freshwater ecology notes

[44] More generally, a leech is a persistent social parasite or sycophant. [17], By the Han dynasty, Jing had come to mean any river in Chinese, and this river was distinguished as the "Great River" (Djing). Dr. Kenneth Jeffries 2020 Rh Award Recepient. After the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, Soviet engineers assisted in the design and construction of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, a dual-use road-rail bridge, built from 1955 to 1957. Many battles took place along the river, the most famous being the Battle of Red Cliffs in 208 AD during the Three Kingdoms period. Animal [7] Not all leeches feed on blood; the Erpobdelliformes, freshwater or amphibious, are carnivorous and equipped with a relatively large, toothless mouth to ingest insect larvae, molluscs, and other annelid worms, which are swallowed whole. Three leech doctors decide on bloodletting for their grasshopper patient. By 1863, British hospitals had switched to imported leeches, some seven million being imported to hospitals in London that year. Notably, however, the cartilagineous skeleton is not a primitive character, but a derived one; sturgeon ancestors had bony skeletons. It serves as a reservoir for the cities of Kyoto and tsu and is a valuable resource for nearby textile industries. [63] For example, currently all anadromous Danube sturgeon (all species except the predominantly freshwater sterlet) are now classed as Critically Endangered or extirpated from the upper and middle reaches of the Danube River above the dams. The China Navigation Company was an early shipping company founded in 1876 in London, initially to trade up the Yangtze River from their Shanghai base with passengers and cargo. In August 1917, British Asiatic Petroleum became the first foreign merchant steamship on the Upper Yangtze. In the Battle of Caishi of 1161, the ships of the Jin emperor Wanyan Liang clashed with the Song fleet on the Yangtze. It was built after the Sino-Soviet Split and did not receive foreign assistance. Introduction to Freshwater Ecology . Habitat Animal Printouts. This indicates that, by this later period, a sophisticated processing technology was mastered in order to remove the harmful tannic acid, and make this food safe for consumption. [14] However, multiple recent studies have recovered this arrangement as paraphyletic, instead finding A. oxyrhinchus and A. sturio to form the most basal clade among sturgeons, and all other species being in a separate clade, with the various other species of Acipenser, Scaphirhynchus, Pseudoscaphirhynchus, and Huso to have varying levels of relationship with one another.[15][16]. [8], Recently the biodiversity of the lake has suffered greatly due to the invasion of foreign fish, the black bass and the bluegill. Freshwater Ecology, Third Edition, covers everything from the basic chemical and physical properties of water, to the advanced and unifying concepts of community ecology and ecosystem relationships found in continental waters. Formal theory. Junk travel accomplished the upriver feat by employing 7080 trackers, men hitched to hawsers who physically pulled ships upriver through some of the most risky and deadly sections of the three gorges. Traditional accounts[56] credit these changes to northern refugees (Taibo and Zhongyong in Wu and Wuyi in Yue) who assumed power over the local tribes, though these are generally assumed to be myths invented to legitimate them to other Zhou rulers. Sturgeon is the common name for the 27 species of fish belonging to the family Acipenseridae. Until 1957, there were no bridges across the Yangtze River from Yibin to Shanghai. [41][40] Depending on the species and size, leech bites can be barely noticeable or they can be fairly painful. At the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, these southern commanderies became the independent Nanyue Empire under Zhao Tuo while Chu and Han vied with each other for control of the north. The Empire of China and island of Japan, agreeable to modern history. Historically, the Yangtze became the political boundary between north China and south China several times (see History of China) because of the difficulty of crossing the river. [119] It is a commercially important species in its native range where it is farmed,[118] but the Chinese mitten crab has also been spread to Europe and North America where considered invasive. [8], The wide range of the acipenserids and their endangered status have made collection of systematic materials difficult. Each papilla contains many sensory cells. The last seven segments contain the posterior brain and are fused to form the animal's tail sucker. Other species that support important fisheries include northern snakehead, Chinese perch, Takifugu pufferfish (mainly in the lowermost sections) and predatory carp. Chng Jing (; ) is the official name for the Yangtze () in Mandarin Chinese. Ecology The sperm is liberated and passes to the ovisacs, either through the coelomic channels or interstitially through specialist "target tissue" pathways. Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) The number of dead from this flood was estimated at 33,000, including those who died of plague in the aftermath of the disaster. PHOTO CREDIT: KIRA KOOP. volume 1, 4th edition. ; Shaffer, H.B. The family is grouped into four genera: Acipenser (which is paraphyletic, containing many distantly related sturgeon species), Huso, Scaphirhynchus, and Pseudoscaphirhynchus. A unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water. Phylogeny and historical demography of endemic fishes in Lake Biwa: the ancient lake as a promoter of evolution and diversification of freshwater fishes in western Japan. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, also a road-rail bridge, was the first bridge to cross the lower reaches of the Yangtze, in Nanjing. The largest shipping companies in service, Butterfield & Swire, Jardine Matheson, Standard Oil, Mackenzie & Co., Asiatic Petroleum, Robert Dollar, China Merchants S.N. [22] In the case of the North American Erpobdella punctata, the clutch size is about five eggs, and some ten cocoons are produced. Maps from the early 18th century call it "Cussate," "Hogohegee," "Callamaco," and "Acanseapi." [36] An externally attached leech will detach and fall off on its own accord when it is satiated on blood, which may take from twenty minutes to a few hours; bleeding from the wound may continue for some time. Sturgeon is the common name for the 27 species of fish belonging to the family Acipenseridae.The earliest sturgeon fossils date to the Late Cretaceous, and are descended from other, earlier acipenseriform fish, which date back to the Early Jurassic period, some 174 to 201 million years ago. The earliest sturgeon fossils date to the Late Cretaceous, and are descended from other, earlier acipenseriform fish, which date back to the Early Jurassic period, some 174 to 201 million years ago. British warships, constructed using such innovations as steam power combined with sail and the use of iron in shipbuilding, wreaked havoc on Chinese junks; such ships (like the Nemesis) were not only virtually indestructible but also highly mobile and able to support a gun platform with very heavy guns. (1962). Eventually, they pushed their way up north close enough to threaten the Imperial Palace in Peking itself. They are one of two living families of the Acipenseriformes alongside Though recently relocated to higher ground ahead of the Three Gorges Dam, the monument still stands overlooking the Upper Yangtze River near Yichang, a rare collective tribute to a westerner in China. Using Genomics to understand freshwater fish resources. The area of this lake is about 670km (258.69 sq mi). In 2005 a Yangtze Forum has been established bringing together 13 riparian provincial governments to manage the river from source to sea. Washington D.C.: USGS, 1982. It was the first bridge across the Yangtze River. [74] Species that feed on warm-blooded hosts move towards warmer objects. Pensoft celebrates 30 years in scholarly publishing! [22][24] The glossiphoniids brood their eggs, either by attaching the cocoon to the substrate and covering it with their ventral surface, or by securing the cocoon to their ventral surface, and even carrying the newly hatched young to their first meal. Industrial ecology seeks to quantify the There are terrestrial biomes (land) and The best-known species, such as the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, are hematophagous, attaching themselves to a host with a sucker and feeding on blood, having first secreted the peptide hirudin to prevent the blood from clotting. In terrestrial species, the cocoon is often concealed under a log, in a crevice or buried in damp soil. Industrial ecology (IE) is the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems. Our research and research surveys provide the necessary information needed to evaluate the overall health of more than Industrial ecology The Central Yangtze valley was home to sophisticated Neolithic cultures. An average adult specimen measures around 2.5 to 3.2 m (8.2 to 10.5 ft) in length and weighs from 135230 kg (298507 lb). Adopting Chinese characters, political institutions, and military technology, they were among the most powerful states during the later Zhou. The river was called Quian () and Quianshui () by Marco Polo[20] and appeared on the earliest English maps as Kian or Kiam,[21][22] which derives from Cantonese, all recording dialects which preserved forms of the Middle Chinese pronunciation of as Kwng. Sturgeons are broadcast spawners, and do not spawn every year because they require specific conditions. By equipping some migratory birds with a GPS backpack, the biologists provided new APPLE BAY ON VANCOUVER ISLAND, WHERE BOTANISTS DISCOVERED AN ANCIENT FORM OF PLANT LIFE. ", "Sturgeon Vignette Sturgeon for Tomorrow", "Spearing Sturgeon on Wisconsin's Lake Winnebago", "Conservation and sustainable use of wild sturgeon populations of the NW Black Sea and Lower Danube River in Romania", "The incredible powers you didn't know the Queen has", PBS special, video clips and public outreach videos about sturgeon,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This article incorporates text from a publication now in the, This page was last edited on 3 November 2022, at 16:06. Some rhynchobdellids have the ability to change colour dramatically by moving pigment in chromatophore cells; this process is under the control of the nervous system but its function is unclear as the change in hue seems unrelated to the colour of the surroundings. Almost seven hundred species of leech are currently recognised, of which some hundred are marine, ninety terrestrial and the remainder freshwater. They showed that mammal mitochondrial DNA, amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, can be identified from a leech's blood meal for at least four months after feeding. (2007). Water resources [42][44], By the turn of the century, commercial production of sturgeon caviar in the US and Canada had come to an end. [5][6] This is explained in part by the long generation interval, tolerance for wide ranges of temperature and salinity, lack of predators due to size and bony plated armor, or scutes, and the abundance of prey items in the benthic environment. [80], Reconnecting the lakes improved water quality and fish were able to migrate from the river into the lake, replenishing their numbers and genetic stock. A 1755 British map showed the Tennessee River as the "River of the Cherakees. MycoKeys will consider for publishing: descriptions of new taxa, if they are accompanied with proper diagnoses and/or keys to distinguish them from close relatives or The major tributaries (listed from upstream to downstream) with the locations of where they join the Yangtze are: The Huai River flowed into the Yellow Sea until the 20th century, but now primarily discharges into the Yangtze. In Hirudo medicinalis, these supplementary factors are produced by an obligatory mutualistic relationship with the bacterial species, Aeromonas veronii. There are 46 native fish species and subspecies in the lake,[7] including 11 species and 5 subspecies that are endemic or near-endemic. Reed colonies on the shore form give Lake Biwa its characteristic scenery. Freshwater ecology In March 2004, when the recently established UN Environment Programme published its first Global Environment Outlook Year Book (GEO Year Book 2003), it reported 146 dead zones in the world's oceans where marine life could not be supported due to depleted oxygen levels. [66] The theological debate over its kosher status can be traced back to such 19th-century reformers as Aron Chorin, though its consumption was already common in European Jewish communities. The Qin and Han empires were actively engaged in the agricultural colonization of the Yangtze lowlands, maintaining a system of dikes to protect farmland from seasonal floods. To maintain structure, sturgeons are one of few organisms to retain a post-embryonic notochord that acts like a soft spine running through the body. dabryanus.[15][16]. [104] In addition to dams already built in the Yangtze basin, several large dams are planned and these may present further problems for the native fauna. By 2005, there were a total of 56 bridges and one tunnel across the Yangtze River between Yibin and Shanghai. Among them, the Xiluodu Dam is the third largest power station in the world, and the Baihetan Dam, planned to be commissioned in 2021, will be the second largest after the Three Gorges Dam. [36] Internal attachments, such as inside the nose, are more likely to require medical intervention. Symptoms of these reactions include red blotches or an itchy rash over the body, swelling around the lips or eyes, a feeling of faintness or dizziness, and difficulty in breathing. Freshwater Ecology Notes 1 01/22/12 =Karst Lakes= Lime Sinks = Doline Lakes -formed in highly soluble rock Groundwater The Grand Canal connects the lower Yangtze with the major cities of the Jiangnan region south of the river (Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou) and with northern China (all the way from Yangzhou to Beijing). And we killed it". In 1890, the Chinese government agreed to open Chongqing to foreign trade as long as it was restricted to native crafts. This website uses cookies in order to improve your web experience. Some Rhynchobdellida however suck the soft tissues from their prey, making them intermediate between predators and blood-suckers. The Tennessee River is formed at the confluence of the Holston and French Broad rivers in present-day Knoxville, Tennessee. In colloquial usage, the term animal is often used to refer only to nonhuman animals. Biological Lotic Moving water induced by slope. The freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens, is a fish endemic to North and Central America.It is the only species in the genus Aplodinotus, and is a member of the family Sciaenidae.It is the only North American member of the group that inhabits freshwater for its entire life. [5], The terrestrial Haemadipsidae are mostly native to the tropics and subtropics,[6] while the aquatic Hirudinidae have a wider global range; both of these feed largely on mammals, including humans. [7], Despite the existence of a fossil record, full classification and phylogeny of the sturgeon species has been difficult to determine, in part due to the high individual and ontogenic variation, including geographical clines in certain features, such as rostrum shape, number of scutes, and body length. Berg, L.S. The prosperous Yangtze Delta generates as much as 20% of China's GDP. They fell in against themselves, however. [1] It is estimated to be the 13th oldest lake in the world. A spermatophore is pushed by one through the integument of the other, usually into the clitellar region. [7], The first major battles of the American Civil War occurred along the river in 1862. Freshwater Ecology In 1924, a 50-foot granite pyramidal obelisk was erected in Xintan, on the site of Captain Plant's home, in a Chinese community of pilots and junk owners. [43] This source was only discovered in the late 20th century and lies in wetlands at 323614N 943044E / 32.60389N 94.51222E / 32.60389; 94.51222 and 5,170m (16,960ft) above sea level just southeast of Chadan Township in Zadoi County, Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai. Circles of Sustainability //PHOTO: ALICIA KORPACH APRIL 28, 2022 University of Manitoba researchers have published a paper that challenges the way we think about airspace. It is approximately 652 miles (1,049 km) long and is located in the southeastern United States in the Tennessee Valley.The river was once popularly known as the Cherokee River, among other names, as the Cherokee people had their homelands along its banks, especially in what are now East Tennessee and northern British military superiority was clearly evident during the conflict. For a list of rivers by length, see, Dusk on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River (, Recorded as bearing the local Chinese name of, Ricci, Matteo & al. Participation can be as simple as playing a The jaws used to pierce the skin are replaced in other species by a proboscis which is pushed into the skin. T'oung Pao 100.45 (2014): 325362. IUCN data indicates that over 85% of sturgeon species are at risk of extinction, making them more critically endangered than any other group of animal species. [93][94] Surveys conducted between 2006 and 2008 by ichthyologists failed to catch any, but two probable specimens were recorded with hydroacoustic signals. [100] Among the most important are four Asian carp: grass carp, black carp, silver carp and bighead carp. One of the Standard Oil captains who survived this attack had served on the Upper River for 14 years. [47], In response to concerns over the future of sturgeons and associated commercial products, international trade for all species of sturgeons has been regulated under CITES since 1998. Etymology. Tennessee River No other order has more than four species in the river and one endemic. The fertilized eggs become sticky and adhere to the bottom substrate upon contact. In mid-1840, a large fleet of warships appeared on the China coast, and with the first cannonball fired at a British ship, the Royal Saxon, the British started the first of the Opium Wars. [48][49][50] Some species of sturgeon are extinct, and several are on the verge of extinction, including the Chinese sturgeon,[51] the highly prized beluga sturgeon,[52] and the Alabama sturgeon. However, farmers and settlements encroached on the land next to the lakes although it was forbidden to settle there. At Wuhan, it receives its biggest tributary, the Han River, bringing water from its northern basin as far as Shaanxi. The Caiyuanba Bridge, an arch bridge in Chongqing, was completed in 2007. It lies near the southern end of Lake Biwa, close to Otsu City, at a depth of 2 to 3 meters from the bottom.[11]. Each of these habitats has distinct life forms living in it, forming complex communities of interdependent organisms. The family Acipenseridae is subdivided into 2 subfamilies; Acipenserinae, including the genera Acipenser and Huso, and Scaphirhynchinae, including the genera Scaphirhynchus and Pseudoscaphirhynchus. In ancient Greece, bloodletting was practised according to the theory of humours found in the Hippocratic Corpus of the fifth centuryBC, which maintained that health depended on a balance of the four humours: blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile. [52] What is now thought of as Chinese culture developed along the more fertile Yellow River basin; the "Yue" people of the lower Yangtze possessed very different traditions blackening their teeth, cutting their hair short, tattooing their bodies, and living in small settlements among bamboo groves[53] and were considered barbarous by the northerners. New England/Mid-Atlantic | NOAA Fisheries Abiotic factors include climate, soil, temperature, water, air, sunlight, humidity, pH, and atmospheric gases. The factors have led researchers in the past to identify over 40 additional species that were rejected by later scientists. It was intended to control the use of synthetic detergents by companies and residents alike and followed a successful citizens' campaign known as the Soap Movement, which had emerged from women's consumer groups earlier in the 1970s.[13]. The name Blue River began to be applied in the 18th century,[21] apparently owing to a former name of the Dam Chu[27] or Min[29] and to analogy with the Yellow River,[30][31] but it was frequently explained in early English references as a 'translation' of Jiang,[32][33] Jiangkou,[23] or Yangzijiang. In most species, an albumin-filled cocoon is secreted by the clitellum and receives one or more eggs as it passes over the female gonopore. The Yangtze River has over 700 tributaries. The survival of these two sturgeon may rely on the continued release of captive bred specimens. They are used by the leeches in modulating their own immunocytes and not for anaesthetising bite areas on their hosts. [20] The number of annulations varies, both between different regions of the body and between species. and V.G. The name Biwako was established in the Edo period. [2004] (2004). [13], The most ancient annelid group consists of the free-living polychaetes that evolved in the Cambrian period, being plentiful in the Burgess Shale about 500million years ago. Water quality Sergei F. Zolotukhin and Nina F. Kaplanova. Working with you, we solve problems, obtain approvals and enable your [15] By the mid-19th century, these romanizations had standardized as Kiang; Dajiang, e.g., was rendered as "Ta-Kiang." [84][85], In 2002 a pilot program was initiated to reconnect lakes to the Yangtze with the objective to increase biodiversity and to alleviate flooding. "China imposes a 10-year fishing ban for Yangtze River to protect marine biodiversity". The need to reduce anthropogenic nutrient inputs to aquatic ecosystems in order to protect drinking-water supplies and to reduce eutrophication, including the proliferation of harmful algal blooms (1) and dead zones in coastal marine ecosystems (2) has been widely recognized. The largest-ever field project investigating evolution began eight years ago with a tweet essentially asking, Hey, who wants to study clover? Kira, T., Ide, S., Fukada, F., Nakamura, M. (2005), Learn how and when to remove this template message. In the late 18th century, the mouth of the Little Tennessee River (at Lenoir City) was considered to be the beginning of the Tennessee River. [57] One active component of leech saliva is a small protein, hirudin. Leechuan was not designed for cargo or passengers and if Little wanted to take his vision one step further, he required an expert pilot. Sturgeon are recognizable for their elongated bodies, flattened rostra, distinctive scutes and barbels, and elongated upper tail lobes. The largest sturgeon on record was a beluga female captured in the Volga Delta in 1827, measuring 7.2m (23ft 7in) long and weighing 1,571kg (3,463lb). Freshwater Ecology [30] Several sensory nerves connect directly to the cerebral ganglion; there are sensory and motor nerve cells connected to the ventral nerve cord ganglia in each segment. Kawanabe, H.; Nishino, M.; and Maehata, M., editors (2012). [62], Steamers came late to the upper river, the section stretching from Yichang to Chongqing. In their preferred habitats, they may occur in very high densities; in a favourable environment with water high in organic pollutants, over 10,000 individuals were recorded per square metre (over 930 per square foot) under rocks in Illinois. [18], The bodies of predatory leeches are similar, though instead of a jaw many have a protrusible proboscis, which for most of the time they keep retracted into the mouth. They are believed to use a combination of sensors, including olfactory, tactile, and chemosensory cues detected by the four barbels, and electroreception using their ampullae of Lorenzini. Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd., Jerusalem. The river misses Georgia by about 250 feet. Within the course of a century, the once abundant sturgeon fisheries in the US and Canada had drastically declined, and in some areas had been extirpated under the pressure of commercial overharvesting, pollution, human encroachment, habitat loss, and the damming of rivers that blocked their ancestral migration to spawning grounds. It flows into the Ohio River at Paducah, Kentucky. Lake Biwa: Experience and Lessons Learned Brief. [36][37], Matteo Ricci's 1615 Latin account included descriptions of the "Ianu" and "Ianuchian. For example, Baidang Lake shrunk from 100 square kilometers (39sqmi) in the 1950s to 40 square kilometers (15sqmi) in 2005. [1][7] The remaining endemic fish are subspecies of Carassius auratus, Cobitis minamorii, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus and Squalidus (chankaensis) biwae. List of citizen science projects [18], The Tennessee River has historically been a major highway for riverboats through the South, and today they are frequently used along the river. [25] They also have four barbelssensory organs that precede their wide, toothless mouths. [120] A particularly rich genus in the river basin is the potamid Sinopotamon. At one time there were large areas of reeds along the shores of Lake Biwa, which local government surveys recently found to have halved in size due to encroaching development. [19], Leeches are hermaphrodites, with the male reproductive organs, the testes, maturing first and the ovaries later. [25], When breeding, most marine leeches leave their hosts and become free-living in estuaries. [119], The freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii, now an invasive species in large parts of the world, originates from the Yangtze. They wanted to put Winnipeg on the Stay in touch with the Faculty of Science and keep up to date with all the news and events that will matter to you throughout your time in the Faculty. [29] This evolutionary choice of exopeptic digestion in Hirudinea distinguishes these carnivorous clitellates from oligochaetes, and may explain why digestion in leeches is so slow. [59] Conservation efforts at the grass roots level are also instrumental in helping to preserve sturgeon populations, such as Sturgeon For Tomorrow[60] which was founded in 1977, consists of volunteers and a sturgeon guarding program to monitor known spawning sites. Oligochaetes evolved from polychaetes and the leeches branched off from the oligochaetes. Empty string [54][55], In addition to global restocking efforts, the monitoring of populations and habitat, and various other conservation efforts by national and state resource agencies as applicable to their respective countries, several conservation organizations have been formed to assist in the preservation of sturgeons around the world. It rises at Jari Hill in the Tanggula Mountains (Tibetan Plateau) and flows 6,300km (3,900mi) in a generally easterly direction to the East China Sea. "The Chinese river dolphin was functionally extinct". Eight to 15 days are needed for the embryos to mature into larval fish. The Tongtian is the Drichu ( , Bri Chu), literally "Water of the Female Yak"; transliterated into Chinese: ; pinyin: Zhq). Some sections of the river are now protected as nature reserves. Only a few large lakes, such as Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake, remained connected to the Yangtze. The largest of these lakes is Dongting Lake, which is located on the border of Hunan and Hubei provinces, and is the outlet for most of the rivers in Hunan. Qin then used its connections along the Yangtze River the Xiang River to expand China into Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong, setting up military commanderies along the main lines of communication. Segers, H.; and Martens, K; editors (2005). The 2016 China floods caused US$22billion in damages. A further confounding factor is the peculiar ability of sturgeons to produce reproductively viable hybrids, even between species assigned to different genera. To Chongqing commercial fishing and human encroachment synthetic detergents which contain phosphorus biological! Pearl '' button industry was established in the two lakes declined sharply Steam navigational Company out business. 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Dam construction, water pollution, and microbes, Oxford, England by an obligatory mutualistic relationship with the in. ( 1,049km ) long and is typically somewhat cylindrical important are four Asian carp: carp... In scholarly publishing bridge near the Gezhouba Dam lock, was built was a single-track bridge... That had served as natural buffers for floods increased the damage done by floods further.. Combination of mucus and suction to stay in place while they inject hirudin into the American... Drastically due to hunting ( it is the first decade of the kingdom Animalia are connected to the best.... ] they also have four, eight, or 16 sets of chromosomes sections of the river connected! Respire through their body wall form gills and other allied information submitted by like... Sensory papillae arranged in pairs towards the front of the disaster, but derived. Because they require specific conditions water Botanical Garden and the southern Song least 4 million old... 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