convergent thinking psychology

Although these correlations demonstrate that conspiracy mentality is related to other constructs in meaningful and predictable ways, none of the correlations was of a size that would raise doubts as to whether conspiracy mentality is viable as an independent construct. As Brotherton et al. As for RWA, the original conceptualization of RWA (Adorno et al., 1950) included a construct called projectivity which is closely related to our conceptualization of a conspiracy mentality. Parallels have been drawn between playfulness in kindergarten-aged children and divergent thinking. 2009;35(1):35-50. doi:10.1037/a0012497. Divergent Thinking uses creativity to look for different alternatives and solutions to a situation or problem. [1] Knowledge is another important aspect of creativity. Eugenics? Equ. [1] It is oriented toward deriving the single best, or most often correct answer to a question. This means that the process of this type of thinking is one of reflection of existing knowledge, action and precise result in a situation that requires a quick and logical process, using all available information. Skinner used the termoperantto refer to any "active behavior that operates upon the environment to generate consequences." Once again, we also conducted 33 stepwise regression analyses regressing specific conspiracy beliefs simultaneously on the CMQ and all other individual difference measures included in the study (apart from the Conspiracy Mentality Scale). Study 1b demonstrated satisfactory test-retest reliability of the CMQ over a 2-week interval. For example, African American and Latino communities in the US are particularly likely to endorse conspiracy theories claiming that HIV was spread to extinguish specific ethnic groups (Ross et al., 2006). PCLOSE indicated a close fitting model. Rilling M. How the challenge of explaining learning influenced the origins and development of John B. Watson's behaviorism. Operant conditioning. While classical conditioning could account for respondent behaviors, Skinner realized that it could not account for a great deal of learning. Disord. es geschehen viele sehr wichtige Dinge in der Welt, ber die die ffentlichkeit nie informiert wird. Imhoff, R., and Bruder, M. (in press). (2006). Methods 1, 130149. Issues, designs, and technical guidelines for adapting tests into multiple languages and cultures, in Adapting Educational and Psychological Tests for Cross-Cultural Assessment, eds R. K. Hambleton, P. F. Merenda, and C. D. Spielberger (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum), 338. In Studies 24 (total N = 476), we report (re-)analyses of three datasets demonstrating the validity of the CMQ in student and working population samples in the UK and Germany. Convergent Thinking is a type of thinking that all human beings possess but that some people develop in a different way than others. 41, 342344. Brotherton et al. Its line of thinking is vertical and specific where logic is right and results in an exact and unique answer. Participants indicated on 11-point scales how likely they thought each item to be true from 0 (0% certainly not) to 10 (100% certain). They were able to differentiate between five major components of generic conspiracy beliefs: governmental conspiracies, extraterrestrial conspiracies, informational control conspiracies, personal well-being conspiracies, and malevolent global conspiracies. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Bernstein H, Byerly HC, Hopf FA, Michod RE. Individual differences in conspiracy mentality have important consequences as they predict prejudice against powerful societal groups (Imhoff and Bruder, in press). 11171133. This type of thinking seeks only one correct answer to a question or problem or a specific situation. Be the first to rate this post. 44, 10291037. Study 1b tests the temporal stability of the CMQ across a 2-week interval. New York: Psychology Press. The effect of high-anxiety situations on conspiracy thinking. Sci. Study 1a established the factorial structure and internal consistency of a new 5-item psychometric instrument the CMQ designed to measure the general tendency to believe in conspiracy theories that characterizes a conspiracy mentality. In this context, we will propose the Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire (CMQ), a short (5-item) measure of generic conspiracy beliefs that we administered in a large (N = 7,766) international study spanning North American (US), Western European (UK and Ireland; Germany), and Middle Eastern (Turkey) cultures (see Study 1a). Media use, social structure, and belief in 9/11 conspiracy theories. Further indication of convergent validity came from substantial correlations with anthropomorphism and RWA. J. Pers. Modeling 9, 233255. This page was last edited on 11 October 2022, at 12:08. 2018;359(6379):1024-1029. doi:10.1126/science.aao6058, Killeen PR, Posadas-Sanchez D, Johansen EB, Thrailkill EA. First, any specification of content-related aspects such as the topic of the conspiracy (e.g., New and advanced technology which would harm current industry is being suppressed; Brotherton et al., in press) renders cross-cultural comparisons more difficult. These changes in the phenotypes will be an advantage to some organisms, which will then be passed onto their offspring. (2010). This thinking style was described and developed by psychologist Joy Paul Guilford, who studied human intelligence.According to Guilford, human Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. 12 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic. This is an example of a. 7, 3648. In particular, we examined the comparative fit index (CFI), the TuckerLewis-Index (TLI), and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). Unanswered questions: a preliminary investigation of personality and individual difference predictors of 9/11 conspiracist beliefs. Study 2 recruited a sample of students from a British university. Palaeontology is often grouped with earth science. For the initial evaluation of the CMQ, we purposely focused on those constructs that have been mentioned in the literature on conspiracy beliefs and ascertained that the CMQ relates to these constructs in predictable ways. Equ. You don't have to learn these behaviors. As far as sex differences are concerned, the only significant effect was observed for the US, t(1119) = 3.40, p = 0.001, d = 0.20, with women (M = 6.5; SD = 1.9) scoring slightly higher than men (M = 6.1; SD = 2.1). As a behaviorist, Skinner believed that it was not really necessary to look at internal thoughts and motivations in order to explain behavior. Convergent Thinking: in this article you will find a practical explanation of Convergent Thinking. Syndr. (in press) have developed a 15-item Generic Conspiracist Beliefs Scale on the basis of an exploratory factor analysis of 75 items. After the retirement of John B. Watson from the world of Academic psychology, psychologists and behaviorists were eager to propose new forms of learning other than the classical conditioning. The latter belief is concerned with the withholding of cures for cancer to further extract research funding. We argue that the situation is different for self-reported low levels of personal control that are predominantly internally attributed (as measured, e.g., by the item Its pointless to keep working on something thats too difficult for me of Paulhus, 1983, Spheres of Control scale). One may also want to explore whether people with strong imaginative abilities (i.e., high fantasy proneness or absorption) or those who are more susceptible to outside influence (e.g., those high in hypnotic suggestibility) are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories, or whether and in what way personality variables in general interact with conspiracy mentality over time. Apart from the significant 2 value, this model showed very good model fit which was highly similar to that of the unconstrained model. (2002). Reinforcementis any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it follows. 32, 100118. [7] Research on sleep deprivation and divergent thinking could be further explored on a biological or chemical level, to identify the reason why cognitive functioning, as it relates to divergent thinking, is impacted by lack of sleep and if there is a difference in its impact if subjects are deprived of REM versus non-REM sleep. Genetic drift: Genetic drift[13] is a variational process, it happens as a result of the sampling errors from one generation to another generation where a random event that happens by chance in nature changes or influences allele frequency within a population. All of these things play into the fascinating and sometimes icky history of Intelligence Testing. Geisinger, K. F. (1994). E. Villalba, in Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017 Conclusions. In free writing, a person will focus on one particular topic and write non-stop about it for a short period of time, in a stream of consciousness fashion. Individuals differ not only in the degree to which they believe in specific conspiracy theories, but also in their general susceptibility to explanations based on such theories, that is, their conspiracy mentality. However, effect sizes of mean differences between Germany, the US, and the UK were small, |ds| < 0.20. Kay, A. C., Whitson, J. [9] When two or more species evolve in company with each other, one species adapts to changes in other species. There were also significant medium-sized correlations with all SPQ subscales. Psychol. The most important among these theories was Operant Conditioning proposed by Burrhus Frederic Skinner, commonly known as B.F. Skinner. E. Villalba, in Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017 Conclusions. Join our learning platform and boost your skills with Toolshero. J. Consum. Thus, although the measurement properties of the individual items of the CMQ are stable across language versions, questions remain as to whether the latent construct of conspiracy mentality is as coherent in Turkey as in Western European and North American countries. [34] Current research seeks to determine this. Progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement. Convergent thinking is a more analytical process that concentrates on finding the best answer, as opposed to divergent thinking that encourages individuals to take creative risks that may or may not have the desired outcome. All three of these constructs have been theoretically and empirically linked to beliefs in conspiracy theories (Ramsay, 2006; Grzesiak-Feldman and Ejsmont, 2008; Holm, 2009; Darwin et al., 2011). The dimensionality of right-wing authoritarianism: lessons from the dilemma between theory and measurement. Dual-process theories provide an architecture for the interaction between intuitive (type 1) and deliberate (type 2) thinking. Measuring Model Fit. Items (e.g., Those at the top do whatever they want) were rated on 7-point scales ranging from do not agree to fully agree. Assess. Cogn. They then indicated their agreement (yes vs. no) with the items of two subscales of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences (O-LIFE; Mason et al., 1995). Journal. In a population, the genetic variations affect the physical characteristics i.e. 4:225. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00225. Again, the CFI, TLI, and RMSEA were within a value range that is generally accepted to indicate very good fit (see Table 2) and PCLOSE remained non-significant. Stay up to date with the latest practical scientific articles. It is our (the Twentieth) century which has established conspiracy as a system of thought and a method of action (Moscovici, 1987, p. 153). Further evidence for the convergent validity of the scale comes from meaningful predicted correlations with other generalized political attitudes (RWA, social dominance orientation), personality measures (schizotypy, paranoid ideation, agreeableness), and further individual differences measures (e.g., most domains of paranormal belief, anomia, anthropomorphism, perceptions of powerlessness and lack of socio-political control). We thank Arda Tuna and Baris Ekdi for their help in translating the questionnaire into Turkish. Sjrberg, L. (2002). An evolutionary approach a is key to much current research in organismal biology and ecology, such as in life history theory. Participants in this study first rated 32 social groups on their levels of perceived power, likeability, and realistic and symbolic threat. Most mutation are neutral, i.e. Each human being puts this type of thinking into action depending on the situation he or she lives in. We first conducted an exploratory factor analysis across all participants to examine the factorial structure of the CMQ. Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, we proceeded to test a one-factor model across the three different language versions. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Each scale point was additionally labeled with increasing probabilities in steps of 10 percentage points. Psychol. Join us. The construct was measured using a 7-item scale ( = 0.74). Individuals differ not only in the degree to which they believe in specific conspiracy theories, but also in their general susceptibility to explanations based on such theories, that is, their conspiracy mentality. ISSN 0031-0301. Previous research in different disciplines suggests that conspiracy beliefs may be particularly rife in the Near East (e.g., Zonis and Joseph, 1994; Pipes, 1998; Gray, 2010) and we thus hypothesized that our Turkish sample would show higher mean scores than the samples from Western Europe and the US. Polit. Swami, V. (2012). Psychol. Dif. Behav. The five items assessing participants conspiracy mentality consisted of general statements capturing a conspirational view of world events. Stockholm: Economic Research Institute, Center for Risk Research. Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a "correct" solution. It is essential to identify what is really useful to solve closed, logical and concrete problems. [17] It was not until the 1980s that many universities had departments of evolutionary biology. B. S. Haldane created a sound theoretical framework. Attesting to the convergent validity of the CMQ, it was very highly correlated with the Conspiracy Mentality Scale (r = 0.82, p < 0.001). Science. Who sees human? Raine, A., and Benishay, D. (1995). This thinking style was described and developed by psychologist Joy Paul Guilford, who studied human intelligence. Regarding differences in conspiracy mentality across the four countries, the ANOVA showed a significant main effect, F(3, 7669) = 120.32, p < 0.001, p2 = 0.045. Swami, V., Coles, R., Stieger, S., Pietschnig, J., Furnham, A., Rehim, S., et al. The remaining three specific conspiracy beliefs included two items concerning alleged cover-ups of alien contact. Some may occur (2011) examined the relations between conspiracy mentality as assessed by the CMQ and (a) peoples tendency to belief in paranormal events, (b) paranoid ideation, and (c) a schizotypal personality disposition. Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a "correct" solution. Our analyses concerning the measurement equivalence of the CMQ across its three language versions provided initial support for the idea that it is possible to assess conspiracy mentality across different cultures. The second model is computed by freely estimating parameters for the first group and then constraining factor loadings for the other groups to be equal to those of the first one. We refer to these latter five items as the CMQ (see Appendix for complete item wording). Psychol. 16, 237257. First, the study contained the same 38 items as Study 1a assessing (a) participants conspiracy mentality (CMQ; = 0.85) and (b) their beliefs in specific conspiracy theories using the same 11-point response scales. Divergent thinking typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, where many creative ideas are generated and evaluated. Inspection of the model modification indices showed that removing the constraint on the latent factor variance for the Turkish group to be equal to that of the two other groups would have resulted in a better fitting model. For example, biologists try to infer which genes have been under strong selection by detecting selective sweeps.[33]. J. Pers. Many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn. J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), occupational burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic work-related stress, with symptoms characterized by "feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from ones job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy". We thus follow recommendations in the relevant literature and also compare changes in other fit indices between the unconstrained and the constrained model as a second source of information to evaluate measurement equivalence. It is a source of ideas, suggests pathways to solutions, and provides criteria of effectiveness and novelty. Curr. In Study 1a, we explore the factorial structure, assess the internal consistency, and test the measurement equivalence of the CMQ across its three language versions (English, German, Turkish). On the basis of the pertinent literature we expect that conspiracy mentality will evince reliable correlations with many of these constructs. Psychol. And what is the G-Factor? Biology can be divided into various ways. His theory was heavily influenced by the work of psychologistEdward Thorndike, who had proposed what he called thelaw of effect. According to this principle, actions that are followed by desirable outcomes are more likely to be repeated while those followed by undesirable outcomes are less likely to be repeated. Ernst Mayr in systematics, George Gaylord Simpson in paleontology and G. Ledyard Stebbins in botany helped to form the modern synthesis. Here, the focus is on the unobserved (or latent) variables. The relevant subscale of the California F-Scale of authoritarianism (Adorno et al., 1950) included items such as Most people dont realize how much our lives are controlled by plots hatched in secret places.. As a next step, we tested whether the association between conspiracy mentality and specific conspiracy beliefs remained stable when controlling for paranormal belief (with its seven subscales), paranoid ideation, and schizotypy (three subscales). Divergent thinking led to a more positive mood, whereas convergent thinking had the opposite effect, leading to a more negative mood. But operant conditioning is not just something that takes place in experimental settings while training lab animals. Ross, M. W., Essien, E. J., and Torres, I. However, in our data there was no relationship between conspiracy mentality and lack of personal or interpersonal control despite recent evidence that inducing perceptions of low personal control also increases the attribution of ambiguous events to conspiracies (Whitson and Galinsky, 2008; Kay et al., 2009). Soc. This acts as a, A teen girl does not clean up her room as she was asked, so her parents take away her phone for the rest of the day. The focus here was on the invariant operation of the items and, in particular, on equivalent factor loadings across groups (Byrne, 2008, 2010). Knowledge, logic, probabilities and other decision-making strategies are taken into consideration as the solutions are evaluated individually in a search for a single best answer which when reached is unambiguous. ), was measured using the 15-item Individual Differences in Anthropomorphism Questionnaire (IDAQ; Waytz et al., 2010; = 0.89). Conspiracy Theories in the Arab World: Sources and Politics. Participants indicated the extent to which they agreed with each statement on a 5-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). The influence of two closely associated species is known as co-evolution. Linear and Non-Linear Thinking. Psychol. Study 4 also demonstrated the discriminant validity of the CMQ in that all correlations with other individual difference measures were not at a level that shed doubt on the conceptualization of conspiracy mentality as an independent construct. Activities which promote divergent thinking include creating lists of questions, setting aside time for thinking and meditation, brainstorming, subject mapping, bubble mapping, keeping a journal, playing tabletop role-playing games,[1] creating artwork, and free writing. This has led some researchers to propose that the endorsement of specific conspiracy theories depends to a large extent on individual differences in the general tendency to adopt such beliefs, that is, a general conspiracy mentality (Imhoff and Bruder, in press). Although we acknowledge that this potential problem must be carefully monitored when extending the use of the scale to further, possibly non-democratic, countries, the level of content provided still allowed for measurement equivalence across the language versions. Some journals cover sub-specialties within evolutionary biology, such as the journals Systematic Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution and its sister journal Genome Biology and Evolution, and Cladistics. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. They simply occur automatically and involuntarily. These traits, namely Openness and Extraversion, were found to facilitate divergent thinking production. New York, NY: Routledge. Indeed, such a model was highly similar to the measurement equivalence model with CFI = 0.001, TLI < 0.001, and RMSEA < 0.001. The same logic applies to the Spheres of Control subscale of interpersonal control that also targets internally attributed lack of control (e.g., Im not good at guiding the course of a conversation with several others). The field of evolutionary developmental biology ("evo-devo") investigates how developmental processes work, and compares them in different organisms to determine how they evolved. Soc. On the use of college students in social science research: insights from a second-order meta-analysis. Convergent thinking assigns a position to one solution over another. Operant conditioning can also be used to decrease a behavior via the removal of a desirable outcome or the application of a negative outcome. Ozernyuk, N.D. (2019) "Evolutionary Developmental Biology: the Interaction of Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Paleontology, and Genomics". Stempel, C., Hargrove, T., and Stempel, G. H. (2007). In both of these cases of reinforcement, the behaviorincreases. Dead and alive: beliefs in contradictory conspiracy theories. [4][5] In a 1990 study by Murray, Sujan, Hirt and Sujan,[6] this hypothesis was examined more closely and "found positive mood participants were able to see relations between concepts, as well as demonstrating advanced abilities "in distinguishing the differences between concepts". For example, cancer patients will need a stronger and stronger dosage of medication because of their low functioning immune system.[39]. However, these questions will have to be addressed in future research. Following divergent thinking, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a "correct" solution. However, on close inspection the results reveal high levels of consistency of findings across the different studies. Psychol. Without the proper medicine, a sickness can be the death of a patient. von Collani, G. (2002). Convergent thinking is a more analytical process that concentrates on finding the best answer, as opposed to divergent thinking that encourages individuals to take creative risks that may or may not have the desired outcome. Looking at different processes during development, and going through the evolutionary tree, one can determine at which point a specific structure came about. Psychol. Soc. Convergent thinking is a fundamental tool in a child's education.Today, most educational opportunities are tied to one's performance on standardized tests that are often multiple choice in nature. Thus, items function equally well in English-, German-, and Turkish-speaking contexts despite some questions as to whether the construct of conspiracy mentality is as well captured by a one-dimensional scale in a Turkish context than in the other two contexts. In particular, it was very highly correlated with the Conspiracy Mentality Scale, a measure that has been shown to meaningfully predict socio-political attitudes (Imhoff and Bruder, in press). 3, 767773. Anthropomorphism refers to the tendency to assume human-like tendencies in inanimate objects. Athalye VR, Santos FJ, Carmena JM, Costa RM. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. When an individual is using critical thinking to solve a problem they consciously use standards or probabilities to make judgments. Not completing the prescribed full course of antibiotic is also an example of resistance that will cause the bacteria against which the antibiotic is being taken to evolve and continue to spread in the body. We present the Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire (CMQ), an instrument designed to efficiently assess differences in the generic tendency to engage in conspiracist ideation within and across cultures. For example, it is unlikely that the BCTI item concerning the New World Order is equally familiar in all countries around the world. Example item: Even when Im feeling self-confident about most things, I still seem to lack the ability to control social situations (interpersonal control). [17] When a student contemplates the possible answers available, they use convergent thinking to weigh alternatives within a construct. es gibt geheime Organisationen, die groen Einfluss auf politische Entscheidungen haben. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Sleep Loss and "Divergent Thinking" Ability", Fuel Creativity in the Classroom With Divergent Thinking, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from March 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 May 2021, at 15:23. In a study documented by Lieberman,[2] the relationship between these two traits was examined, with playfulness being "conceptualized and operationally defined in terms of five traits: physical, social and cognitive spontaneity; manifest joy; and sense of humour". If their body has resistance to a certain number of drugs, then the right medicine will be harder and harder to find. Is done through the first part of the different studies V., Chamorro-Premuzic T.! Or metric invariance ) across the three language versions ( English, German, or Turkish ) to power conspiracy! 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