digital economy report unctad

2021. Please refer to the list below for the country composition of each region in Annexes 1 and 2 tables as well as in Tables 14 in Section 2.1. Adult obesity continues to rise, with the global prevalence increasing from 11.7 percent in 2012 to 13.1 percent in 2016. Rome. While any such projections are highly speculative, they nevertheless illustrate one important point: in a context in which additional effort, attention and action were already called for prior to the pandemic, even more will be needed now in a situation worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic to get on track to reach the 2030 targets. 121 Barbier, E.B. Geneva, Switzerland. Drawing upon best practices and lessons learned from a series of case studies worldwide, this report provides many illustrative examples of what it takes in very practical and innovative ways to transform food systems at local, country, regional and global levels to become more resilient to the drivers behind rising levels of food insecurity and malnutrition, and to improve access to affordable healthy diets. The difference increased from 2019 to 2020, with women being 11 percent more food insecure than men in 2020 versus 9 percent more than men in 2019. )299.4939 (2019 est. Washington, DC. Table A4.1 shows countries grouped by the eight categories denoting different combinations of drivers and Table A4.1 provides the country list. Voluntary guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries. While the exact make-up of a healthy diet varies depending on individual characteristics, as well as cultural context, locally available foods and dietary customs, the basic principles of what constitutes a healthy diet are the same.22,23, Healthy diets can also play an important role in increasing the sustainability of food systems. Set of recommendations on the marketing of foods and non-alcoholic beverages to children. conflict and climate shocks) and internal (e.g. However, severe food insecurity and moderate or severe food insecurity, as measured using the FIES, do not show such variability in such a short period of time, so this analysis uses their levels for 2019, rather than their 20172019 This number will likely increase in 2020, affecting most regions, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries affected by climate extremes are those experiencing a combination of high exposure to climate extremes (i.e. On tackling climate change, all countries need to commit to specific goals and milestones to avoid a situation in which some countries pursue self-interest to the detriment of the world as a whole. State of School Feeding Worldwide 2020. Rome. FDI recovered strongly in 2021, but prospects are bleak Global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows in 2021 were $1.58 trillion, up 64 per cent from the exceptionally low level in 2020 (figure 1). FAO Conference Forty-second session. ), urban population: 72.6% of total population (2022)rate of urbanization: 0.05% annual rate of change (2020-25 est. Poverty and inequality are critical underlying structural factors that amplify the negative impact of the major drivers. & Maloney, W.F. Rome. Obesity Reviews, 14: 120134. On capital, despite opening, barriers persist. )government consumption: 18.2% (2017 est. & Brueckmann, P. 2019. Adult obesity, child wasting, low birthweight and exclusive breastfeeding exclude Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands. Not all healthy diets are sustainable and not all diets designed for sustainability are always healthy or adequate for all population groups. How it is reported: Percentage of population over 18 years of age with BMI 30.0 kg/m2 standardized by age and weighted by sex.210. The following specific data and procedures were used to project these two parameters for 2020: Current estimates of per capita, average dietary energy supply (DES) in 2020, compiled on the basis of the short-run market outlook exercises conducted by FAO to inform the World Food Situation,15 were used to nowcast the 2020 value of DEC for each country, starting from the last available year in the FBS series. Furthermore, considering middle-income countries affected by one or more drivers, they show a 2 percent increase in the PoU between 2017 and 2019, while those with the additional burden of high income inequality had a double increase in the PoU (4 percent). What are required are integrated portfolios of policies, investments and legislation, built along the particular transformation pathways needed in each context, that can specifically address food security and nutrition challenges head on. Exclusive breastfeeding is a cornerstone of child survival and is the best food for newborns, as breastmilk shapes the babys microbiome, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases. Apart from causing a health crisis, the pandemic aggravated the humanitarian situation, while lockdowns impacted negatively on socio-economic development in Palestine. )beer: 3.41 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. Monitoring low birth weight: An evaluation of international estimates and an updated estimation procedure. This diet, however, is not specifically optimized to include environmental sustainability considerations. The numbers show enduring and troubling regional inequalities. [Cited 7 May 2021]. [Cited 6 May 2021]. Nona Reuter (UNICEF) provided support for data visualization in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. As shown in the 2019 edition of this report, where inequality is greater, economic slowdowns and downturns have a disproportionate effect on low-income populations, since they use large portions of their income to buy food. Countries affected by economic downturns in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean show the highest increase in the PoU compared with countries affected by climate extremes and conflict, with the largest increase seen in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. The need to change consumption patterns can lead vulnerable households to shift away from nutritious foods towards more energy-dense foods with minimal nutritional value, or to cut spending on a range of basic services for health and disease prevention. The COVID-19 pandemic and related containment measures have exacerbated other drivers, widened inequalities, and exposed structural vulnerabilities of local and global food systems. Of the 110 low- and middle-income countries with available information, the largest increase in the PoU is observed in countries affected by economic downturns. [Cited 1 June 2021]. The recommended periodicity of reporting on exclusive breastfeeding is every three to five years. The total number of people in the world who could not afford a healthy diet in 2019j is slightly lower than the 2017 estimate published in last years report by around 21 million.k There are, however, important differences across regions, with Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa registering an increase, while Asia, Northern America and Europe and Oceania show a decrease. The 2018 edition of this report contains an in-depth discussion of policy areas and measures aimed at strengthened resilience to climate variability and extremes. For this reason, a range is presented for the value of the 2020 global PoU. 2018. 179 Cavatassi, R., Mabiso, A. The value, in turn, is the price per unit for each food item multiplied by the quantity of the food item. These hidden costs also include costs to health systems in treating non-communicable diseases as a result of poor eating habits. Rome. The outcome of poor nutritional intake in terms of quantity and/or quality, and/or poor absorption and/or poor biological use of nutrients consumed as a result of repeated instances of disease. Agricultural Economics, 52: 375390. Countries affected by multiple drivers show a 1.9 percentage point increase in Africa and a 2.1 percentage point increase in Latin America and the Caribbean, and no increase in Asia (Figure 23). Universal thresholds are defined on the FIES global standard scale (a set of item parameter values based on results from all countries covered by the GWP in 20142016) and converted into corresponding values on local scales. accounting for 63 percent of income spent on food), which decreased from USD 5.40 to USD 5.23. Among households with children and adolescents under 17 years, this proportion increased to 58 percent. 89 OECD. It is FAOs traditional indicator used to monitor hunger at the global and regional level, as well as SDG Indicator 2.1.1. ), municipal solid waste generated annually: 3.712 million tons (2015 est. 84 FAO. The Sixth World Food Survey, pp. low productivity and inefficient food supply chains) to food systems are pushing up the cost of nutritious foods which, combined with low incomes, are increasing the unaffordability of healthy diets. Therefore, based on the specific country context and prevailing consumption patterns, there is a need for policies, laws and investments to create healthier food environments and to empower consumers to pursue dietary patterns that are nutritious, healthy and safe and with a lower impact on the environment.7, The promotion and increased availability of highly processed foods has led to increased consumption of unhealthy diets affecting all ages. Although data limitations have prevented this report from fully accounting for the impact of the pandemic, it is estimated that 22.0 percent of children in 2020 were affected by stunting, 6.7 percent were suffering from wasting and 5.7 percent were overweight. The body mass index (BMI) is the ratio of weight-to-height commonly used to classify the nutritional status of adults. A senior advisory team consisting of designated senior managers of the five UN publishing partners guided the production of the report. Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 19902019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. A new agenda for sustainable food systems, pp. 2020. Second International Conference on Nutrition. With some exceptions, data suggest that coverage has been relatively short-lived. In: FAO [online]. ), at birth: 1.06 male(s)/female0-14 years: 1.06 male(s)/female15-24 years: 1.07 male(s)/female25-54 years: 1.02 male(s)/female55-64 years: 0.88 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.51 male(s)/femaletotal population: 0.91 male(s)/female (2022 est. ), household consumption: 57.2% (2017 est. Even if such surveys do not refer to the same year for which the PoU is estimated, the impact of possible small intervening changes in median heights over the years on PoU estimates is expected to be negligible. Brief 5: Policy coherence in food systems. Mujeres indgenas resguardan y mejoran maces criollos. There were significant drops in prices of all perishable products such as milk, vegetables and fish. 96 HLPE. To apply this methodology, the completeness of the series of both covariates has been ensured by applying the Holt-Winter smoothing methodology to fill the gaps, when needed. 2020. These results are reconfirmed this year by an analysis of estimates for 2019, which shows that high levels of unaffordability of healthy diets are strongly correlated with high levels of both severe and moderate or severe food insecurity, as measured by the FIES (Figure 25). Those countries also show higher levels of moderate or severe food insecurity (47 percent) 12 percent higher than countries affected by a single driver and 38 percent more than countries not affected by any driver. Biologically implausible haemoglobin values (<25 g/L or >200 g/L) were excluded. For example, protectionary trade measures and input subsidy programmes tend to protect and incentivize the domestic production of staple foods, such as rice and maize, often to the detriment of more nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables.7,84,85 These measures and programmes can also keep the cost of fruits and vegetables above the world market rate or restrict farmers to just producing the staple crops both of which also reduce consumer access to a diverse diet. While recognizing the need to combat poverty in both rural and urban settings, illustrative country examples provided under this fifth pathway highlight the importance of tackling structural inequalities (as also illustrated in Chapter 3), while ensuring interventions are not only pro-poor and inclusive, but also empower women and youth as a means of accelerating transformative change in food systems. Between 2013 and 2020, the number of children receiving meals through school feeding grew by 9 percent globally and by 36 percent in low-income countries. Yet, trade policies, including protectionary trade measures, may affect the availability and cost of nutritious foods on local markets, as well as the supply and price of energy-dense foods. Rome. 116 FAO. The Great Green Wall implementation status and way ahead to 2030. China has made huge strides in innovation in recent years. (also available at Importantly, inequality is related to economic and market drivers in a broader sense (i.e. Finally, in Rwanda, iron-biofortified beans have been introduced and rapidly adopted by farmers. New legislation has been put in place that more closely evaluates Chinese investment that accesses foreign technology. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). The number of countries, as well as the specific countries, experiencing violent conflicts has remained fairly stable over the last ten years. e The analysis was performed through a fixed effect regression model, using food insecurity status as outcome variable and responses to the four questions about the pandemics impact on employment and income as explanatory variables. Forty-three percent of the produce from urban gardens is sold in local food markets, improving access to fresh and nutritious foods, particularly in the most vulnerable zones of the city. The Lancet, 395(10218): 142155. Analysis shows that this food systems vulnerability is further compromised and made worse by high and persistent levels of inequality in terms of income, productive assets and basic services (e.g. The territorial management and knowledge systems of Indigenous Peoples are useful for improving climate resilience, as these systems have enabled them to generate food in some of the most hostile environments and fragile ecosystems in the world.112,123,124 In Guatemala, the Maya Ch'orti' Indigenous Peoples living in the Dry Corridor (Corredor Seco) have subsisted on farming in a dry environment for years, but increasing drought fuelled by climate change has led to increasing rates of food insecurity and malnutrition. The prevalence of food insecurity at each level of severity (FIL) in the population is computed as the weighted sum of the probability of being food insecure for all respondents (i) in a sample: where wi are post-stratification weights that indicate the proportion of individuals or households in the national population represented by each record in the sample. But they have also highlighted the need for deeper reflection on how to better address the major drivers that are resulting in the global food insecurity and malnutrition situation we are experiencing right now. 2004. However, child stunting, overweight, anaemia and low birthweight estimates include Monaco. Food Systems Definition, Concept and Application for the UN Food Systems Summit. As elaborated above and illustrated in Figure 28, the formulation of comprehensive portfolios of policies and investments starts with a context-specific situation analysis to obtain an in-depth understanding of the country context, including the nature and intensity of major drivers impacting upon food systems and the prevailing food security and nutrition situation, in addition to the identification of relevant actors, institutions and governance mechanisms. Regional and global aggregates, on the other hand, are reported as annual estimates, on account of the fact that possible estimation errors are expected not to be correlated across countries. World Development Indicators. The situation analysis will enable countries to assess which combination of pathways towards the transformation of food systems is most relevant, given the way in which the major drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition have affected them, and which policy measures and investments are most appropriate to form part of the portfolio (Figure 29, left-hand side). l This increase is largely attributable to Argentina, which had a 49 percent increase in the cost of a healthy diet between 2017 and 2019. Another study in Yemen found that the dietary diversity of households already consuming poor diets had deteriorated between February and April 2020, with the share of households consuming only three or fewer food groups increasing from 22 to 30 percent during that period. 224 FAO. low productivity and inefficient food supply chains) to food systems are pushing up the cost of nutritious foods which, combined with low incomes, is increasing the unaffordability of healthy diets. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [online]. (also available at Since 2010, the government has backpedaled on many economic reforms and taken a more populist approach towards economic management. (also available at Because affordability is a measure of the cost of a diet relative to income, changes over time can be the result of changes in the cost of a diet, peoples income, or both. (also available at More than 1.5 million people in Somalia still facing acute food security crisis or worse outcomes. The reoccurring and increasing cycles of climate variability and extremes are not only a threat to food security and nutrition, but often trigger large-scale human displacement and migration with those left behind being mostly the elderly, women and children. 131 Davila, F., Bourke, R.M., McWilliam, A., Crimp, S., Robins, L., van Wensveen, M., Alders, R.G. The three chapters are followed by an overall conclusion. Of the 133 low- and middle-income countries, 41 are affected by the following combinations of multiple drivers: conflict and climate extremes (23 countries), conflict and economic downturns (4 countries), climate extremes and economic downturns (9 countries), and all three drivers (5 countries). Kenya - Upper Tana Nairobi Water Fund (UTNWF). & Corvaln, C. 2020. Northern America, Western Asia, and Australia and New Zealand had the highest levels, at 35.5 percent, 29.8 percent and 29.3 percent, respectively, as of 2016. Measuring the extent, depth, and severity of food insecurity: An application to American Indians in the USA. In short, results from the new country-level model were used to generate the regional and global estimates for stunting and overweight, while the JME subregional multi-level model was used to generate the global and regional estimates for wasting. 2019. Most subregions are making at least some progress towards the 2030 target, except Eastern Asia and the Caribbean the only subregions experiencing a decline in prevalence. To help reduce smallholder vulnerability to both economic and climate-related shocks, provincial and district-level coffee boards were established to assist smallholders with improved technologies and good environmental practices in coffee production. zoning of fast food outlets, calorie labelling, advertising restrictions, or taxation of beverages with a high sugar content).194 One example is the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, an international agreement among cities to develop sustainable food systems that are inclusive, resilient, safe and diverse, that provide healthy and affordable food to all people in a human-rights based framework, that minimize waste and conserve biodiversity while adapting to and mitigating impacts of climate change. The pact has been signed by 211 cities worldwide with the aim of fostering city-to-city cooperation and exchange of best practices.260, Coherent policy portfolios also have to address increased exposure and vulnerability of livelihoods, particularly of disadvantaged population groups. We note that these choices and scenariosand the resulting outcomesreflect not only actions and reactions by China but also the rest of the world. Given that they are mostly not measured either, they also go unaddressed and are unaccounted for in food prices, ultimately jeopardizing the sustainability of food systems. Countries affected by conflict exhibit a small but increasing trend in their PoU from 16 to 16.9 percent between 2017 and 2019. Especially in the context of protracted crisis situations, with possible periods of low (but persistent) levels of conflict and prolonged periods of displacement, it is critical to maintain food and agricultural production, sustain food supply chains and ensure peoples access to nutritious foods and healthy diets.5. Except for Palestine law Justice and Company Affairs of the 107 countries, governments provided support data! Recommendations related to economic and social isolation periods PoU change points in year. Response, some parts of the changing relationship between China and the impact of the nutrition! For Refugees ( UNHCR ), thirty-first session, 26-28 June 2002,! The supply of nutritious food, including informal markets, also exacerbates unaffordability! 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