nursing ethical dilemma examples

Methods: How to Develop and Maintain Social Justice in Nursing Being well-versed in ethical principles helps you to avoid the stress that comes from being reactive to situations. 2022 Jul 29;19(15):9303. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19159303. Being open and honest with patients can be extremely difficult for nurses. Staffing patterns that negatively impact a work environment were cited by respondents as the most stressful ethical dilemma. It has been hard to let go of the guilt and remorse even though she knows she was in an impossible situation. Her co-workers, then her supervisor, were gesturing to her stridently through the glass to come out of the room. Differences were found in study location, and yet international research confirms that ethical dilemmas are universally prevalent and must be addressed globally to protect patients and nurses. Informed consent typically requires written documentation, with a signature from the patient. A nurse needs to know how to walk the line between explaining a patient the options that he or she might have versus offending the patients personal or religious beliefs. The findings are summarized in the following three themes: (1) balancing harm and care, (2) work overload affecting quality, and (3) navigating in disagreement. While various state-by-state legal structures are in place, these situations still pose a number of ethical dilemmas for nurses, especially since there is often a degree of uncertainty about whether abuse has occurred. Ethical dilemma: Should the nurse ignore the patient, and listen to well-meaning family members who plead to have all possible care given, including chemotherapy, tube feedings, a ventilator, and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)? Wolters Kluwer, A Look at Shared Decision-Making with Patients. Nurses must comply with these rules or face disciplinary action. Accessibility Knowledge of staff expertise, available support staff, and appropriate equipment, along with understanding the seriousness of the patients condition and other overlapping illnesses will guide the nurse in analyzing which patients could have the best chance for survival by receiving the highest level of care. Oncology Nursing Society, What You Need to Know About Obtaining Informed Consent and transmitted securely. Search minimum of a 8 scholarly nursing journals or national newspaper for peer review articles or scholarly nursing journal article about health care involving ethical dilemma in nursing. American Nurses Association, Nurses Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Care and Support at the End of Life 6 Examples of Ethical Dilemmas: How to Solve Them 1. The Open Nursing Journal, Shared Decision-Making for Nursing Practice: An Integrative Review An Ethical Nursing Practice is a decision-making challenge between two potential normative choices, neither of which is undoubtedly desirable to a nurse. Our final assignment is to write a bioethical paper about a specific case (fictional or true) of an ethical dilemma that a nurse may face. Forensic nursing is the nursing subspecialty that is currently growing most rapidly. Legal precedents have placed patient autonomy ahead of health care provider beneficence in many cases,arguably making patient autonomy the foremost principle affectingpatients rights. A nurse might have difficulty dealing with a minor patient that has a medical problem they do not want their parents to know about. 2022 Medical and Healthcare. What should the nurse do? American Nurses Association, Ethics and Human Rights These difficult choices, however, can be avoided with preparation and education. 2022 Jul;25(7):1088-1094. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0529. This can cover a broad range of situations, including: Nurses are responsible for providing optimal care to a patient, but in a climate where nursing shortages are common, inadequate staffing can make it difficult for RNs to care for patients in terms of patient safety, communication and relationship building. Ethical dilemmas and moral distress in oncology nursing practice. Some nurses have difficulty determining whether it is best for a patient to know the truth, or whether it is better to fib a little to keep the patient relaxed and happier. In this ethical dilemma example, a nurse might consider it important that a woman has a right to choose, and a patient comes in whose own life is in jeopardy due to a pregnancy, but the patient is vehemently against the abortion. Before The second and third provisions specifically address the nurses role in protectingpatients rightsand best interests. Informedconsent to treatmentis a process wherein a patient, or their surrogate, grants their health care provider permission to administer treatment or perform a procedure after being advised of its potential benefits andrisks, and informed of alternative treatments. As nurses we often deal with ethical dilemmas in our everyday clinical practice; and as professionals we have the responsibility to analyse and examine any ethical problems . Adhering to this principle will ensure a clear moral . Advanced care planningis a process in which patients, often in collaboration with medical professionals, make decisions about their future health care in the event they become incapacitated. Vaccinations often become a heated debate, especially when addressing childhood vaccinations. Keep in mind to maintain the privacy of all members involved in the dilemma. Ethical Dilemma Examples Nursing 1 Nursing ethical dilemmas are common, and they are likely to be encountered by every nurse. Ethical dilemma One of the most common ethical dilemmas that advanced practice nurses face is the lack of consent on the part of the patient. Patients or their loved ones must make life or death decisions 2. Results: These examples of ethical dilemmas and their solutions will serve as a good guide for how to navigate these situations when they appear. Many religious beliefs prevent people from having certain medical procedures done. National Institute on Aging, Advance Care Planning: Healthcare Directives Patients may also choose more informal methods of conveying their wishes, such as a videomessage to loved ones, though this does not take the place of an advance directive. Such situations call for the nurses to professionally engage with the childs parents, who make decisions on the childs behalf while balancing a heightened concern for the wellbeing of the child. #1 You know any nursing ethical dilemma is not easy to solve and can create much tension and stress. Ethical Attitudes of Intensive Care Nurses during Clinical Practice and Affecting Factors. Patients who dont have this kind of relationship with their provider may be more reluctant to communicate and less cooperative. The patient refuses treatment 3. To help guide you through questions of nurse ethics, the American Nurses Association has created a Code of Ethics for Nurses that all RNs should be familiar with. Ethical Dilemma: Perhaps one of the most common examples of ethical dilemmas in nursing occurs when nurses must determine if it is appropriate to discuss a patient's medical information with a parent or guardian. I know that OB is fraught with many ethical . Informed consent is not required in certain situations, including those where a patient is incapacitated or in a life-threatening emergency without time to properly obtain consent. The gaps in quantitative intervention work, US paucity of research, and lack of comparisons across practice settings/nursing roles must be addressed. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The solutions to most ethical dilemmas are not always happy solutions or easy solutions. Ethics respect moral values and actions. 235 Wellesley Street, Weston MA 02493 | 781.768.7000 | 2022, Health Policy and Management Concentration, Online Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis, Online Master of Science in Nursing Overview, Online Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP), Online Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP), Online Womens Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP), Online Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP), Online Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP), Online Professional Certificate in Nursing Leadership, Ethics in Nursing: What Every Nurse Should Know, How to Develop and Maintain Social Justice in Nursing, 5 Stress Management Techniques for Nurse Leaders, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice: Training for Health Care Professionals, American Nurses Association, Ethics and Human Rights, American Nurses Association, Nurses Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Care and Support at the End of Life, Gallup, Nurses Continue to Rate Highest in Honesty, Ethics, Healthline, What You Need to Know About Informed Consent, , HPNA Position Statement Advance Care Planning, Medical Records Information, Top 10 Most Prevalent Ethical Issues in Nursing, National Institute on Aging, Advance Care Planning: Healthcare Directives, Oncology Nursing Society, What You Need to Know About Obtaining Informed Consent, , Shared Decision-Making for Nursing Practice: An Integrative Review, Wolters Kluwer, A Look at Shared Decision-Making with Patients. Telenursing has various ethical dilemmas like in cases where a third party person (relative) calls the telenurse on behalf of the patient.. 1 Pages (250 words) Assignment sponsored ads Let us write or edit the case study on your topic "Nursing Ethical Dilemma" with a personal 20% discount. The following are five main reasons why nurses face ethical dilemmas in nursing. Informed consent is required for many medical procedures, including anesthesia, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, and most surgeries. However, because of the prolonged nature of that passing, she had been at the bedside far longer than allowed under the guidelines the hospital had adopted to protect nurses from extended exposure to the virus. These ethical principles form the framework nurses can use when facing ethical dilemmas. Nurses experiences of ethical dilemmas: A review. "The nurse must consider the patient's right to know. The .gov means its official. This is a triage challenge for nurses that requires experience in critical thinking and clinical judgment. Indian J Crit Care Med. Our experts can deliver a customized essay. Patient autonomy the right of patients to independently make decisions about their care based on their personal or cultural beliefs and values is a paramount principle of nursing. The Codes corresponding interpretive statements explain: Nurses address such conflicts in ways that ensure patient safety and thatpromote the patients best interests while preserving the professional integrity of the nurse and supporting interprofessional collaboration.. Dilemmas may occur while caring for patients with disabilities which may place them at risk for self-harm. Nurses can help patients navigate the various decisions they may have to make related to emergency or end-of-life treatments and facilitate conversations between patients and families about these decisions, helping patients compare different treatment options and how they may affect the patients individual disease process. An effective informed consent process can prevent lawsuits. In addition, I will be discussing the legal issue based on SNB Standards of Practices, "Standard 2: Responsibility and Accountability" The Ethical Issue Inadequate staffing Not that long ago, health care was characterized by a paternalistic mindset: medical professionals acted in what they thought was a patients best interests without considering the patients wishes. Nursing assignments may contradict cultural or religious beliefs 4. This outdated practice has now been replaced by a far more ethical approach. On the other hand, when patients are actively involved in decision-making and have a respectful, compassionate connection with their provider,they are more satisfied with their care and more likely to follow prescribed treatment plans. Ethical dilemmas in nursing are difficult and emotionally challenging situations that require immediate decision-making. 'Ethics Between the Lines' - Nurses' Experiences of Ethical Challenges in Long-Term Care. This includes a patients right to refuse medications, treatments, or procedures. Nursing peers demonstrate incompetence 5. Dilemma #4: Shared Patient Decision-Making Not that long ago, health care was characterized by a paternalistic mindset: medical professionals acted in what they thought was a patient's best interests without considering the patient's wishes. Nurs Ethics. Healthcare providers should explore patients values, beliefs, and goals and build a relationship based on trust and respect. Ethical issues occur when tough decisions need to be made. The tools we have are our ethical principles, ethical framework, and the ANA Code of Ethics for nurses. Ethics in Nursing: What Every Nurse Should Know A corrections nurse is responsible for attending to inmates at correctional facilities across the country. In addition, the nurse must come up with a way to deal with the patients family in this situation as well. However, the child's primary guardian would not consent to the treatment on account of her religious beliefs that forbids medical treatment. Nurses especially are expected to advocate on behalf of patients in these situations. They should understand a patients background and how factors like age and race may influence their decision-making. As patient advocates, nurses play a critical role in assisting patients and their families withadvanced care planning. In some cases, a patients right to autonomy may directly conflict with what nurses or other health care workers believe is best. Nurses need to be involved in politics to represent the interests of their fellow nurses and the health care needs of the general public. Families may be influenced by deep feelings, emotions, or other issues, but the patients wishes are of paramount importance. They may be better able to act as an advocate than other healthcare workers because of time spent with patients. Such values include autonomy, utilitarianism, confidentiality, and much more. Applying ethical principles like patients rights, autonomy, and informed consent to health care empowers patients by involving them in their own care, which ultimately improves the patient experience. "While College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia (2013) regulate Canadian nurses by providing appropriate practice standards to ensure competent and ethical nursing in British Columbia. Nursing Ethical Dilemma Paper 428 Words | 2 Pages. Epub 2017 May 3. Additionally, ensuring that patients fully understand all the facets of a proposed treatment can help avoid delayed or cancelled surgeries, which can jeopardize patient health and be costly for hospitals. Not only is it important for protecting your patient, but coping with dilemmas and feeling confident enough to speak up is critical for your own well-being. . In 2018, they topped the Gallup poll for the 17th consecutive year, followed by medical doctors, who took second place. Patients who have low literacy levels and do not know what documents they are signing in the hospital, Patients who have terminal illnesses expressed to end life and wishes to discontinue treatments, but do not have Advanced Directives, Sense of duty and compassion versus hospital safety protocols, 25+ Moral Dilemma Examples, Questions, and Scenarios, 16 Real-Life Examples of Ethical Dilemmas. A Retrospective Case-Control Study in a Czech Tertiary University Hospital. Healthline, What You Need to Know About Informed Consent If addressed incorrectly, these situations can present not only ethical or moral issues, but legal ones as well. All of this, in turn, must be balanced with the uncertainty and risk of being wrong if the nurse decides to report the suspicion. To explore the resolution of ethical dilemmas, this essay examines an ethical dilemma and explains how bioethical model of decision-making is applicable in its resolution. Clin J Oncol Nurs. Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice The concept of abortion, a see in the news for decades, can cause a lot of conflict. This is a tough position that pediatric nurses face each day, and it is important that they know the law as well as work with their supervisors closely in cases such as these. ALWAYS err on the side of vulnerable patients. An ethical dilemma happens when a nurse finds herself in a situation where she has too many patients and cannot provide adequate care for all of them on her own. 8600 Rockville Pike Examples Of Nursing Ethical Dilemmas 1. For instance, if a doctor informs the nurse that the patient has something extremely wrong with them, but the nurse knows the stress this news will cause and only make matters worse, she must decide how and when to deliver this information. Further exploration is warranted in the relationship between ethical dilemmas and moral distress, the significance patient physical appearance plays on nurse determination of futility, and strategies for pain management and honesty. As explained earlier in this chapter, nurses may be reprimanded or have their license revoked if they do not properly comply with the . The scenario was about a baby, named TJ, who had many birth defects; the baby was blind, deaf, mute, and not be able to walk in the future. Both the American Nurses Association and the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association have issued position statements emphasizing the importance of nurse involvement inadvanced care planningand end-of-life care, particularly for the purpose of educating patients and their families. In other words, both options will result in negative results based on society and/or personal guidelines. Dealing with the pro-life and pro-choice debate. If the patient is unable to speak for themselves and no Advanced Directives are in place, state laws allow for a delineation of authority for a patient that will include parents or guardians for a child, spouse/adult children/siblings/other family members to make these important decisions. What should the nurse do? This process isnt only for older patients. Nurses often are forced to walk a fine line between patient freedom and nurse control. Ethics has been a principle that has aided in distinguishing between good and evil. "Sometimes families request that patients not be told about their medical condition or diagnosis," Altman added. Helping save a life and making a positive difference in your patients quality of care are major advantages of being a nurse, but there are also some disadvantages. As a clinical ethicist, I have found that nurses often face unique ethical dilemmas because of their role as bedside caregivers and patient advocates. Discrimination. The site is secure. Whether a nurse works in a hospital, doctors office or medical clinic, she likely will find that she is faced with a tough decision at least once a day if not once an hour. Ethical dilemma. The Code is a living document, regularly updated to reflect modern-day advancements and challenges, and represents the social contract between nurses and the public. Examples include diverse topics such as staffing ratios, and end of life care. FOIA This outdated practice has now been replaced by a far more ethical approach. Background: Nurs Ethics. Haahr A, Norlyk A, Martinsen B, Dreyer P. Nurs Ethics. Nikunlaakso R, Selander K, Weiste E, Korkiakangas E, Paavolainen M, Koivisto T, Laitinen J. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Ethical dilemmas are especially difficult because there is usually not a clear cut right or wrong answer. Euthanasia is one such dilemma that requires an individual to make a decision on ethics and . Information should be given in a way that patients can understand, ask questions, and allow or refuse treatments, procedures, medications, surgeries, or any other type of care. By clicking "SUBMIT" I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of {{site_name}}, its parent, AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. These are among the most common ethical dilemmas that nurses face. 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