black student union powerpoint

However, the prosecution never introduced it as evidence during the trial. [146][147][148][149], The two lead prosecutors were Deputy District Attorneys Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden. Structure an inclusive engagement process that addresses diverse stakeholder issues and knowledge levels. Instead they presented a witness who testified that Brown had purchased a pair of those gloves in the same size in 1990 at Bloomingdales for Simpson along with a receipt and a photo during the trial of Simpson earlier wearing the same type of gloves.[331]. [84] The police contacted Simpson at his home on June 13 and took him to Parker Center for questioning. Since all of the samples the consulting labs received were testable, while Scheck and Neufeld's theory predicted that they should have been inconclusive after being "100% degraded", the claim that all the DNA was lost to bacterial degradation was not credible. [175][176] The relevant statistic was "of the murdered spouses who were also victims of abuse, what percentage of them were murdered by their current or ex-husband?" Tags: Facilities Design; Facilities Planning; Historic Preservation; Informal Learning Environments; Library; Renovation, Presented by: Rebecca Bock Freeman, Senior Executive Associate, NorQuest College | Adam Chrobak, Senior Administrator and Assistant to the Dean, NorQuest College | Heather Kitteringham, Dean, Research and Strategic Enrollment, NorQuest College | Norma Schneider, Vice President, Teaching & Learning, NorQuest College. As with most of my programs, it was written for my own needs so may not be as polished and feature-complete as a commercial program. We seek to raise awareness and educate the university on political and social matters that are relevant to Black students and the broader community. September 16-17, 2022. Discuss campus-wide sustainability options and balance what is visionary with what is achievable. Come discover our valuable tools and strategies to enhance wellbeing, reduce energy costs, and improve resilience at your institution. [140], According to media reports, Clark believed women, regardless of race, would sympathize with the domestic violence aspect of the case and connect with Brown personally. This session will share techniques for retrofitting complex existing buildings to protect environmental, financial, and cultural resources. Simpson Killed Popular Culture", "Riske Says He Touched Nothing at Nicole Brown Simpson's Home", "First Officer at Scene Ends Long Simpson Testimony", "Victims Put Up Long Fight A Witness For Simpson Says", "Lessons Learned The Hard Way from O.J. [87] Jack Ferreira and Mike Smith were among those watching the chase not knowing why;[95] they felt part of a "common emotional experience", one author wrote, as they "wonder[ed] if O.J. Re-introduced the graphic export formats that were inadvertently omitted in the previous version. [144] On April 21, thirteen of the eighteen jurors refused to come to court until they spoke with Ito about it. There, he took off his blood stained clothes, put them in the knapsack (except his socks and the glove), put clean ones on, and left towards the limousine. Join us for an in-depth look at an academic facility that connects students with educators to foster imagination, critical thinking, and relationship building and champions the next generation of innovators who cross the boundaries of technology and creativity. This session will explore social justice initiatives that actively influence an institutions policies, practices, and its built environment to create a sense of belonging and wellbeing for the entire campus community. The Black Student Union (BSU) is a registered student organization that was created to address the needs and concerns of the Black student population at the University of Delaware (UD). Consider the key role of technology as an integrated opportunity for maximizing flexibility, agility, and efficiency. AIA LU 1.0 Unit (SCUP57C1813) Near Goldman's body were a blue knit cap; a left-hand, extra-large Aris Isotoner light leather glove; and the envelope containing the glasses that he was returning. You can begin making a difference in your institutions collaborative processes using the power of one by applying practical strategies for diffusing defensiveness and uniting diverse viewpoints for better project outcomes. Discuss an actionable approach to technology planning that includes equity and inclusion elements as critical solution architecture components. Study PowerPoint slide show on St. Helena Cemetery, Beaufort, S.C. (BlackBoard). Presented by: Heather McGowan, Future of Work Strategist, 2017 Global LinkedIn Top Voice for Education. Use collaborative workshops early on in your planning and design process to ask the right questions, challenge preconceptions, and define the processes that will drive your facility. Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld were also hired; they headed the Innocence Project and specialized in DNA evidence. [85][86] On June 14, Simpson hired lawyer Robert Shapiro, who began assembling Simpson's team of lawyers (referred to as the "Dream Team"). Reroot tree - select node and click reroot button in toolbar. [285], The only physical evidence offered by the defense that the police tried to frame Simpson was the allegation that two of the 108 DNA evidence samples tested in the case contained the preservative Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or EDTA. AIA LU/HSW 1.0 Unit (SCUP57C1792) So, SCUP created the next generation of its Campus Facilities Inventory (CFI) to help leaders see how their campus compares to national benchmarks and understand how things might change in the future. The Black Student Union is a student organization aimed at serving Penn State University Parks Black students and allies by establishing a sense of community through unity, legacy, and leadership. Aligning an institutions planning, assessment, and resource allocation systemically leads to improved outcomes and serves as a catalyst for reframing the value proposition and adopting inclusive and equitable principles. The Ferraro Building: The Department of Water and Power headquarters was the first building in CA to earn LEED Zero status, and has starred in a few films too. When you register for the full conference, you can invite as many colleagues from your firm or institution to join you for a special discount ($825 full conference or $540 single-day). Added a new drop down find panel that is activate by Find in the Edit menu or the find icon in the tool bar. Heather McGowan [29] According to Dr. Lenore Walker, the Simpson-Brown marriage was a "textbook example of domestic abuse". Ironically, it was the prosecution who asked to have the samples tested for the preservative, not the defense. Identify opportunities for incorporating hybrid educational models into your campus learning spaces. The officer who responded to that call, Detective John Edwards, testified next that when he arrived, a severely beaten Brown ran from the bushes where she was hiding and to the detective screaming "He's going to kill me, he's going to kill me", referring to Simpson. [3][106] Tests on the knife determined that an oil used on new cutlery was still present on the knife, indicating it had never been used. Tour of some of Californias most beautifully designed spaces. [171] Walker's colleagues were appalled by her decision to defend Simpson and accused her of betraying her advocacy for a $250,000 retainer. Times of disruption and economic challenge provide us with the opportunity to think and act differently, experiment with new approaches, and collaborate with unlikely partners. This session will discuss the process and outcomes of the universitys recent effort to acknowledge this legacy by incorporating a memorial into a large-scale campus infrastructure project. Discuss a collaborative process that engages educators, administrators, planners, designers, and community stakeholders to intentionally plan open space resources from vision through implementation. This tour will explore how the project came about, the process behind re-purposing the building, and how the project vision matched up to the reality. Join this moderated panel discussion for an intimate and intense dialogue about a new, urgently-needed ecosystem of workplace learning and development that eclipses traditional, episodic, and reactive workforce training. Identify ways to adapt and re-use 1950s-era concrete buildings to serve modern student needs. Assess your own institutional context with the three horizons model. Join us for the planning templates you need to create an engaging processincluding feedback sessions, hands-on activities, and collaborative draftingin which all of your institutions stakeholders are invested in the strategic vision. The purpose of the Black Student Union shall be to bring about a union of university students, faculty, staff and alumni of similar high ideals of academic achievement, leadership, and community uplift in order. Slides are available to registrants only. Simpson: The Key Players in His Murder Trial", "O.J. Assess your institutions resources and culture so you create a strategic plan that can be implemented. No-shows are not eligible for a refund, and funds committed by purchase order must be paid in full by the first day of the event. Tags: Environmental Scanning; Higher Ed Trends; Planning Processes; Scenario Planning; Trends External to Higher Ed, Presented by: Allan Donnelly, Associate Director, brightspot strategy | Jennifer McDowell, Senior Director of Design and Construction, Carnegie Mellon University. [95] McKay reiterated on radio his pleas to Simpson to turn himself in instead of committing suicide:[102] "My God, we love you, Juice. Assess your institutions view on academic workplace design compared to national research data and relevant case studies. Black Student Union. [344][345][346] After the trial, researchers reported increased reporting, arrests, and harsher sentences for those convicted of domestic violence. Tags: Facilities Design; Facilities Planning; Flexible Learning Spaces; Interdisciplinary Learning Environments; Learning Environments, Presented by: Ethan Ahlberg, Associate, EHDD | Nicole Mestice, Estimator, Truebeck Construction | Karen Moranski, Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer, Sonoma State University | Grant Ricks, Project Executive, Truebeck Construction | Ronald Rodriguez, Dean of Library Services, California State University-Stanislaus. However, organizations are wrestling with how to incorporate EDIB within their planning. Node shape option can now show shapes for internal or external nodes or both. tool requires no monthly subscription. Join us to discover institutional best practices and lessons learned using a comprehensive approach to analytics and assessment in integrated planning, resulting in greater operational efficiency and student learning. Issue 93: Command-line PDF/SVG export options not working. CEO AICP CM 1.0 Unit, Planning Types: Campus Planning Simpson: Week-by-week: Week 5", " Trials O.J. // ]]>, Tallahassee Community College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or other protected class in its programs and activities. The scale grid lines could be out of alignment with the axis. Describe how to apply a coalition structure, where the capital project serves as a live-learn lab, to different campuses in different contexts. President & CEO Incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into the institutional mission is deep, complicated work with no road map. Participants will meet at Handlebar Tours, please allow 45 minutes to travel. More animated ppt about Student Union Ppt free Download for commercial usable,Please visit PIKBEST.COM. [48], A few months before the murders, Simpson completed a film pilot for Frogmen, an adventure series similar to The A-Team. Evaluate tradeoffs between building and central infrastructure upgrades on your campus. If so, what will you do online. This supported the prosecution's theory that the assailant killed Brown first, then Goldman, and afterwards returned to Brown to cut her throat. You can watch streams from amateur & professional models for absolutely free. If youre new to SCUP, use this as a launching pad to build relationships with leaders all across the campus and the country. Engage with a framework for post-pandemic visioning to inform strategic planning on your own campus. Develop a survey to engage with your community of students, faculty, and staff to understand their needs and preferences for the future of learning. The Newseum has multiple trial-related items in their collection, including press passes, newspapers and the mute button that Superior Court Judge Lance Ito used when he wanted to shut off the live microphone in court so lawyers could talk privately during the trial. Appreciate the evolution of accreditation and integrated planning as approaches that share emphasis on constant inquiry, evidence, adaptation, renewal and response to prepare and build an institutions capacity for continuous change. As you put together your presentation team, consider these questions: We strongly encourage you to make sure your presentation team includes diverse voices, and that these voices are given equitable time to share their perspectives. Art Studio. Employ the critical notion of why as a link to help people across campus better understand the future and effectiveness of their programs and initiatives. The prosecution stated they believed the gloves shrank from having been soaked in the blood of the victims. Tags: Accessibility; Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI); Facilities Planning; Hybrid Learning; Information Technology; Learning Environments; Learning Technology; Technology, Presented by: Walter Goodwyn, Director, Office of Multicultural Engagement, Concordia University-Wisconsin | Michael Uden, Vice Provost, Student Enrollment and Engagement, Concordia University-Wisconsin. You will identify who you need to succeed and work with them. [67] A trail of the assailant's bloody shoe prints ran through the back gate. Well share lessons learned from our journey to empower each employees ingrained motivations by inspiring innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk taking. [175] The public shock at the reason why Walker was dropped from the defense witness list is credited with transforming public opinion on spousal abuse from a private familial matter to a serious public health issue. [324] Many of his minority former coworkers expressed support for him.[325]. Anticipate obstacles and imagine potential solutions that your institution may experience in the process of general education reform. Forecasting higher educations long-term future, Integrating DEI values, principles, and goals into day-to-day work across the institution, Assessing and correcting structural racism at your institution, Designing equitable planning practices and processes, Integrated planning techniques and best practices, Planning during uncertainty and rapid change, Linking the academic plan with strategic enrollment management, Leading culture or organizational changequickly, Preparing your college or university for an uncertain future, Creating space for community, both physically and remotely. Address campuses and unique needs under a unifying strategy. Tags: Alignment; Institutional Planning; Planning Processes; System of Colleges or Universities, Presented by: Lilian Asperin, Partner, WRNS Studio | Niraj Dangoria, Associate Dean, Facilities Planning and Management, Stanford University | Julianne Nola, Executive Director of Capital Projects, University of California-Davis | Debbi Waters, Associate Principal, Director of Planning, WRNS Studio. Bring planning together. Institutions are rapidly changing their instructional methods to accommodate hybrid learning in a post-pandemic world. defense expert disagrees with another", "Scheck Moves From Sidelines to Center Stage", "Simpson Defense Advances Police-Conspiracy Theory", "The O.J. Describe CSULBs process aimed at achieving Living Building Challenge certification for its two new campus housing buildings. Police were called to the scene and found Goldman's body near Brown's. rule". They concluded that Simpson probably was guilty but the prosecution failed to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Balance architectural conservation with current building performance and sustainability standards, technology and code requirements. Members should participate in Worlds Fair and the Co-Curricular Fair. Present at SCUP 2022! Planning Types: Strategic Planning Probability of error was 1-in-6.8 billion. 'A4 Black & White two-sided'. [369][370][371][372], Polling shows that minorities were divided by the verdict as well. [87] The LAPD notified Shapiro at 8:30am that Simpson would have to turn himself in that day. On March 20, 1995, Vannatter testified that he instructed Fung to collect the blood on the gate on June 13 and Fung admitted he had not done so. Assess the nature and quality of activities that remain in the back office and how this translates into space requirements and configurations. Tags: Business School Education; Business School Facility; Facilities Design; Facilities Planning; Hybrid Learning; Learning Environments; Learning Technology, Presented by: Patrick Calhoun, Architect, Stantec | Robert McMahan, President and Professor of Physics, Kettering University | Emily Puckett Rodgers, Space and Design Assessment Librarian, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | Travis Sage, Principal | Studio Design Leader, Stantec. [35] Of the 62 incidents of abuse, the police were notified eight times and Simpson was arrested once. This allows you to view a tree simply by pressing the space bar in Finder (will also automatically produce thumbnails). The Human Rights Commission is appalled and saddened by the threats of violence made against several Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Northern Kentucky Universitys (NKU) developed its unique strategic plan, Success by Design, through a framework that uses design thinking. The LAPD also declined to reexamine the evidence with modern methods because Simpson can not be tried for the same crime again under the Fifth Amendment. District Attorney Gil Garcetti elected to file charges in downtown Los Angeles, as opposed to Santa Monica, in which jurisdiction the crimes took place. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or Join us for key takeaways from RMITs large restructure project and find out how your institution can achieve efficiencies through team centralization. This session will discuss two new MIT initiatives in dining and design services, responses to critical business issues, student needs, and social and institutional calls for racial justice. [230][158] They argued that the DNA evidence against Simpson was "compromised" by the mishandling of criminalists Dennis Fung and Andrea Mazzola during the collection phase of evidence gathering, and that 100% of the "real killer(s)" DNA had vanished from the evidence samples. India. Evaluate and prioritize the highest and best use for office space to support multiple work modes, facilitate collaboration, and maximize engagement. The documentary primarily rehashes the contamination and blood planting claims from the trial and asserted that Simpson's elder son Jason is a possible suspect. Interdisciplinary and collaborative learning environments that address equitable student success are vital for graduating civic-minded citizens who can engage in solving global issues. Simpson was not seen again until 10:54 pm when he answered the intercom at the front door for the limousine driver, Allan Park. Tags: Community College; Engaging Stakeholders; Planning Processes; Strategic Planning; SWOT Analysis. Trial", "Gary Younge: OJ Simpson and America, ten years after the trial", "Jury Clears Simpson in Double Murder; Spellbound Nation Divides on Verdict", "Simpson Acquitted, Freed, Vows to Hunt Down Killers", "O.J. Learn how to do just about everything at eHow. [322] The public reaction to the tapes was explosive and compared to the video of the Rodney King beating from a year prior. Propose planning priorities and intended outcomes that are student-centric for the community, economic, and workforce needs of today and tomorrow. The content of every session I attended was, SCUP Planning Institute: Design (Two-day program 7/23-7/24), Optional Tour | Caltech: Developing a World-class Science and Technology Campus, Optional Tour | Cal State LA Student Housing East Tour, Optional Tour | Mid-century Madness: Architecture and Outdoor Sculpture at CSULB, Optional Tour | CSULB Student Success Center: Getting It All Under One Roof, Optional Tour | The Living Building Challenge and Community Building at CSULB, Optional Tour | A New Kind of Makerspace: USC's Iovine and Young Hall, SCUP Planning Institute: Sustain (Two-day program 7/27-7/28). Planning Types: Academic Planning; Resource Planning Based on interviews with university and design professionals, this session will present examples of processes, priority populations, planning methods, and products that support DEI on campus. In order to achieve collaboration, we must manage ourselves effectively and understand how our behavior affects others. Made the control palette title bars slightly thinner. Evaluate architectural design strategies for enhancing health, wellbeing, and social connection in student housing. Simpson's trial, such as the iconic line "Well, it is finally official: Murder is legal in the state of California" after Simpson's acquittal. Gabriel noted that African Americans were far more likely than other minorities to be receptive to claims of racially motivated fraud by the police. [231] The evidence was then "contaminated" in the LAPD crime lab by criminalist Collin Yamauchi, and Simpson's DNA from his reference vial was transferred to all but three exhibits. Student Union. Come learn how you can leverage undergraduate student research efforts and spaces within your campus environment to address topics that impact the wellbeing, expression, and representation of your campus community. Engage with your campus community in a more open and inclusive planning process to build project support. This tour will take you through the park-like Pasadena campus of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Foltz Criminal Courts Building. SCLC, student activists and smaller local organizations staged demonstrations across the South. [297] Martz stated that it was impossible to ascertain with certainty the presence of EDTA, as while the presumptive test for EDTA was positive, the identification test for EDTA was inconclusive. He began to buzz the intercom at 10:40, getting no response. AIA LU 1.0 Unit (SCUP57C1798) Superintendent and President AICP CM 1.5 Unit [54] Brown and her children then went to Ben & Jerry's before returning to Brown's condominium in Bundy Drive, Brentwood. [177], The revelation of Simpson's abuse of Brown is credited with turning public opinion against him. Access available session recordings and slides on the program page. The police arranged for more than 100 police officers on horseback to surround the Los Angeles County courthouse on the day the verdict was announced, in case of rioting by the crowd. We even added an architectural bike tour of Los Angeles for good measure. Discuss a comprehensive integrated planning process that links strategic, academic, and facilities planning to bring a campus community together, create a shared vision, and successfully prepare for implementation. [143][144][145][146][254] This, they argued, would allow bacteria to degrade all of the "real killer(s)" DNA and thus make the samples more susceptible to cross-contamination in the LAPD crime lab. Judge Ito denied the defense's motion to suppress the incidents of domestic violence, but only allowed witnessed accounts to be presented to the jury because of Simpson's Sixth Amendment rights. Presented by: Shannon Dowling, 2020-21 SCUP Fellow, Learning Environments Planner, Ayers Saint Gross. Available to registrants only, through January 24, 2023. Open to all new members, first-time attendees, SCUP Emerging Leaders, and the membership committee. Simpson's Alibi", "Proving the Case: The Science of DNA: DNA Evidence in the O.J. Planning Types: Academic Planning This evidence was determined to be probable cause to issue an arrest warrant for Simpson. Identify methods for engaging your entire campus in strategic planning execution. Planning Types: Institutional Effectiveness Planning [167] Shapiro, Dershowitz, and Uelmen later admitted they believe that race played a factor in the jurors' dismissal of Brown's abuse by Simpson. Tags: Facilities Planning; Space Assessment; Space Management, Presented by: Tina Dee, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Muskegon Community College. [96][87][91] The officer backed off, but followed the vehicle[99] at 35 miles per hour (56km/h),[9] with up to 20 police cars following her in the chase. Help your transformation leadership team develop a highly participative, long-term transformation campaign, shape a bold vision, and define strategies for its achievement. AICP CM 1.0 Unit, Planning Types: Campus Planning; Information Technology Planning Planning Types: Strategic Planning 60 0 obj <> endobj Get Away with Murder, which quotes Simpson allegedly saying: "If she hadn't opened that door with a knife in her hand she'd still be alive. Please email if you are interested in joining! Planning Types: Strategic Planning Simpson: Week-by-week: Week 4", " Trials O.J. Through leveraging public-private partnerships and collaboration with technology design teams, well share opportunities for your institution to become an industry leader and optimize your esports assets for students, staff, and the community. Unrivaled access, premier storytelling, and the best of business since 1930. Join us outdoors for a fun night in The Cove, located below the Terrace Plaza. Consider how work demands constant learning in order for people, businesses, and communities to thrive. The manager found the glasses and put them in a white envelope, which Goldman took with him as he left the restaurant at the end of his shift at 9:50pm, intending to drop it off at Brown's place. This session will provide valuable insights from educators regarding student learning activities, relationships, wellbeing, and motivation in the context of evolving hybrid education and learning environments. This session will offer practical technology insights, open dialog, and resources for the future of integrated planning and design. [64][304][305] Officer Robert Riske was the first officer to the crime scene and the one who pointed out the blood on the back gate to Fuhrman, who documented it in his notes that night. The College of Marin launched a yearlong series of college-wide discussions to engage its campus community in considering how to leverage new capacities and lessons learned from the pandemic to inform the new strategic plan development. Recreational drug use indicates the use of one or more psychoactive drugs to induce an altered state of consciousness either for pleasure or for some other casual purpose or pastime by modifying the perceptions, feelings, and emotions of the user. Evaluate the applicability of the 4DX strategy execution framework within your own institutional strategy execution. But disagreed on the back gate at Bundy, wellbeing, and building processes indicated that blood. The integrated triad framework to lead college-wide post-pandemic visioning significant because of exigent specifically For pick-up at the frontier of your discipline and your campus ' for! 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