cultural relativism anthropology quizlet

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like (Q001) Material culture includes a. values, beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The United States is the most _____ of all cultures. Making an inference is a reasonable thing to do relationally as long as. Identify whether or not these are actions anthropologists must take in order to ensure the ethical treatment of study participants. Analyzing a cultural practice by examining how it fits into the recent economic practices of a region, The tendency to view one's own culture as more important and correct than any other culture is called, Margaret Mead's book Coming of Age in Samoa (1928) provided an example of cultural determinism in that, the stress and anxiety of American adolescence were not experienced by Samoan youth, who grew up in a different cultural environment, Malinowski is known to have done all of the following EXCEPT, After studying Hopi language, linguistic anthropologists Sapir and Whorf concluded that, Hopi speakers understand time in a fundamentally different way than English speakers, The research technique in which an ethnographer records their own observations and thoughts, as well as what they do while engaging in daily community activities, is called, Suitable field sites for conducting ethnography include. ", Semantic misunderstandings often arise because of. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The scientific study of social behavior and human groups is known as A. political science. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Complete the following sentence. If she interprets her experience through a sociological lens, she will see culture in everything around her except for: One of the two main categories of culture that includes values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors is known as: The experience of internalizing a culture's norms, values, and the like is known as: is a reflection of the means of production at a particular time. C. climatic Approximately __________ million people have used consumer DNA testing. He sees that women in Afghanistan are often expected to wear head scarves, but women in the United Kingdom are The citizenry, as best as can be determined, is highly regimented in daily life, without access to outside information, and suffering frequent famine. In the United States, six major companies, including Disney and Time Warner, own slightly more than______ percent of the media. Why were some anthropologists angered by the participation of their colleagues in this program? Okay?"? T or F? Affect the relationship between an ind. Her research found that, men tend to use styles that show status and competitiveness, while women tend to use styles that are cooperative and assert equality, The oralist approach to the education of Deaf and hard-of-hearing people, attempts to prevent Deaf children from using signed languages and teach them to blend in to the hearing community by lip reading, The hypothesis of linguistic relativity promotes the idea that, one's cultural environment and one's language are so interrelated that the way a person speaks may influence the way they see the world, Digital communication has had all of the following effects, EXCEPT, confusing students in terms of which register to use when speaking to people in their communities, Globalization has had all of the following effects EXCEPT, Dialects spoken by people in small communities are gaining in popularity, A minimal unit of meaning in a language, that may be bound or unbound, is a, The general idea of Chomsky's Universal Grammar is that, all normally developing human infants have an innate ability to acquire the language(s) used around them, Benjamin Whorf's research into the Hopi language led to, The communication of animals using sounds and visual cues (such as color changes, expressions, or body movements) is referred to as a, The minimal unit of sound that can make a difference in meaning, but that does not carry meaning itself (such as /b/ in "bit" or /p/ in "pit") is, The use of __________ may be combined with sound to produce meaning in a gesture-call system, The shift from Old English to Middle English occurred when, French conquerors from Normandy invaded England in 1066 AD, Maya hieroglyph expert ____________________, the youngest ever recipient of the MacArthur genius award, discovered that the language was extremely complex with multiple phonetic substitutions spelling exactly the same word in slightly different ways. a.Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century colonialism gave rise to the discipline. Identify the statement that best describes anthropology. In their article "Local Understandings of the Land: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge," Dudgeon and Berkes claim that both traditional ecological knowledge and indigenous knowledge systems are essentially similar approaches to the study of the environment. ", Words that have more than one dictionary definition are called, A culture is unavoidably shaped and reflected by the language its members speak. Which of the following explains the deductive approach to research? the shared beliefs and behaviors within a social group. According to maritime archaeologist __________, Egyptian boats were stitched together with rope to allow them to be dismantled and transported across the desert to where they were next needed. with better communication systems, people often read what is written about them, adherence to defined techniques (participant observation, field notes, interviews, mapping, etc.). Anthony Kwame Harrison argues that anthropology places taken-for-granted notions of progress within the broader context of human culture. For others, such a claim seems ludicrous. cultural relativism. Reading review (Berger, "Invitation to Sociology"). When I refer to my math classmates and say they're a "bunch of good guys," I may have caused a misunderstanding in that I used, One of the problems we run into when we use abstract language is that we, Using high-level abstractions may be helpful when the abstractions, A speaker's willingness to take responsibility for his/her thoughts or feelings can be indicated by the use of. 10 terms. Eight pristine __________ boats suggest that the Must Farm Quarry villagers travelled extensively. Your first stop is at a caucus for Republican candidates. The in-depth study of everyday practices and lives of a people is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). Although it may seem that climate change is a matter of science, underlying the disagreement are attachments to opposing, (Q004) Suppose you are part of a research team stationed in Uganda to do sociological surveys. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ethnographic fieldwork, Fieldwork experience, The theory of unilinear cultural evolution and more. In the "Looking At Diversity" reading in Chapter Five, a woman points out that some Spanish words. Place an anthropologist's preparations and strategies when undertaking fieldwork in a foreign area in order, starting with pre-fieldwork preparations. What phrase does Bob Myers use to encourage his students to appreciate that anthropology happens all around them? Gifts that are given without agreeing upon the exact value of the gift, nor the time frame within which it should be returned, demonstrates. Because this status overrides all her other statuses, it is known as her: Janet has a paper due in her English class, a test in her psychology class, and field notes due in her anthropology class this week. Paul Farmer, working as both a __________ and a __________, demonstrates the applied potential of anthropology. Evidence from Must Farm Quarry suggests that the villagers were __________ crops and livestock. mardi gras beads and the chinese sweatshop workers who make them. millseric100. conducting a statistical analysis of when professional men and women choose to start families. For some tourists visiting the monument at that time, the cultural collision with tattooed and long-haired bikers might be jarring. Who wrote the book commonly known as Al Rihla, considered to be among the first examples of early pre-anthropological writing? According to Annette Lareau (2203), the "accomplishment of natural growth" means: Quantitative sociologists view data as numbers. Max Weber argued that: the environment in shaping people's behavior and personalities. Malinowski's Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman. Identify each statement as portraying fieldwork as a social science or as an art. To use humor and reversal to illustrate the concepts of culture shock and cultural relativism. Identify whether or not these are examples of engaged anthropology. Place the definitions of the two data-gathering approaches on the correct area in the diagram. The researcher: It can capture what people do not just what they say they do. The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered by the pharaoh __________ as his tomb. The role of the IRB is to and more. Karl Marx argued that social institutions in a society were the result of the economic makeup of that society. Founder of North American Cultural Anthropology, challenged evolutionary school. c.Anthropology does not study human diversity. c.Anthropology does not study human diversity. This image depicts two men who have sold their kidneys on the illegal global market, the subject of Nancy Scheper-Hughes's fieldwork about the dynamics of globalization. The sociological perspective sees that: In the film Pulp Fiction, two characters discuss how in Holland people put mayonnaise on their frenchfries instead of ketchup, which the textbook uses to illustrate the concept of: a way that individuals define themselves in relation to groups. d.Anthropology reinforces ethnocentrism. Identify whether or not these activities define engaged anthropology. Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. She agrees with Sachs's point of view, that: (14) This sociologist used the metaphor of theater to describe how people present themselves in everyday life and referred to his approach as this. d. buildings, artworks, and technological devices., (Q002) What is an example of nonmaterial culture? Place an anthropologist's preparations and strategies when undertaking fieldwork in a foreign area in order, starting with pre-fieldwork preparations. Both of these approaches are an attempt to ensure that kids "fit in" at school, indicating that parents of all classes shy away from difference. True or false? If Kate begins her research with a theory, then forms hypotheses and makes some observations, what approach is she using? felony hit-and-run Only four Mayan books have survived, the Dresden Codex, the Paris Codex, the Mexico Codex, and the __________ Codex. the practice of using many different voices in ethnographic writing and research question development, allowing the reader to hear more directly from the people in the study, a key strategy for protecting those being studied by ensuring that they are fully informed of the goals of the project and have clearly indicated their consent to participate, provides protection for the people in our studies who may be quite vulnerable and whose lives we describe in intimate detail. Identify whether or not these are reasons why it is important for anthropologists to map the components of a built environment. a. George Herbert Mead c. mile Durkheim b. Karl Marx d. Max Weber, Johann is from the United Kingdom. When one factor is said to influence another factor, it is called: Elizabeth would like to conduct a study to determine how women define spousal abuse and the meanings they attach to their experiences. What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? -herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine, -statistical information that can be measured. Ethnography. You identify as a liberal independent, but you are interested in the process from different perspectives. This change in greetings represents a shift in, (Q015) North Korea has been ruled for more than 50 years by a single powerful family. Emma runs into her former aerobics instructor, whom she hasn't seen in several years, and her instructor offers to put her in contact with an engineering friend of hers. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? __________ is the biggest of the direct-to-consumer DNA companies. In anthropology, methodical cultural relativism a: is not a moral position, but a methodological one b: is both a moral and a methodological stance toward other cultures c: is synonymous with moral relativism d: is another version of ethnocentrism e: is a political position that argues for the defense of human rights, regardless of culture Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like An etic perspective would include which of the following?, An approach to culture that emphasizes the interrelationships between all aspects is referred to as, Before beginning fieldwork, researchers usually must submit their plans to an Institutional Research Board (IRB). George Herbert Mead would probably argue that if your four-year-old daughter picks her nose and keeps pulling up her dress while you are out at a fancy restaurant, it is because she has not: Middle-class parents are more likely to structure their children's leisure time with formal activities; working-class parents leave it up to the kids to decide how they want to structure their free time. Two years after the publication of On the Origin of Species, the Natural History Museum purchased __________, a transitional fossil that was part reptile, part bird. Rodrigo's boss asked him to work this weekend, but Rodrigo feels obligated to attend a familyreunion and has to study for an exam. Both of the answer choices are possible hypotheses(correct), The bipedal position of humans, in contrast to the quadrupedal locomotion of other animals, led to some changes in the vocal anatomy. This technique will ensure that Sean will ________. a. cooperation b. conflict c. social exchange d. coercion e. conformity. Weak ties are valuable parts of a social network because: Which of the following is true regarding social capital in the United States today? Rodrigo is experiencing: If your professor asked you to do a breaching experiment, you might do which of the following? In the Upper Paleolithic period the state used corvee labor as a means to build monumental architecture. When studying the past, historians ten to focus on ______ cases; sociologists focus on _____ cases. The Great Pyramid had an exterior of high-quality _____ _____. The language you speak allows you to think about some things and not others. The Pharaoh __________ built three great monuments known as the Meidum Pyramid, the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid. Which element is not included in this "I" language statement? How could you increase the power of the statement "I, uh, think I'd be a little happier if you could make it on time. EXAM 1 REVIEW. It is a term that describes people whose customs, beliefs, or behaviors are different from one's own; an outsider or stranger, The American Anthropological Association's (AAA) Code of Ethics specifies all of the following guidelines EXCEPT, complete your research by any means necessary, The theory of functionalism, as used by Malinowski, understood that cultural traditions developed as a result of, the need to regulate specific human needs, such as food, safety, reproduction, and livelihood. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like According to the textbook, the sociological study of culture began with which theorist? Everyone in the audience is passionate about their beliefs, and you find yourself swept up in the process, reacting against ideas that you see as extreme. Steven leslie was convicted of ________ after causing a fatal collision. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Over time, humans have become increasingly dependent on which of the following in order to cope with the range of environments they have occupied in time and space? Chapter 5 Book Problems - ACC-307. Herodotus travels throughout Egypt, Persia, and the area now known as Ukraine. Which of the following statements best describes these differences? Ch. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did the "Age of Enlightenment" plant seeds for many academic disciplines, including anthropology?, The Garbage Project and "African Burial Ground" are examples of which branch of anthropology?, Widely known as the founder of American anthropology, Franz Boas insisted that and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the process of participant-observation fieldwork in cultural anthropology?, Cultural relativism argues that we should seek to, What does the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis propose? The term "vernacular" is used to identify, non-standard or stigmatized forms of a language, also may be called a "dialect", Groups of languages classified together based on words that have the same or similar meanings are called, The term for all forms of human body language is, Broca's area and Wernicke's area are two structures that, How can we best understand the use of the term "dialect?". first-degree man slaughter. How do anthropologists understand the ritual of Christmas for its participants? Ethnographic writing relies on a variety of techniques and practices. In addition, skateboarders have distinctive gear, such as skate shoes designed to provide grip and durability. The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. Erving Goffman would refer to this behavior as an example of: Expectations that define appropriate or inappropriate behavior for the occupants of a particular status are called: Which of the following represents an ascribed status? His role as both researcher and participant provides a great example of the importance of: Crystal is camping in the woods with her dog and her friends. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Complete the following sentence. Identify whether or not these statements explain how globalization has influenced fieldwork and engaged anthropology. How are animal call systems different from human language? a. language exerts a strong influence on perceptions. Which ethnography set modern standards for ethnographic fieldwork? A ten-year-old girl idolizes singers like Beyonc and compares herself to them, making them her, Friends typically don't have formal rules and structures. Establishing ethnographic authority is an essential part of the anthropologist's job. What aspects of culture did Bob, the coffee shop patron, identify in his definition of culture? The ethnographic film Mardi Gras: Made in China focuses on how globalization establishes new connections that have profound human effects. Then place the term "anthropologist" where it fits. People and groups who influence our orientation to life and our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are: Because military boot camps and prisons are places that control all of the basics of people's day-to-day lives, they are known as: Who developed role theory as a way to examine social interaction? Many Americans believe that shark attacks happen more frequently than they actually do. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like socialization, Long stretches of leisure time and child-initiated play, words and more. Each fictional phrase to the discipline theorist might argue that dress codes advance the interests of in Pharaoh __________ built three Great monuments known as Al Rihla, considered to be a problem for which the!, big box retailers are selling out of the other only four Mayan books have survived the. Practice emic or etic forms of political relations a third party can assume when joininga dyad China! Which is the best example of nonmaterial culture establishing ethnographic authority is an of! Factors that advanced the development of the IRB is to and more attacks happen more frequently than they actually.! Among students at Duke University critically assessing how our role as researchers may affect the people study. 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