sveltekit vite config

For example, a configuration like this would prevent scripts loading from external sites. Add SvelteKitPWA plugin to vite.config.js / vite.config.ts and configure it: // vite.config.js / vite.config.ts import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite' import { SvelteKitPWA } from '@vite-pwa/sveltekit' export default { plugins: [ sveltekit(), SvelteKitPWA() ] } Read the documentation for a complete guide on how to configure and . Follow edited Oct 4 at 7:15. The split feature does not work with Edge Functions. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. vite.config.js lets you set some option and add plugins for Vite, the tooling under the SvelteKit hood. Read the introduction to Svelte blog post and the Svelte tutorial to learn more. But avoid . If desired, you can configure the adapter to generate multiple functions instead by setting the split option to true. The src directory contains the meat of your project. An array of file extensions that SvelteKit will treat as modules. . The directory that SvelteKit writes files to during dev and build. Your project's configuration lives in a svelte.config.js file. git init git add -A git commit -m "Initial commit" Run some quick tests to ensure things are working. SvelteKit + Tailwind CSS + Vite . SvelteKit is a framework for building extremely high-performance web apps. A SvelteKit project is really just a Vite project that uses the @sveltejs/kit/vite plugin, along with any other Vite configuration. (The filenames therein contain content-based hashes, meaning they can be cached indefinitely). Development. An object containing zero or more of the following string values: Inline CSS inside a