sustainability program manager, net zero meta

Member FINRA/SIPC. Francia: esta publicacin es distribuida por UBS (France) S.A., una "socit anonyme" francesa, con un capital social de 132.975.556 , y domicilio social en 69, boulevard Haussmann F-75008 Pars, inscrita en el Registro mercantil de Pars con el n. B 421 255 670, para sus clientes actuales y potenciales. As part of its response to the committee, Google stated that a locking system for the device is in development. [79][80] The counselors were located in five States across Australia. , , . UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Beginnings of UBS Community Affairs at Wealth Management US, First Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) funds2, First bank to obtain ISO 14001 certification for worldwide environmental management system, Introduction of comprehensive climate strategy and start offsetting all CO2 emissions resulting from business air travel. [116], In February 2013, a Google+ user noticed legal issues with Glass and posted in the Glass Explorers community about the issues, stating that the device may be illegal to use according to the current legislation in Russia and Ukraine, which prohibits use of spy gadgets that can record video, audio or take photographs in an inconspicuous manner. Nigeria: UBS Switzerland AG y afiliadas (UBS) no poseen licencia, ni son supervisadas o reguladas en Nigeria por el Banco Central de Nigeria o la Comisin de Valores de Nigeria (Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission ) y no llevan a cabo actividades bancarias o negocios de inversin en Nigeria. To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30 upward (which can be altered for preference) or simply tap the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass." Recomendamos buscar orientao profissional independente em caso de dvida. 19) regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, in respect of any matters arising from, or in connection with, the analysis or report. SEBI: INZ000259830), (. HongKong:questa pubblicazione distribuita ai clienti di UBS AG, Hong Kong Branch da UBS AG, Hong Kong Branch, banca autorizzata ai sensi della Hong Kong Banking Ordinance e istituto registrato ai sensi della Securities and Futures Ordinance. Opinions expressed herein may differ or be contrary to those expressed by other business areas or divisions of UBS as a result of using different assumptions and/or criteria. Harmonising net zero criteria the Net Zero Guidelines for business. Vertrieb an US-Personen durch UBS Financial Services Inc. oder UBS Securities LLC, Tochterunternehmen von UBS AG. This decision was made in relation to a solar panel system whose embodied carbon was repaid during 1.2 years of use and it appears to mean that no buildings or manufactured products can legitimately be described as zero carbon in its jurisdiction. [49], Few companies have actually attained Climate Neutral Certification, applying to a rigorous review process and establishing that they have achieved absolute net zero or better impact on the world's climate. At UBS, we reimagine the power of people and capital, to create a better world for everyone: a fairer society, a more prosperous economy and a healthier environment. 1 | Choose Energy", CO2 emissions embodied in international trade and domestic final demand, "Carbon-neutral cities: Critical review of theory and practice", "How electrification can supercharge the energy transition", "Carbon Calculation | Certified Carbon Credits", "Noel Kempff project is 'saving the forest' by forcing destruction elsewhere | Fred Pearce", "The G8 summit promises to be a "carbon-neutral" event", "GreenBiz News |World Bank Group Goes Carbon-Neutral", "GreenBiz News |Rolling Stones Pledge Carbon-Neutral U.K. Tour", "Pink Floyd breathe life into new forests", "How it works: Innovation to decarbonise energy-intensive industries", "Carbon footprints will decrease in the Future", "Extinction Rebellion: What do they want and is it realistic? UBS Europe SE es una entidad crediticia constituida conforme a la legislacin alemana como una Societas Europaea, debidamente autorizada por el B. Bahrin: UBS es un banco suizo no autorizado, supervisado o regulado por el Banco Central de Bahrin, y no desarrolla actividades comerciales bancarias ni de inversin en Bahrin. En outre, cette publication ne constitue pas un conseil en placement et/ou marketing dinvestissement et ne saurait se substituer un conseil en placement et/ou marketing dinvestissement fourni par le titulaire de la licence concern, et adapt aux besoins de chaque personne. For instance, the direct emissions of an airline are all the jet fuel that is burned, while the indirect emissions include manufacture and disposal of airplanes, all the electricity used to operate the airline's office, and the daily emissions from employee travel to and from work. , UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa (Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores). In 2015, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), following the mandate of the CDM Executive board, launched a dedicated website where organizations, companies, but also private person are able to offset their footprint ( with the aim of facilitating everyone's participation in the process of promoting sustainability. Business is calling out for clear, harmonised guidance and tools for planning for net zero, and a level playing field to support this transition while retaining competitiveness. En Israel, UBS Switzerland AG est registrado como Operador Extranjero en colaboracin con UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd., una filial participada en su totalidad por UBS. Sollten Sie diese Unterlagen irrtmlicherweise erhalten haben, vernichten / lschen Sie sie bitte und benachrichtigen Sie UBS unverzglich. UBS AG : 1, IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. Essa pu essere distribuita, a solo scopo informativo, ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich, con sede in Wchtergasse 1, A-1010 Vienna. Le contenu du prsent document n'a pas t et ne sera pas approuv par une autorit pour les instruments financiers ou pour les placements aux Etats-Unis ou ailleurs. Greece: UBS Switzerland AG is established in Switzerland and operates under Swiss law. If CO2 emissions and sources are to be captured and stopped from entering the atmosphere, an alternate chemical solution must be formulated that achieves the desired output while not releasing CO2 as a by-product. Googled: The End of the World as We Know It. El tratamiento fiscal depende de las circunstancias personales y puede cambiar en el futuro. Essa pu essere distribuita a soli scopi informativi ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE, con sede in Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenaghen, Danimarca, iscritta alla Danish Commerce and Companies Agency con il numero 38172433. Essa viene distribuita a soli scopi informativi ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial, con sede in Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stoccolma, Svezia, iscritta allo Swedish Companies Registration Office con il numero516406-1011. Tutte le informazioni e le opinioni espresse in questo documento sono state ottenute da fonti ritenute attendibili e in buona fede; tuttavia, si declina qualsiasi responsabilit, contrattuale o tacita, per leventuale mancanza di correttezza o completezza (a eccezione della divulgazione di informazioni relative a UBS). La prsente publication ou documentation dUBS vous a t fournie car vous avez indiqu UBS Asesores tre un Investisseur qualifi sophistiqu tabli au Mexique. UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Bank of Italy (Banca dItalia) and the Italian Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (CONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la Borsa), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Elle est distribue uniquement aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial avec tablissement commercial sis Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, Sude, enregistre auprs du Swedish Companies Registration Office sous le numro denregistrement 516406-1011. , UBS UBS. CIO, , . [46], On May 16, 2013, Google announced the release of seven new programs, including reminders from Evernote, fashion news from Elle, and news alerts from CNN. Manche Anlagen knnen pltzlichen und erheblichen Wertverlusten unterworfen sein. UBS , . [137][138] In 2004, 46.7% of Costa Rica's primary energy came from renewable sources,[139] while 94% of its electricity was generated from hydroelectric power, wind farms and geothermal energy in 2006. The relevant investments will be subject to restrictions and obligations on transfer as set forth in the material, and by receiving the material you undertake to comply fully with such restrictions and obligations. HongKong: esta publicacin se distribuye por la sucursal en Hong Kong de UBS AG a clientes de esta misma entidad, un banco autorizado por la Hong Kong Banking Ordinance y registrado conforme a la Securities and Futures Ordinance. This study collates potential economic effects of mandated disclosure and reporting standards for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability topics. : UBS AG , / . , , , , , , ( , UBS). Isral: UBS est un tablissement financier international de tout premier ordre qui offre des services de gestion de fortune, de gestion dactifs et dinvestment banking partir de son sige en Suisse et dans plus de 50 pays aux particuliers, aux entreprises et aux investisseurs institutionnels. Under the premise "First reduce what you can, then offset the remainder", offsetting can be done by supporting a responsible carbon project,[28] or by buying carbon offsets or carbon credits. UBS Asesores CNBV 30060. Die in dieser Publikation vertretenen Meinungen und Ansichten stellen keine Empfehlung im Sinne der Municipal Advisor Rule dar und sind auch nicht als solche aufzufassen. O termo aconselhamento e/ou seus derivados devem ser interpretados e entendidos em conjunto com a definio do temo marketing de investimento, conforme definido sob o Regulamento Israelense de Aconselhamento de Investimento e a Lei de Gesto de Carteiras e Marketing de Investimento, de 1995. Qualora i servizi vengano forniti al di fuori di Jersey, non saranno coperti dal quadro regolamentare di Jersey. Griechenland: Die UBS Switzerland AG und ihre verbundenen Unternehmen (UBS) sind nicht als Bank oder Finanzinstitut gemss griechischem Recht zugelassen und erbringen in Griechenland keine Bank- und Finanzdienstleistungen. Les prvisions de placement de lUBS Chief Investment Office (CIO) sont prpares et publies par l'activit Global Wealth Management dUBS Switzerland AG (assujettie la surveillance de la FINMA en Suisse ou ses entreprises associes (UBS). In another example, the power company has a direct emission of greenhouse gas, while the office that purchases it considers it an indirect emission. As being a commonly accepted term for research centers and universities, the Industry 4.0 initiative has received a splendid attention of the business and research community. The CMA is focusing on three key areas: the console market, the game subscription market, and the cloud gaming market. Furthermore, this publication is not intended as an investment advice and/or investment marketing and is not replacing any investment advice and/or investment marketing provided by the relevant licensee which is adjusted to each person needs. Czech Republic: UBS is not a licensed bank in the Czech Republic and thus is not allowed to provide regulated banking or investment services in the Czech Republic. UBS AG UBS AG, , : Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Basel Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich. Mechanical Subject Matter Expert. "Doctors among Early Adopters of Google Glass". En cualquier momento, las decisiones de inversin (incluidas las relativas a la compra, venta o tenencia de ttulos) adoptadas por UBS y sus empleados pueden diferir o ser contrarias a las opiniones expresadas en las publicaciones de anlisis de UBS. UBS Asesores es una entidad regulada y bajo la supervisin de la Comisin Mexicana de Bancos y Valores (CVNB), que regula exclusivamente a UBS Asesores en relacin con los servicios de gestin de cartera, adems de los servicios de asesoramiento de inversin en valores, el anlisis y la emisin de recomendaciones de inversin individuales, de modo que la CNBV no tiene potestades de control ni puede tenerlas en relacin con cualquier otro servicio prestado por UBS Asesores. [24][25] In May 2012, Google demonstrated for the first time how Google Glass could be used to shoot videos. UBS AG Sucursal Dubai posee licencia en DIFC emitida por la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de Dubai como entidad autorizada. . Alguns investimentos podem resultar em significativas perdas de valor, podendo, inclusive, acarretar perdas superiores ao capital aplicado e consequente necessidade de aporte de recursos adicionais. Distribuido a personas estadounidenses por UBS Financial Services Inc. o UBS Securities LLC, subsidiarias de UBS AG. [26], Google provided four prescription frame choices for $225 and free with the purchase of any new Glass unit. gram was approved in the 2022 CIP. Toute transaction excute par UBS et tout conseil fourni par UBS ce sujet en vertu du document ne vous aura t fourni qu votre demande spcifique ou excute selon vos instructions spcifiques, le cas chant, et peut tre considr(e) comme tel(le) par UBS et par vous. UBS Europe SE est un tablissement de crdit constitu au sens du droit allemand sous la forme dune Societas Europaea, dment autorise par la BCE. O UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa est sujeito superviso conjunta do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), do Banco Central Alemo (Deutsche Bundesbank), da Autoridade Alem Federal de Superviso de Servios Financeiros (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e da autoridade de superviso espanhola (Banco de Espaa), aos quais a presente publicao no foi encaminhada para fins de aprovao. Meta Jobs Previa solicitud, podemos ampliar la informacin sobre la normativa pertinente de la Autoridad de Supervisin Prudencial. Italia: Esta publicacin no tiene por objetivo constituir una oferta pblica conforme a la ley italiana. Please notify UBS if you do not wish to receive any further correspondence. Manufacturing industry profoundly impact economic and societal progress. UBS Europe SE est un tablissement de crdit constitu au sens du droit allemand sous la forme dune Societas Europaea, dment autorise par la BCE. UBS AG, sus afiliadas y filiales pueden tener posiciones en deuda o posiciones en empresa/empresas indias analizadas. Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Einzelheiten zum Umfang der Regulierung durch die Prudential Regulation Authority sind auf Anfrage erhltlich. The driver was reportedly the first to be fined for driving while wearing a Google Glass. UBS Europe SE , . Reimagining the power of people and capital to create a more sustainable world, Suni Harford, Group Executive Board lead for Sustainability and Impact and President Asset Management. The Christian Science Monitor criticized the use of NativeEnergy, a for-profit company that sells offset credits to businesses and celebrities like Dave Matthews. "[129], In October 2013, a driver in California was ticketed for "driving with monitor visible to driver (Google Glass)" after being pulled over for speeding by a San Diego Police Department officer. System Models for Policy Analysis [194], Tracing the history of certain illusions in climate policy from 1988 to 2021, climate scientists James Dyke, Robert Watson, and Wolfgang Knorr "[arrive] at the painful realisation that the idea of net zero has licensed a recklessly cavalier 'burn now, pay later' approach which has seen carbon emissions continue to soar [8] Shifting towards the use of renewable energy such as wind, geothermal, and solar power,[9] zero-energy systems like passive daytime radiative cooling,[10] as well as nuclear power,[11] reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Austria: esta publicacin no est destinada a constituir una oferta pblica conforme a la legislacin austriaca. Member FINRA/SIPC. Bitte informieren Sie UBS, wenn Sie keine weitere Korrespondenz wnschen. [159], On 7 November 2019, New Zealand passed a bill requiring the country to be net zero for all greenhouse gases by 2050 (with the exception of biogenic methane, with plans to reduce that by 2447% below 2017 levels by 2050). Version XE8 made a debut for Google Glass on August 12, 2013. [46] Also, delaying significant action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly being considered to not be a financially sound idea. O desempenho passado de um investimento no constitui indicao quanto ao seu desempenho futuro. Tutte le transazioni di soggetti statunitensi nei titoli citati nel presente documento devono essere effettuate tramite un broker/dealer registrato negli Stati Uniti e affiliato a UBS e non tramite unaffiliata non statunitense. Pede-se gentilmente que os clientes do UBS AG Singapore Branch entrem em contato com essa instituio, que atua como assessoria financeira imparcial nos termos definidos pela Lei de Assessoria Financeira em Singapura (art. ", "Radiative cooling for passive thermal management towards sustainable carbon neutrality", "Policies toward net-zero: Benchmarking the economic competitiveness of nuclear against wind and solar energy", "What is the role of nuclear power in the energy mix and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Sachant quil nous est impossible de tenir compte des objectifs dinvestissement individuels de chacun de nos clients, ni de leur situation financire ou de leurs besoins personnels, nous recommandons aux clients dsireux de raliser une transaction sur lune des valeurs mobilires mentionnes dans ce document de sinformer auprs de leur conseiller financier ou de leur fiscaliste sur les ventuelles consquences de cette transaction, notamment sur le plan fiscal. Les diffrentes stratgies sur le plan gographique et des styles impliquent des analyses ESG et une intgration des rsultats en consquence. UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB. () UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., CVM. for their own jobs, or worse, see a threat (e.g., the manager is checking up on them), the quality of the data is suspect. En Isral, UBS est enregistre en tant que Foreign Dealer en coopration avec UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd., une socit affilie dtenue 100% par UBS. UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB. ESG- , . 110) e banco de atacado licenciado conforme a Lei sobre Operaes Bancrias de Singapura (cap. UBS (France) SA ist als Finanzdienstleister entsprechend den Bestimmungen des franzsischen Code Montaire et Financier ordnungsgemss zugelassen und steht unter der Aufsicht der franzsischen Bank- und Finanzaufsichtsbehrden wie der Autorit de Contrle Prudentiel et de Rsolution. Moreover, the embodied energy and consequences of large-scale raw material extraction required for renewable energy systems and electric vehicle batteries is likely to represent its own complications local emissions at the site of utilization are likely to be very small but life-cycle emissions can still be significant. UBS Financial Services Inc. no acta en carcter de asesor municipal de ninguna entidad municipal o persona obligada segn la definicin del Artculo 15B de la Ley de Ttulos-valores (la "Norma de Asesores Municipales"), y las opiniones o visiones vertidas en el presente no tienen por fin, ni constituyen, un asesoramiento segn la definicin de la citada norma. Sie wird ausschliesslich zu Informationszwecken an Kunden von UBS Europe SE, Deutschland, mit Geschftssitz Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main verteilt. UBS 2019. UBS AG Dubai Branch est agre dans le DIFC par le Dubai Financial Services Authority. UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. is a Portfolio Manager licensee which engages also in Investment Marketing and is regulated by the Israel Securities Authority. It just seemed very intuitive and fit seamlessly. Diese Publikation wird an Privatkunden von UBS Wealth Management verteilt. Le societ possono non soddisfare necessariamente elevati standard di performance per tutti gli aspetti ESG o tutti i temi degli investimenti sostenibili; inoltre, non si garantisce che le societ soddisfino le aspettative negli ambiti della responsabilit aziendale, della sostenibilit e/o della performance in termini dimpatto. Mandatory CSR and sustainability reporting: economic analysis and Externe Vermgensverwalter / Externe Finanzberater: Fr den Fall, dass dieses Research oder die Publikation an einen externen Vermgensverwalter oder Finanzberater ausgegeben wird, untersagt UBS dem externen Vermgensverwalter oder Finanzberater ausdrcklich, diese an ihre Kunden und/oder Dritte weiterzugeben beziehungsweise zur Verfgung zu stellen. Slalom SEBI: INH000001204). Well continue to share best practices and engage with regulatory authorities, central banks, policymakers, academia and peers to facilitate the development of robust methodologies to help leverage the potential of the financial services sector potential to drive change. UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia est sujeta a la supervisin conjunta del Banco Central Europeo (BCE), el Banco Central Alemn (Deutsche Bundesbank), la Autoridad Federal de Supervisin de Servicios Financieros de Alemania (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), como as tambin al Banco de Italia (Banca dItalia) y la Autoridad de Supervisin de Mercados Financieros de Italia (CONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la Borsa), a quienes esta publicacin no se ha sometido a aprobacin. ", "Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy | EM SC 240N: Energy and Sustainability in Contemporary Culture", "The race is on to cultivate a seaweed that slashes greenhouse emission from cows, other livestock", "Last Energy raises $3 million to fight climate change with nuclear energy", "Microsoft Pledges To Remove From The Atmosphere All The Carbon It Has Ever Emitted", "Delta And BP Pledge To Go Carbon-Neutral. Council Memorandum UBSUBS, CIOUBS Switzerland AGUBSGlobal Wealth Management, /UBS/UBS, ()(i)(ii)(iii)UBS//UBSUBSUBS UBS , UBS/,, ESGESGESG/ESG/ESGESG/, UBS AG UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Securities LLC UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Bank, S.A., UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobiliarios Ltda, UBS Asesores Mexico, S.A. de C.V., UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd, UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd UBS Menkul Degerler ASUBS AG(UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico)UBS Financial Services Inc.UBS Financial Services Inc.UBS Financial Services Inc.15B, /UBS/, UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung Osterreich Wachtergasse 1, A-1010 WienUBS Europe SE, Niederlassung Osterreich ECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinanzmarktaufsichtUBS Europe SEUBSComissao de Valores MobiliriosCVM598/2018UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda. e/ou do UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., entidades regulamentadas pela CVM. You want to prepare your company for the new low-carbon economy. [17], Google Glass was developed by Google X,[18] the facility within Google devoted to technological advancements such as driverless cars.

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