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2019 Foreign Terrorist Organization/Executive Order 13224 Group Designations, 2019 Executive Order (E.O.) In 2017, PIJ praised numerous shootings, bombings, and other attacks in Israel that resulted in multiple deaths. In Turkey, terrorist groups espousing a range of extremist and nationalist ideologies, such as the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Party/Front, continued to plot against police and military targets in Turkey and raise funds throughout the rest of Europe. Debbie Fisher, an HR manager for a large advertising agency, Campbell Mithun, says that while tweeting may be a good way to recruit people who can be open about their job hunt, using tools such as LinkedIn might be a better way to obtain more seasoned candidates who cannot be open about their search for a new job, because of their current employment situation. COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE PHILIPPINES/NEW PEOPLES ARMY, Aka CPP/NPA; Communist Party of the Philippines; CPP; New Peoples Army; NPA; NPP/CPP. These include smuggling contraband goods, passport falsification, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and credit card, immigration, and bank fraud. JRTN did not claim responsibility for any attacks between 2016 and 2019. In May, six IM operatives were identified in an ISIS propaganda video threatening attacks on India. Professional associations are usually nonprofit organizations whose goal is to further a particular profession. Funding and External Aid: KH depends heavily on support from Iran. Almost every profession has at least one professional association. Headley testified in the trials of other LeT supporters in 2011 and 2015. In August 2016, ISIS-K claimed a shooting and suicide bombing at a hospital in Quetta, Pakistan, targeting lawyers, which killed 94. For example, the Women in Project Management SIG provides news on project management and also has a place for job advertisements. Despite these successes, dangerous terrorist threats persisted around the world. BLA has carried out several terrorist attacks, including a suicide attack in August 2018 that targeted Chinese engineers in Balochistan, aNovember 2018 attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi, and a May 2019 attack against a luxury hotel in Gwadar, Balochistan. Activities: Over the years, the FARC has perpetrated many high-profile terrorist acts, including the 1999 murder of three U.S. missionaries working in Colombia as well as multiple kidnappings and assassinations of Colombian government officials and civilians. Most recruiting plans include asking current employees, Who do you know? The quality of referred applicants is usually high, since most people would not recommend someone they thought incapable of doing the job. The 147 kg heroin seizure in the Odesa port on 17 March 2015 and the seizure of 500 kg of heroin from Turkey at Illichivsk port from on 5 June 2015 confirms that Ukraine is a channel for largescale heroin trafficking from Afghanistan to Western Europe. Finally, EXBS furnished equipment and training to strengthen aviation security and mitigate threats to civilian aviation, and refurbished border security infrastructure including at Rabia, on Iraqs border with Syria to stem the flow of illicit materials and maintain gains made against ISIS. In 2011, Bangladeshi authorities formally charged multiple suspects, including Hannan, with the killing of former Finance Minister Shah AMS Kibria in a grenade attack on January 27, 2005. ISIS remained a terrorist threat in Iraq in 2019, carrying out suicide, hit-and-run, and other asymmetric attacks throughout the country. For personal travel, active military areable to checkthree free bags in first class, Delta Premium Select and Delta One(up to 70 pounds) and two bags in Basic Economy, Main Cabin and Delta Comfort(up to 50 pounds). Prepared by Development Services Group, Inc. In FY 2019, USAIDs community school literacy activity provided reading instruction to 29,526(10,593 boys and 18,933 girls) primary school learners and trained 1,597 (nine men and 1,588 women) primary school teachers on better methods of instruction in community schools. Haqqani Network (HQN) In May 2019, ISIS-WA claimed responsibility for two attacks in western Niger, ambushing Niger Army soldiers in Tongo resulting in 28 deaths, while also attacking Niger security forces near the Koutoukale prison that killed one soldier. Furthermore, terrorist acts are part of a larger phenomenon of violence inspired by a cause, and at times the line between the two can become difficult to draw. JeM has claimed responsibility for several suicide car bombings in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, including an October 2001 suicide attack on the Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly building in Srinagar that killed more than 30 people. Aum Shinrikyo (AUM) The groups leader is Ahmed Diriye aka Ahmed Umar aka Abu Ubaidah. Those who choose to remain an NCO are well-suited to focus on their technical skill set. Rough terrain and dense forest cover, coupled with low population densities and historically weak government presence, define Colombias borders with Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Funding and External Aid: AAS-B obtained funds from al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb as well as through charities, donations, and criminal activities. National Liberation Army (ELN) Also, NCOs are respected and command those with a lower rank. This report includes some discretionary information in an effort to relate terrorist events to the larger context in which they occur, and to give a feel for the conflicts that spawn violence. As co-chairs of the GCTF Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group, Australia and Indonesia organized an annual plenary meeting and workshops on monitoring, measuring, and evaluating CVE programs, CVE in prisons, and the role of gender and civil society organizations in CVE. On Easter Sunday 2019, over 250 people were killed in Sri Lanka when ISIS inspired terrorists carried out coordinated suicide bombings at multiple churches and hotels. Funding and External Aid: Sources of support are unknown. KC was last linked to an attack in 2005, when one of its members killed four people on a bus in Shfaram, Israel. In addition, 70 pedagogic advisors and inspectors and 214 teachers received training on the use of the new materials. OnDecember 31, Iran-backed terrorists attacked the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, resulting in no casualties but damaging the embassy exterior. Additional activities focused on eight middle schools and 49 elementary schools. In September 2019, GCTF ministers formally endorsed four new framework documents, including two co-led by the United States: Also in September 2019, the GCTF launched three new initiatives, including two co-led by the United States: In 2019, the GCTF continued to work on several earlier initiatives, including promoting the nonbinding good practices contained in the Zurich-London Recommendations on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism Online. 2022 Piedmont Airlines, Inc.An Equal Opportunity Employer. This discount also applies to military dependents on travel orders. Use of this media has driven traffic to the careers page on Sodexos website, from 52,000 to 181,000. ACR distributed 674,467 teaching and learning materials to students and 960,008 supplementary reading materials to schools. PALESTINE LIBERATION FRONT ABU ABBAS FACTION, Aka PLF; PLF-Abu Abbas; Palestine Liberation Front. Controls over exports of dual-use items, requiring 30-day Congressional notification for goods or services that could significantly enhance the terrorist-list countrys military capability or ability to support terrorism; Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions. Uzbekistan. We discuss more about this in Chapter 5 Selection. In August 2016, ISIS announced that AbuMusab al-Barnawi was to replace Abubakar Shekau as the new leader of the group. In April 2019, LJ claimed responsibility for the bombing of a market in Quetta, Pakistan that killed 20 people. ETA has not conducted any attacks since it announced a definitive cessation of armed activity in October 2011. In December 2017, AAB called for violent jihad by Muslims against the United States and Israel after the U.S. announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israels capital. The Philippine government closely tracked terrorist groups that continue to operate in some areas, particularly in the southern Philippines. In October, OAS/CICTE formally announced the launch of the Inter-American Network on Counterterrorism with funding support from Chile and the United States. HR professionals must have a recruiting plan before posting any job description. Zarqawi led the group in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom to fight against U.S. and Coalition Forces until his death in June 2006. Activities: In December 2008, three HUJI-B members, including HUJI-B leader Mufti Abdul Hannan, were convicted for the May 2004 grenade attack that wounded the British High Commissioner in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Used to track your user session on our website. Al-Shabaab (AS) In 2019, the Department of State designated Irans Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force (IRGC-QF), as an FTO. Pakistan, however, did make some positive contributions to the Afghanistan peace process, such as encouraging Taliban reductions in violence. Funding and External Aid: The PFLP-GC receives safe haven and logistical and military support from Syria as well as financial support from Iran. Description: Founded by Abdullah Ocalan in 1978 as a Marxist-Leninist separatist organization, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. The group receives donations from some Palestinian and other expatriates as well as from its own charity organizations. LJ chief Asif Chotu was killed along with three other LJ militants in a police operation in Pakistan in January 2017. Also, many NCOs note they are proud of their work leading junior members of the military, and they prefer to avoid the level of politics that comes with higher officer ranks. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. Location/Area of Operation: The Philippines. Description: Hizballah was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. Contact DMCA Agent 2022 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Israel, West Bank, and Gaza This amendment is the most significant update of terrorist designation authorities since the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Although AQAP and ISISYemen have been degraded in recent years, the two groups continued to benefit from the ongoing conflict with the Houthis, successfully instilling themselves among elements of the antiHouthi coalition and exploiting the security vacuum in large parts of the country. More than 400 JI operatives have been captured or killed since 2002, including operations chief and al-Qaida associate Hambali and, in January 2015, bomb-maker Zulfiki bin Hir (aka Marwan). To promote a more comprehensive, collaborative, and proactive approach to CVE, Saudiactivities focused on identifying pathways to terrorist radicalization and recruitment; andcountering these by government messaging that emphasized nationalism, rejected intolerant ideologies, including those based on religious interpretations, and cultivated appreciation for Saudi culture and heritage as the basis for national identity. We scour the universe for the best military travel and recreation discounts to celebrate veterans and Veterans Day. Sudan Hamas claimed responsibility for numerous rocket attacks from Gaza into Israeli territory throughout 2018, and the Israeli military reported that some rocket attacks in 2019 came from Hamas launchers. In September 2017, a U.S. citizen was convicted in New York of charges related to supporting AQ to attack a U.S. military base in Afghanistan using two truck bombs in 2009. Terrorist and insurgent groups exploit Afghanistans ungoverned spaces, including the border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In 2019, terrorists used under-governed areas throughout Somalia as safe havens to plan, conduct, and facilitate operations within Somalia, including mass-casualty bombings in major urban areas, and attacks in neighboring countries. Although Pakistans National Action Plan calls to ensure that no armed militias are allowed to function in the country, several terrorist groups that focus on attacks outside the country continued to operate from Pakistani soil in 2019, including the Haqqani Network, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, and Jaish-e-Mohammed. In May, the United States led a successful campaign at the UN Security Councils 1267 Sanctions Committee to designate ISIS-Khorasan, the first ISIS affiliate ever listed at the UN. In August 2015, IJU pledged allegiance to the then newly appointed Taliban leader Mullah Mansour. Funding and External Aid: JRTN has received funding from former regime members, major tribal figures in Iraq, and from Gulf-based financiers of terrorism. Thesevenyear activity operated in 183 primary schools in all of Nigers eight geographic regions. Al-Suri is a Syrian national, a former al-Nusra Front military commander in Syria, and the current leader of Hurras al-Din. The Independent Monitoring Commission, which oversees the peace process, assessed that RIRA likely was responsible for the majority of the attacks that occurred after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was decommissioned in Northern Ireland. In February, the group killed at least 60 people in a renewed assault on the northeast Nigerian town of Rann. AAD was created in late 2011 after its leader Iyad ag Ghali failed in his attempt to take over another secular Tuareg organization. In July 2018, JNIM claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing in Gao, Mali, which targeted a French military patrol and killed several civilians. The group now consists of two factions, both of which have recruited new members, engaged in commercial enterprises, and acquired property. One AAH driver was killed, while one AAH staff member, two drivers, and three health ministry workers remained missing, reportedly taken as hostages. The United States continued to call on other countries to follow our example and repatriate their own citizens, and we assisted a number of partners in doing so. In June 2019, suspected SL members conducted an attack on the Peruvian Army, killing three soldiers. In Venezuela, individuals linked to FARC dissidents (who remain committed to terrorism notwithstanding the peace accord) and the ELN, as well as Hizballah sympathizers, were present in the country. Saudi Arabia has continued to remove hateful or inflammatory content from public school textbooks, though this project remains incomplete, and is encouraging public school teachers to integrate CVE considerations in their instruction. Together elements within Lebanons security services to terrorist activities people were killed in the, Narcotics control and renounced the self-imposed cease-fire complimentary bags ( up to five free checked bags at pounds. Was suspected of having traveled to Iraq to join ISIS. ) option for a grenade attack published! 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