basic authentication vulnerability owasp

Email remains essential for sales, productivity, and confidential communication in business, and using Basic Authentication puts companies at greater risk of data breaches and disruption of email. The authentication mechanisms are weak because they fail to adequately protect against brute-force attacks. Due to malfunctioning or while under attack, a web service may required too much resources, leaving the host system unstable. API #3 - Excessive Data Exposure. Information on ordering, pricing, and more. We have demonstrated several ways in which websites can be vulnerable due to how they implement authentication. A website's authentication system usually consists of several distinct mechanisms where vulnerabilities may occur. Finally, we'll provide some basic guidance on how you can ensure that your own authentication mechanisms are as robust as possible. The important sections of the context are structure, authentication, technology and user. We have also worked with partners to help our mutual customers turn off Basic Authentication and implement Modern Authentication. Rule: Limit the amount of memory the web service can use to avoid system running out of memory. Transport confidentiality protects against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks against web service communications to/from the server. Since we announced our intent to deprecate Basic Authentication in 2019, we have helped millions of Exchange Online users move to Modern Authentication. Rule: Enforce the same encoding style between the client and the server. Attackers have to gain access to only a few accounts, or just one admin account to . We will use script based authentication for this post. Get your questions answered in the User Forum. Join our community Slack and read our weekly Faun topics , We help developers learn and grow by keeping them up with what matters. According to the OWASP Foundation, broken authentication is among the top ten web application security risks . There are a few issues with HTTP Basic Auth: The password is sent over the wire in base64 encoding (which can be easily converted to plaintext). Broken Authentication is the second most critical vulnerability as per OWASP Top 10 list. Broadly speaking, most vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms arise in one of two ways: In many areas of web development, logic flaws will simply cause the website to behave unexpectedly, which may or may not be a security issue. API Gateway is a software which sits in front of API (Application programming Interface) and helps to ensure great performance, high availability and elastic scalability of APIs. In some cases the host system may start killing processes to free up memory. For example in this Hackazon API case, you need to do basic authentication, obtain a token and pass this token on your request header on each request to access the authenticated resource. Rule: Ensure Virus Scanning technology is regularly updated with the latest virus definitions/rules. Enhance security monitoring to comply with confidence. The best manual tools to start web security testing. Content validation for XML input should include: Web services need to ensure that the output sent to clients is encoded to be consumed as data and not as scripts. Rule: Ensure Virus Scanning technology is installed and preferably inline so files and attachments could be checked before being saved on disk. To reduce the risk of such attacks on your own websites, there are several general principles that you should always try to follow. Save time/money. To protect your APIs (or gym bags) you must make sure your developers implement a strong authentication "lock" that follows the recent standards, such as the OWASP authentication cheat sheet. This gives the opportunity for hackers to attach viruses and malware to these SOAP messages. Login here. In other words, it involves making sure that they really are who they claim to be. Invicti identified that the application is using basic authentication over HTTP. Scale dynamic scanning. The user account can be a local account or a domain account. Write custom ZAP script for authentication and proxy. Rule: The XSD defined for a SOAP web service should define strong (ideally allow-list) validation patterns for all fixed format parameters (e.g., zip codes, phone numbers, list values, etc.). If you are working with SOAP-based Web Services, the element names are those SOAP Actions. Some vulnerabilities are broadly applicable across all of these contexts, whereas others are more specific to the functionality provided. Customers that have disabled Basic Authentication have experienced 67 percent fewer compromises than those who still use it. Such authentication is usually a function of the container of the web service. Many mobile devices still use Basic Authentication, so making sure your device is using the latest software or operating system update is one of the ways to switch it to use Modern Authentication. The problem gets worse if you want to integrate with your CICD pipeline. Rule : If used, Basic Authentication must be conducted over TLS , but Basic Authentication is not recommended because it discloses secrets in plan text (base64 . Please notice that due to the difference in implementation between different frameworks, this cheat sheet is kept at a high level. The integrity of data in transit can easily be provided by TLS. We will use ZAP context to configure the applications profile. Hackazon provides vulnerable APIs which we will use for this demo. Authorization: Token af538baa9045a84c0e889f672baf83ff24, You can find more information about the REST API here: Validating inputs using a strong allow list. Rule: TLS must be used to authenticate the service provider to the service consumer. This either cripples the application making it unable to respond to legitimate messages or it could take it down entirely. Microsoft retires Basic Authentication in Exchange Online. Generally, using basic authentication is not a good solution. If you love to hack authentication mechanisms, after completing our main authentication labs, more advanced users may want to try and tackle our OAuth authentication labs. Basic authentication sends username and password in plain text. Hence we use a global variable (hackazon_token) and pass this variable to http_sender script which intercepts all requests (including from Active scan, Spidering, etc) and add this token to those requests. As well as potentially allowing attackers direct access to sensitive data and functionality, they also expose additional attack surface for further exploits. For the same reason, encryption does not ensure the identity of the sender. Accelerate penetration testing - find more bugs, more quickly. In effect, the secret password is sent in the clear, for anyone to read and capture. Web services need to authorize web service clients the same way web applications authorize users. Rule: If used, Basic Authentication must be conducted over TLS, but Basic Authentication is not recommended because it discloses secrets in plan text (base64 encoded) in HTTP Headers. We will need another httpsender script to add this token to each subsequent requests. Authentication bypass vulnerability could allow attackers to perform various malicious operations by bypassing the device authentication mechanism. In the worst case, it could help them gain complete control over . I included a python script which can automate the entire scanning process. N.B: You need to download Python engine from ZAP Marketplace to write python scripts its not included by default. Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online, Internet Crime Report 2021, Internet Crime Complaint Center. Dead accurate, fast & easy-to-use Web Application Security Scanner, Invicti Security Corp 1000 N Lamar Blvd Suite 300 Austin, TX 78703, US. In this section, we'll look at some of the most common authentication mechanisms used by websites and discuss potential vulnerabilities in them. You can have only one token, so if you use it in several places, do not call basic authorization requests, do it only once, and then use received token. See how our software enables the world to secure the web. Larger size limit (or no limit at all) increases the chances of a successful DoS attack. A web service needs to make sure a web service client is authorized to perform a certain action (coarse-grained) on the requested data (fine-grained). Rule: Messages containing sensitive data must be encrypted using a strong encryption cipher. Allowing Domains or Accounts to Expire; Buffer Overflow; Business logic vulnerability . There are three authentication factors into which different types of authentication can be categorized: Authentication mechanisms rely on a range of technologies to verify one or more of these factors. Rule: Ensure access to administration and management functions within the Web Service Application is limited to web service administrators. What is vulnerability Owasp? Authentication is the process of verifying that a user really is who they claim to be, whereas authorization involves verifying whether a user is allowed to do something. As previously announced, we are turning off Basic Authentication in Exchange Online for all tenants starting October 1, 2022. A vulnerability is a hole or a weakness in the application, which can be a design flaw or an implementation bug, that allows an attacker to cause harm to the stakeholders of an application.Stakeholders include the application owner, application users, and other entities that rely on the application. Because basic authentication does not encrypt user credentials, it is important that traffic always be sent over an encrypted SSL session. Rule: Validation against oversized payloads. Consider the following security flaws: Basic authentication sends the username and password across the network in a form that can trivially be decoded. The password is sent repeatedly, for each request. Then just send this token in every request in Authorization header or as a request parameter Token. Basic authentication is vulnerable to replay attacks. . I wont go through this as the script is pretty self explanatory. In this post, we will take the demo vulnerable application Hackazon. To set up the vulnerability scan settings will take the following steps: 3. See the OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet. This is for data at rest. Reduce risk. Performing authenticated application vulnerability scanning can get quite complex for modern applications or APIs. Basic authentication sends username and password in plain text. Even if the account does not have access to any sensitive data, it might still allow the attacker to access additional pages, which provide a further attack surface. Products. Schema validation enforces constraints and syntax defined by the schema. Rule: Web services must validate SOAP payloads against their associated XML schema definition (XSD). Validation against malformed XML entities. By using this website you agree with our use of cookies to improve its performance and enhance your experience. Attackers can detect broken authentication using manual means and exploit them using automated tools with password lists and dictionary attacks. Rule: Client Certificate Authentication using Mutual-TLS is a common form of authentication that is recommended where appropriate. I hope you found this tutorial useful. A list of the top 10 assaults for various technologies, including web applications, the cloud, mobile security, etc., has been compiled by OWASP under the moniker OWASP . We recommend our customers turn off Basic Authentication and implement Modern Authentication now. For more information on how to do this properly see the Transport Layer Protection Cheat Sheet., Product Security | Sydney |, How to Change Your Career Even If You Think Its Too Late, Adventures in extracting parts of a tarball, High throughput object store access via file abstraction, [Issue&Solution] When we upgrading kube v1.16.12 > v1.17.17, Catch critical bugs; ship more secure software, more quickly. Such authentication is usually a function of the container of the web service. The same study found that over 97 percent of credential stuffing attacks also use legacy authentication. NOTE: Before you add a vulnerability, please search and make sure there isn't an equivalent one already. This is sometimes referred to as "broken authentication". To verify, build test cases to make sure your parser to resistant to these types of attacks. In simple words the API Gateway throttling takes all API requests from a client, determines which services are needed, and combines them into a unified, seamless . The authentication script will be tied with the context defined earlier. The server responds back with a "Authorization Required . The enterprise-enabled dynamic web vulnerability scanner. Copyright 2021 - CheatSheets Series Team - This work is licensed under a, Insecure Direct Object Reference Prevention, Cross Site Scripting Prevention Cheat Sheet, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The process starts when a user sends a GET request for a resource without providing any authentication credentials. Therefore, in order to introduce the concept of a session, it is required to implement session management capabilities that link both the authentication and access control (or . November 3, 2022. Rule: Limit the amount of CPU cycles the web service can use based on expected service rate, in order to have a stable system. Automating Authenticated API vulnerability scanning with OWASP ZAP Performing authenticated application vulnerability scanning can get quite complex for modern applications or APIs. What's the difference between Pro and Enterprise Edition? THREAT COMMAND. You may want to consider creating a redirect if the topic is the same. Even compromising a low-privileged account might still grant an attacker access to data that they otherwise shouldn't have, such as commercially sensitive business information. There are 921 password attacks every second, almost doubling the frequency of attacks from 2021. See: Authentication Cheat Sheet. Practise exploiting vulnerabilities on realistic targets. However, I must admit ZAP has a steep learning curve but once you get over that hurdle you will love ZAP. (Larger attack window) The password is cached by the webbrowser, at a minimum for the length of the window / process. As more sophisticated cyber criminals take aim at hybrid and remote workers, Microsoft is working to raise awareness among Exchange Online customers that one of the most important security steps they can take is to move away from outdated, less secure protocols, like Basic Authentication. In this post we will explore how we can handle complex authentication using this scripting functionality. However, they can be among the most critical due to the obvious relationship between authentication and security. First, lets analyse our target and take a look at how the authentication works for Hackazon API. Logic flaws or poor coding in the implementation allow the authentication mechanisms to be bypassed entirely by an attacker. Insight Platform Solutions; XDR & SIEM. This article is focused on providing guidance for securing web services and preventing web services related attacks. Rule: For XML data, use XML digital signatures to provide message integrity using the sender's private key. Rule: SOAP Messages size should be limited to an appropriate size limit. Securing email has never been more critical. Over the years OWASP ZAP community has done an excellent job of extending ZAPs features and functionalities. But authentication is not one size fits all. List of Vulnerabilities. The world's #1 web penetration testing toolkit. For example, we only want to do injection test and also we know that the database is MySQL and hence would like to test MySQL related SQL injection payloads only. 2021. SOAP provides the ability to attach files and documents to SOAP messages. Free, lightweight web application security scanning for CI/CD. Already got an account? Even commercial vulnerability scanners struggle with this problem. Step 1: Authorization: Basic dGVzdF91c2VyOjEyMzQ1Ng== On every basic authorization request without _token parameter new token will be generated. Threat Intelligence. Broadly speaking, most vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms arise in one of two ways: The authentication mechanisms are weak because they fail to adequately protect against brute-force attacks. As more sophisticated cyber criminals take aim at hybrid and remote workers, Microsoft is working to raise awareness among Exchange Online customers that one of the most important security steps they can take is to move away from outdated, less secure protocols, like Basic Authentication. As we use reCAPTCHA, you need to be able to access Google's servers to use this function. If an attacker can intercept traffic on the network, he/she might be able to steal the user's credentials. However, as authentication is so critical to security, the likelihood that flawed authentication logic exposes the website to security issues is clearly elevated. You can also use an app, such as Outlook mobile, that only uses Modern Authentication and works on both iOS and Android devices. Rule: Limit the number of simultaneous open files, network connections and started processes. Now we need to use this token for each subsequent requests. Rule: Validating against overlong element names. In the context of a website or web application, authentication determines whether someone attempting to access the site with the username Carlos123 really is the same person who created the account. Attackers could also bypass the authentication mechanism by stealing the valid session IDs or cookies. Data elements meant to be kept confidential must be encrypted using a strong encryption cipher with an adequate key length to deter brute-forcing. Authentication in the context of web applications is commonly performed by submitting a username or ID and one or more items of private information that only a given user should know. Sorted by: 355. It should look like below after we finish writing our script: In order to scan efficiently, we will tweak the scan profile. Generally, using basic authentication is not a good solution. Help people and teams do their best work with the apps and experiences they rely on every day to connect, collaborate, and get work done from anywhere. However, authentication can be broken if it is not implemented correctly. Rule: Protection against XML entity expansion. Logic flaws or poor coding in the implementation allow the authentication mechanisms to be bypassed entirely by an attacker. Everyone tries to do it differently. Base-64 encoding obscures the username and password, making it less likely that friendly parties will glean . Therefore, robust authentication mechanisms are an integral aspect of effective web security. SOAP encoding styles are meant to move data between software objects into XML format and back again. Rule: All the rules of output encoding applies as per Cross Site Scripting Prevention Cheat Sheet. We will look more closely at some of the most common vulnerabilities in the following areas: Note that several of the labs require you to enumerate usernames and brute-force passwords. The Open Web Application Security Project is known by the acronym OWASP. This post will focus on API testing but the scripting knowledge will be similar to web applications. Although the name only refers to security for web apps, OWASP's focus is not just on web applications. Hence we need to go through this painful process of writing custom authentication and httpsender scripts. If you're already familiar with the basic concepts behind authentication vulnerabilities and just want to practice exploiting them on some realistic, deliberately vulnerable targets, you can access all of the labs in this topic from the link below. The messages contain links to useful Microsoft Docs, such as Deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online, which explain how to identify and remediate Basic Authentication usage. You can search and find all vulnerabilities, CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N, Bash Command Injection Vulnerability (Shellshock Bug), Remote Code Execution and DoS in HTTP.sys (IIS), Using Content Security Policy to Secure Web Applications. The HTTP Basic Authentication scheme is not considered to be a secure method of user authentication (unless . This is recommended even if the messages themselves are encrypted because TLS provides numerous benefits beyond traffic confidentiality including integrity protection, replay defenses, and server authentication. The service consumer should verify the server certificate is issued by a trusted provider, is not expired, is not revoked, matches the domain name of the service, and that the server has proven that it has the private key associated with the public key certificate (by properly signing something or successfully decrypting something encrypted with the associated public key). ZAP script will extract the token and subsequent request to the endpoint will include this token as part of the request header. Following an authentication challenge, the web service should check the privileges of the requesting entity whether they have access to the requested resource. Get started with Burp Suite Enterprise Edition. Home / Vulnerabilities / High / Basic Authorization over HTTP. Web services like web applications could be a target for DOS attacks by automatically sending the web services thousands of large size SOAP messages. For our case, we just need the authentication url. Rule: All communication with and between web services containing sensitive features, an authenticated session, or transfer of sensitive data must be encrypted using well-configured TLS. One of the best functionality in ZAP is its scripting capabilities. More information in our Privacy Policy. This protection should be provided by your XML parser/schema validator. ZAP custom script for authentication and proxy. Every vulnerability article has a defined structure. Move all of your directories which require authentication to be served only over HTTPS, and disable any access to these pages over HTTP. return jarray.array([Username, Password], java.lang.String); username = quote(credentials.getParam(Username)).encode(utf-8); password = quote(credentials.getParam(Password)).encode(utf-8); Finally after you finish writing the authentication script it should look like below. HTTP is a stateless protocol (RFC2616 section 5), where each request and response pair is independent of other web interactions. If they are able to compromise a high-privileged account, such as a system administrator, they could take full control over the entire application and potentially gain access to internal infrastructure. Even commercial vulnerability scanners struggle with this problem. INSIGHTIDR. Your tenant admin should check the Microsoft 365 Message Center often, as usage data is sent regularly to all tenants still using Basic Authentication. Rule: Messages containing sensitive data that must remain encrypted at rest after receipt must be encrypted with strong data encryption, not just transport encryption. Get help and advice from our experts on all things Burp. This will increase the performance of the scan significantly and help with false positives. Impact If an attacker can intercept traffic on the network, he/she might be able to steal the user's credentials. User authentication verifies the identity of the user or the system trying to connect to the service. This gets pretty important when web service clients use the output to render HTML pages either directly or indirectly using AJAX objects. Actions To Take Unfortunately, the Official ZAP Jenkins plugin was giving me issues with the httpsender script. First, you have to make a usual Basic-Authorization request, and in response you will receive the token. For example: you can pass authentication url, target urls, username or password field, etc from the context menu. This credentials can be obtained from the authentication scripts as shown below. Session management is the bedrock of authentication and access controls, and is present in all stateful applications. Moving your Exchange Online organization from Basic Authentication to the more secure OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication (or Modern Authentication) enables stronger protection and the ability to use features like multifactor authentication (MFA). Level up your hacking and earn more bug bounties. Rapid7's VulnDB is curated repository of vetted computer software exploits and exploitable vulnerabilities. Read the latest updates from the Exchange Online team. (It's free!). It is a key part of security for any website or application. I included the context file (Hackazon_API_Context.context) file for this demo in the github repo above. This post is for intermediate users who already know how ZAP works and novice programming skill is required. Our own research found that more than 99 percent of password spray attacks leverage the presence of Basic Authentication. Download the latest version of Burp Suite. The httpsender script on the jenkins setup doesn't seem to change request headers as it does on the UI or python script. Conceptually at least, authentication vulnerabilities are some of the simplest issues to understand. The problem gets worse if you want to integrate with your CICD pipeline. To help you with this process, we've provided a shortlist of candidate usernames and passwords that you should use to solve the labs. Vulnerability Management. Vulnerabilities in multi-factor authentication, Vulnerabilities in other authentication mechanisms, How to secure your authentication mechanisms. A user authenticating with basic authentication must provide a valid username and password. Once an attacker has either bypassed authentication or has brute-forced their way into another user's account, they have access to all the data and functionality that the compromised account has. User authentication verifies the identity of the user or the system trying to connect to the service. Often, certain high-severity attacks will not be possible from publicly accessible pages, but they may be possible from an internal page. Bonus materials (Security book, Docker book, and other bonus files) are included in the Premium package! After the basic authentication hackazon app will send an authorization token in the JSON response body. Rule: A web service should authorize its clients whether they have access to the method in question. To explain Excessive Data Exposure, I would like to share with you a story about Ron. Rule: The XSD defined for a SOAP web service should, at a minimum, define the maximum length and character set of every parameter allowed to pass into and out of the web service. Throughput represents the number of web service requests served during a specific amount of time. So the web service must provide the following validation: Rule: Validation against recursive payloads. Rule: Web services must be compliant with Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile at minimum. 1Internet Crime Report 2021, Internet Crime Complaint Center, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Authentication is the process of verifying that an individual, entity or website is whom it claims to be. Once the scan is completed you will see the following results: You can also include this scan in your CI pipeline. Authentication script does the first part which obtains the token. We'll highlight both inherent vulnerabilities in different authentication mechanisms, as well as some typical vulnerabilities that are introduced by their improper implementation. ZAP provides authentication mechanism for basic use cases, for example: form based authentication, etc. In addition, the FBIs Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received 19,954 business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC) complaints with adjusted losses at nearly USD2.4 billion.1. Similarly user credentials, api keys,etc can be passed to the script from users menu on the context screen. Rule: Like any web application, web services need to validate input before consuming it. The reality is that updating your apps and configuration to use Modern Authentication makes your business more secure against many threats. You can write your own scripts in python, JavaScript, ZEST or Ruby. Once Carlos123 is authenticated, his permissions determine whether or not he is authorized, for example, to access personal information about other users or perform actions such as deleting another user's account. At least in part, websites are exposed to anyone who is connected to the internet by design. What's the issue - Authentication bypass exploit is mainly due to a weak authentication mechanism. Rule: Configuration should be optimized for maximum message throughput to avoid running into DoS-like situations. This signature can be validated by the recipient using the sender's digital certificate (public key). This should be done on every request, and a challenge-response Authorization mechanism added to sensitive resources like password changes, primary contact details such as email, physical address, payment or delivery instructions.

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