the cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship

For example, arguments linking Protestantism to democracy and Catholicism to authoritarianism tended to be made most frequently when Protestant coun- tries around the world were predominantly democratic and when Catholic countries were largely authoritarian. (2010), Gassebner et al. Thus, the x variables in Eq. For example, a respondent in a dictatorship may not feel comfortable revealing her true preferences when asked about the value of democracy. >> A similar EBA approach also has been applied in studying terrorism (Gassebner and Luechinger 2011) and coups (Gassebner etal. In other words, diversity of these kinds does not seem to destabilize dictatorships. If we are correct, there may be a virtuous cycle linking social development, cultural change, and democratic outcomes. 230 Principles of Comparative Politics. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 263. e. Which of the four potential causal mechanisms does Fish find the most evidence for? Examine the survey question below that seeks to determine an individuals ideological preferences. growth of the service economy facilitates democratization (Ross, 2001). Why might it be problematic to use Freedom House to examine the impact that the unequal treatment of women in Islamic countries has on democracy? We also estimate our models on four different time periods: (1) 19602015 (entire period), (2) 19742015 (Third wave), (3) 19601990 (Cold War), and (4) 19912015 (post-Cold War). For democratic survival, however, several indicators of concepts associated with broader economic modernization become robust (industrialization and urbanization, education) once income is omitted. Parliamentary, Presidential, And Semi-Presidential Democracies. Major premise: If Catholicism is incompatible with democracy, then Catholic countries are more likely to be dictatorships than democracies. As to Confucianism, the fact that the comments of Singapores former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, concerning the relationship between Confucianism and democracy run directly counter to the com- ments of Taiwans former president, Lee Teng-hui, suggests that Confucianism can be inter- preted differently by different people and that it can be adapted to suit different purposes. Whatever the causal process, Protestantism has his- torically been seen by many as a religion that encourages democracy. According to Inglehart, political culture is determined by, among other things, the levels of overall life satisfaction, the levels of interpersonal trust, and the support for gradual societal change among the indi- viduals of a nation. Our first four concepts(1) communications technology proliferation, (2) industrialization and urbanization (with growth of the urban middle- and industrial working classes), and (3) educationall have played prominent roles in debates on whether economic development leads to democratization or stabilizes democracy (Moore 1966; Rueschemeyer etal. Social pres- sure, potential legal sanctions, and fear of retaliation can create incentives for respondents to lie on surveys. Changing the data source for GDP has some effects on the estimates, for instance on the coefficients on GDP per capital itself for democratization. This particular issue is especially relevant for survey research related to democracy. Both the between- and within-variables subsequently are entered into our original setup. In other words, the most common measure of the health of populations is negatively correlated with actual health. Furthermore, being located in a democratic neighborhood increases the likelihood of democratization (Gleditsch and Ward 2006); alsothat result is remarkably robust. Hence, we opted for multiple imputation using AMELIA II software (Honaker and King 2010). Thus, evidence indeed exists favoring a more nuanced interpretation of the Lipset (1959) thesis; at least some forms of economic development are associated robustly with democratization. In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term . 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 231, In line with cultural modernization theory, Inglehart and Welzel (2005) argue that socio- economic development generally produces a change in cultural values that sees countries move from the bottom left quadrant in Figure 7.2 where they are poor and authoritarian to the top right quadrant where they are rich and democratic. How does culture affect the emergence and survival of democracy? New York: Columbia University Press. sector, resources are freed up for the use in the manufacturing industry. As a result, lets rewrite this particular subgame (the part of the game tree in Figure 7.4 shown in gray) in its equivalent strategic form. Challenge Not Transgress (0, 7, 7) Successful challenge Do not copy,(2, 8, 8) Status post, quo or distribute Note: A and B = citizen groups; S = state. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Third, we assess the extent to which between- or within-country differences drive the results by applying the Mundlak (1978) estimator, which calculates the mean value for each country (between-variation) and subtracts country-year values from this mean (within-variation). For example, if you look at the row associated with the Machiguenga from Peru, you can see that the mode (the most common offer) is 0.15, the secondary mode is 0.25, and the mean is 0.26. With the growing automatization and digitization of production processes and market exchanges, however, a relatively small elite may now generate and accumulate considerable wealth; higher incomes thus may no longer correspond as strongly with social structural changes. The internet in authoritarian regimes. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Are muslims distinctive? 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 245. overall gender empowerment. Now choose one survey question of particular interest. The American Statistician, 70(2), 129133. 3. If the state decides to Do transgress,not then copy, the two groups of citizens, post, A and B, must simultaneouslyor distribute decide whether to acquiesce to the states transgression or challenge it. Pemstein, D., Meserve, S. A., & Melton, J. 2000; Boix and Stokes 2003; Acemoglu etal. . 9. One of the implicit assumptions in survey research is that respondents are answering the survey questions truthfully (Blair 2015). Although vague references to the compatibility of certain cultures with democracy have been around for some time, the first person to write in any great detail about the importance of culture to political institutions was Montesquieu in the eighteenth century. the Crown This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Values and attitudes with potential implications for regime type also may be clustered broadly by (17) geographic region. You are more familiar with seeing this sort of thing being captured by a strategic form game. Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. . Consider the following argument. Journal of Monetary Economics, 56(8), 10431058. For example, Lipset ([1960] 1994, 57) writes, It has been suggested, by Weber among others, that a historically unique concatenation of elements produced both democracy and capitalism in this area [northwest Europe, America, and Australasia]. Dictatorships might be sustainable in immature societies, but this is no longer the case in mature societies once they develop economically. (Acemoglu and Robinson 2006) Conclusion: Therefore, Islam is incompatible with democracy. In fact, fully 68 percent of the variance in offers could be explained by these two variables alone. In this paper, we build on the designs of Sala-i-Martin (1997) and Hegre and Sambanis (2006) to study the sensitivities of 67 proposed determinants of democracy. As Inglehart and Welzel (2005, 15) put it, socioeconomic development brings roughly predictable cultural changes . In sum, Islamic doctrine, like the doctrines of other reli- gions, contains elements that make it compatible with many traditional aspects of democracy. The details mentioned in the chapter are also given importance as per the syllabus of various competitive exams like . 2001, 2005). We report robustness in terms of (unweighted median) \({\bar{\beta }}\)- and \({\bar{\sigma }}\)-values, or the equivalent \({\bar{t}}\)-values, where \({\bar{t}}=\frac{\bar{{\beta }}}{\bar{{\sigma }}}\) across all relevant estimations for which a variable is a focus variable. We cannot confidently rule out that there is no relation- ship between the number of religious groups in a country and the survival of democracy. Countries in which citizens have coordinated their beliefs on these matters might be said to be characterized by a democratic culture. We now analyze a Coordination and Democracy Game inspired by Weingast (1997) to explore this argument further. Sala-i-Martin, X. X. M. Olson. First, the estimates could be affected by post-treatment bias if the controls include variables that (I) are consequences of our focus variable and (II) affect the dependent variable. Self-expression values emphasize the importance of gender, racial, and sexual equality; environmental protection; tolerance of diversity; civic activism; and life satisfaction. 260 Principles of Comparative Politics. Still, even though Catholic countries are more likely to become democratic, they seem to have a hard time staying democratic. Londregan, J. Similarly, it seems reasonable that experience with democ- racy can contribute to producing a civic culture that in turn reinforces democratic practice in the future. As a result, cultures do not necessarily represent impenetrable barriers to democrati- zation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Moreover, regional patterns of regime change can occur through the mechanisms of (18) diffusion in neighboring or similar countries (Huntington 1991; Gleditsch and Ward 2006; Brinks and Coppedge 2006). The American Economic Review, 90(5), 11601183. Other scholars have argued that ethnic diversity is particularly bad for democracy because it makes reaching compromises difficult and because it raises the risk of intercommunal violence (Dahl 1971; Horowitz 1993; Lijphart 1977; Rabushka and Shepsle 1972). It turns out that there were no democracies with a Protestant majority that ever collapsed into dictatorship in our sample of countries and time period. Countries that have more political rights and civil liberties are considered more free and, hence, more democratic. What would you expect individuals who care only about their own share of the pie to do if they acted as the proposer in an Ultimatum Game? 6. o As the modernization process brings about efficiencies in the agricultural First, the proposer might make a positive offer out of a sense of fairness. Therefore, we restrict combinations of x-variables to those measuring different concepts. Dark grey = significant at .10 level. All three of our variables related to resource wealth display negative and robust relationships with democratization (Ross 2001). Where to draw the line? nothing to lose, poor people may be more willing to take a chance Democracy and redistribution. Akey cultural change is emergence the of acivic culture. For duces cultural changes, certain and it cultural changes is these that to lead Acco in require democracy ademocraticDoes culture? Principles of Comparative Politics by Clark, William Roberts, Golder In Figure 7.1, we illustrate some of the causal arguments that scholars have made concerning the interaction between culture, economic development, and democracy. A thoroughly-revised chapter on culture and democracy includes a more extensive discussion of cultural modernization theory and a new overview of survey methods for addressing sensitive. For example, Eickelman and Piscatori (1996) point out that Islamic doctrine has historically been interpreted in various ways to justify many different types of government. For example, respondents might be asked to judge their own political efficacy, that is, their belief that they can get their rep- resentatives to address issues important to them. 1 shows that the aggregate \({\bar{\beta }}\) is positive and statistically significant for all four democracy measures for the 1960-2015 period. Moreover, there is growing empirical evidence that the stance of different religions toward various political institutions often depends less on the content of their doctrine and more on the interests and strategic concerns of religious leaders (Kalyvas 1996, 1998, 2000). The diverse effects of diversity on democracy. Other scholars highlight how particular religions make citizens and societies more or less predisposed to democratic rule. xO0!NhI'TbeC%VQ;X|l\@@FbgDrb3Q&k_D}]FL Constructivist arguments treat culture as something that is constructed or invented rather than inherited. Problems with Group Decision Making. thinks culture is malleable Cultural modernization theory socioeconomic development does not directly cause democracy instead economic development produces certain cultural changes and these produce democratic reform Civic culture shared cluster of attitudes that are thought to promote democracy and democratic performance Consequently, the democratic government takes time in executing and implementation of decisions. The remarkably consistent results corroborate the widely held notion that democracy is less prone to collapse in rich than in poor countries. Decision to choose democracy or dictatorship depends on the types of outcomes None of the coefficients on our ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity variables are statistically signifi- cant. a. Principles Chapter 7_ The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and 694640). The right edge of the lightly shaded horizontal gray bar gives the mean offer for that group. Ross, M. (2001). Democratic experiments in Africa: Regime transitions in comparative perspective. The second thing to note, though, is that there is much more variation in the offers made in the fifteen small-scale societies than in the student populations of the advanced industrial countries. A variant of modernization theory In "Dictators, Democracy, and American Public Culture: Envisioning the Totalitarian Enemy, 1920s - 1950s", Benjamin L. Alpers argues that, while Americans treat dictatorship and democracy as polar opposites, "for most of the history of Western political thought, dictatorship and democracy were regarded as only two of many possible forms of political organization - among them, tyranny . American Political Science Review, 53(1), 69105. Second, we could have excluded indicators with many missing observations, thereby ignoring substantively interesting explanatory variables. Do the geographic patterns that you see align with what you expected? Bernhard, M., Reenock, C., & Nordstrom, T. (2004). The vignette pro- vides a common reference point, or anchor, for the respondents and therefore allows the researcher to place the respondents self-assessments on a common scale. World development indicators 2019. Other scholars have interpreted Islamic concepts such as ijma (con- sensus of the community) and ijtihad (reinterpretation), as well as legal principles, such as maslaha (public welfare), as providing a basis for Islamic forms of parliamentary governance, representative elections, and religious reform (Esposito 2003). Both the Ultimatum and Dictator Games have been played in numerous experimental settings in virtually all of the industrialized democracies in the world. Governing religion: The long-term effects of sacred financing. One problem with this is that virtually all religions have some doctrinal elements that can be seen as compatible with democracy and others that are not (Stepan 2000, 44). What can you say about the circumstances under which the state will or will not transgress against its citizens? The relationship was challenged forcefully by Przeworski and Limongi (1997) and Przeworski etal. In this books concluding chapter, we will explore the possibility that particular types of political institutions may make democratic consolidation difficult. Moreover, that coefficient is by far the largest in the Cold War period ( 0.28) and much smaller during the Third Wave ( 0.10) and the post-Cold War (0.00) periods. As Gassebner etal. Finally, both literatures contain extensive discussions of plausible mechanisms, which is especially interesting for us when studying the different, potential fatal and facilitating controls. What form of categorical syllogism is this (affirming the antecedent/consequent or denying the antecedent/consequent)? Still, if a majority Protestant country does become democratic for some reason, then it is likely to stay democratic. 28 0 obj They are then confronted with a vignette that includes information about some other individuals political efficacy. This is the survey that provided the data for the cultural map of the world shown in Figure 7.2. In disease by disease com- parisons, while Kerala has much higher reported morbidity rates than the rest of India, the United States has even higher rates for the same illnesses. This means that we can no longer be confident in ruling out the possibility that there is no relationship between Islam and the emergence of democracy. As predicted, a statistical analysis revealed that higher values on both dimensions were, indeed, associated with higher mean offers in the Ultimatum Game. In Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Robert Putnam (1993) argues that cultural norms affect the variation in economic and political performance exhibited by regional governments in Italy. Before that, however, we focus our discussion on two particular debates that have drawn much scholarly attention, namely the impact of income and Islam on democracy. Rueschemeyer, D., Stephens, E. H., & Stephens, J. D. (1992). Rd, E.G., Knutsen, C.H. The constitution created a pluralistic state with a common citizenship that guaranteed identical rights and duties across the various religious and tribal communities in Medina. Islam and democracy. The contradiction of modernization: A conditional model of endogenous democratization. civic culture 228 primordialist arguments 224 constructivist arguments 224 social capital 229 Docultural not modernization copy, theory 226 post,social desirability or bias 233distribute differential item functioning 234, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 225 >> Political scientists are increasingly aware of these problems with surveys and have begun to develop ingenious methods to get around them. Does oil hinder democracy. The recognition in Islam that God is sovereign and the primary lawgiver has led some to argue that the Islamic state is in principle a theocracy (Lewis 1993) or, as Huntington (1996, 70) puts it, that in Islam God is Caesar. A third proposed argument for the incompatibility of Islam and democracy concerns Islams unequal treatment of women (Fish 2002; Norris and Inglehart 2004). The results indicate a clear relationship between GDP per capita and democratization, and the odds of democratization increases by 1.25 when GDP per capita increases by one standard deviation. 244 Principles of Comparative Politics, being Muslim does not preclude someone from living a peaceful and constructive life in a democratic society. A key cul- tural change according to this line of reasoning is the emergence of what political scientists call a civic culture. For many, the existence of a civic culture is seen as a prerequisite for the successful emer- gence and survival of democracy (Almond and Verba [1963] 1989; Inglehart 1990; Inglehart and Welzel 2005). The core idea in list experiments is to protect the confidentiality of individual responses by mixing sensitive items into lists that include nonsensitive control items. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. See Table A-2 in the online appendix for an overview. Thus, we are not forced to choose between the Doinstitutional not and valuescopy, stories. These respondents are also asked to indicate the number of items with which they agree. The results shown in Table 7.2 come from a dynamic probit model. Government is objectionable because it constrains liberty, which is a . That reduction in the size of the growth coefficient is consistent across all democracy measures. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. More recently, Hariri (2015) has presented evidence that the strengths of pre-colonial Middle Eastern state institutions account for the negative association between majority-Muslim status and democratization. Kennedy, R. (2010). In contrast to previous literature, which looks at the effect of democracy on long-run growth or short-run volatility of growth, we examine the effect of political institutions on medium-term growth episodes. Consider the following example about self-reported health in India and the United States. What do you think a researcher would find if she examined the relationship between Catholicism and democracy in 1976? Stanford: Stanford University Press. Moreover, time-invariant political-historical or geographical features may bias the incomedemocratization relationship upwards; Acemoglu etal. o For a wealthy person, switching to a dictatorship is a gamble because there is a. were more difficult for the state to tax. Recall that the sign of the coefficient is important because it tells us the, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Compared to V-Dem, the odds of obtaining a positive and significant (at .05) coefficient of income on democratization (across 19602015) is reduced by 74% to 85% when instead using Polity, DD/ACLP, or BMR.Footnote 5 Sample differences cannot account for this pattern as they are similar across the different measures. (PDF) The Determinants of Democracy: A Sensitivity Analysis - ResearchGate Figure 7.2 shows a cultural map of the world based on data from the 20102014 World Values Survey. In an endorsement experiment, some survey respondents are asked to give their attitudes toward a policy that a sensitive political actor has endorsed. [and] these changes make democracy increasingly likely to emerge where it does not yet exist, and to become stronger and more direct where it already exists. The claims made by Montesquieu and Mill regarding culture and democracy illustrate several potential problems that characterize some cultural arguments to this day (Przeworski, Cheibub, and Limongi 1998). Aug 1999 democracy versus dictatorship. If we looked only at the results from Model 1, we would have to conclude that having a Muslim majority is bad for the survival of democracy. One noteworthy omission from our list of most robust indicators is economic growth. The aggregate results, shown in Fig. If experts cant agree on what they mean by democracy, why would we expect individuals in different coun- tries to have the same concept in mind when answering survey questions about it? Indeed, Friedman (2002) even suggests that Buddhist and Confucian cultures may actually have more demo- cratic elements than Greco-Christian culture. Many scholars have also taken issue with the claim that Islam is incompatible on doc trinal grounds with democracy (Abootalebi 1999; Esposito and Voll 1996; Filali-Ansary 1999; Hefner 2000; Price 1999; Rahman 1979; Sachedina 2000). . Model 1 in the first column examines how having a Muslim, Protestant, or Catholic majority affects the probability of democratic survival with- out taking anything else into account. What is Fishs dependent variable? Islamic hypothesis: Countries with a majority Muslim population are less likely to become and stay democratic. Differential item functioning (DIF) refers to the Clearly, the respondents in the different regions of fact that different items, such as particular survey India and in the United States either understood the questions, may function differently across individuals survey questions differently or evaluated their levels of or groups. The third wave: Democratization in the late twentieth century. 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