 807 IS 800 span 19 m bay length 100 m crane weight 50 tonnes crab weight 5 AS PER ANNEX-c CLAUSE - 'cl' OF IS :3177 Safe working load swl 150 tons v = velocity in m/s. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Give up energy require power from the motor capacity is 720 r.p.m conditions! Drum, but still a good answer readily noted that a considerable portion the. 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